
Temporal range: Late Triassic
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Brachiopoda
Class: Strophomenata
Order: Productida (?)
Genus: Pycnoporidium

Pycnoporidium is a genus of strophomenid brachiopods synonymized with Gosaukammerella; it was originally thought to be a problematic calcareous alga.[1]


  1. Senowbari-Daryan, B.; Flügel, E. (1996). "A ‘Problematic fossil’ revealed:Pycnoporidium ? Eomesozoicum Flügel, 1972 (Late Triassic, Tethys)—not an enigmatic alga but a strophomenid brachiopod (Gosaukammerella n.g.)". Facies. 34: 83. doi:10.1007/BF02546158.
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