God's Debris

God's Debris

Cover of God's Debris.
Author Scott Adams
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
Publication date
ISBN 0-7407-4787-8
OCLC 56622703
LC Class MLCS 2006/02411 (B)
Followed by The Religion War

God's Debris: A Thought Experiment is a 2001 novella by Dilbert creator Scott Adams.

God's Debris espouses a philosophy based on the idea that the simplest explanation tends to be the best. It proposes a form of pandeism and monism, postulating that an omnipotent god annihilated himself in the Big Bang, because an omniscient entity would already know everything possible except his own lack of existence, and exists now as the smallest units of matter and the law of probability, or "God's debris".

The introduction disclaims any personal views held by the author, "The opinions and philosophies expressed by the characters are not my own, except by coincidence in a few spots not worth mentioning".[1]


The central character, according to the introduction, knows "everything. Literally everything." Adams, whose knowledge is as incomplete as the next person, got around this by using the aforementioned "simplest explanation" for each concept raised in the book because, while "in this complicated world the simplest explanation is usually dead wrong", a more simple explanation often sounds more right and more convincing than anything complex.

This character, the Avatar, defines God as primordial matter (like quarks and leptons) and the law of probability. He offers recommendations on everything from an alternative theory for planetary motion to successful recipes for relationships under his system. He proposes that God is currently reassembling himself through the continuing formation of a collective intelligence in the form of the human race, modern examples of which include the development of the internet; this is related to the idea of the Omega Point.

However, in the introduction, Adams describes God's Debris as a thought experiment, challenging readers to differentiate its scientifically accepted theories from "creative baloney designed to sound true," and to "Try to figure out what's wrong with the simplest explanation."[2]

Levels of consciousness

The chapter "Fifth Level" (p. 124) describes five levels of human awareness, or consciousness.

Philosophical roots

The book subscribes to the Lakoffian point of view, in that the mind is viewed as a "delusion generator" rather than a window to true understanding. As George Lakoff said: "Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature."

The particular philosophy espoused has been identified as a form of pandeism, the concept that a god created the universe by becoming the universe.[3]


Given Adams' fame as the author of the Dilbert comics, publishers were wary of publishing any book by Adams without Dilbert content. The book was therefore released initially as an e-book (with comparatively small "publishing" costs). Based on its rapid success, however, it was also quickly released in hard-cover format. The book can be found on-line (see external links below).

See also


  1. God's Debris, page X
  2. God's Debris, page XI
  3. Knujon Mapson, Pandeism: An Anthology (2017), p. 31-32.
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