
Gjendesheim Turisthytte has been a staffed lodge with Norwegian Mountain Touring Association (In Norwegian, Den Norske Turistforening – DNT) Oslo og Omegn as proprietor since 1878, and is located in the heart of the Norwegian mountains. The lodge can accommodate 170 guests in bedrooms with 1, 2 and 4 beds and four dormitories. The standard is simple; with bunks and joint shower/WC.

Gjendesheim is situated at the east end of Gjende lake, 1000 meters above sea level by the in Vågå municipality. It is located about 2 km from Maurvangen off Riksvei 51.

Gjendesheim is a popular starting point for hiking over Besseggen. Hikers either take one of the ferry boats to Memurubu and hike back to Gejendesheim over Besseggen or alternatively start the hike at Gjendesheim and take the ferry boat back.


Originally Gjendesheim was planned for construction near Leirungen which is located further up towards Valdresflya. When securing a lot proved impossible, Gjendesheim was constructed at its current location.

Hosts at Gjendesheim:

Coordinates: 61°29′43.29″N 8°48′34.05″E / 61.4953583°N 8.8094583°E / 61.4953583; 8.8094583

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