German order of battle for Operation Fall Weiss

Forces as of 31 August and German plan of attack.

This article details the order of battle of German army units invading Poland in 1939.

The German forces for the invasion of Poland with the codename Fall Weiss (English - Case White) were divided into Army Group North (consisting of the German 3rd and 4th armies) and Army Group South (consisting of the German 8th, 10th, and 14th armies, and the Slovak Army Group Bernolak).

Army Group North

Army Group North was commanded by Colonel General Fedor von Bock. Its initial objectives were to capture the "Polish corridor" (4th Army) and drive southwards towards Warsaw from East Prussia (3rd Army).

Army Group Reserve Troops

Directly subordinated to Army Group North were:

4th Army

4th Army was commanded by General of Artillery Günther von Kluge. It was based in Western Pomerania.

3rd Army

3rd Army was commanded by General of Artillery Georg von Küchler. It was based in East Prussia.

Army Group South

Army Group South was commanded by Colonel General Gerd von Rundstedt. Its initial objective was to drive from Silesia towards Warsaw (8th Army and 10th Army), and to destroy the Polish forces around Kraków (14th Army).

Army Group Reserve Troops

8th Army

8th Army was commanded by Colonel General Johannes Blaskowitz. It was based in northern Silesia.

10th Army

10th Army was commanded by General of Artillery Walter von Reichenau. It was based in southern Silesia.

14th Army

14th Army was commanded by Colonel General Wilhelm List. It was based in Moravia and Slovakia.

Slovak Army Bernolak

See Slovak army units invading Poland in 1939

Supporting forces

See also

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