Georgian (Unicode block)

Range U+10A0..U+10FF
(96 code points)
Plane BMP
Scripts Georgian (87 char.)
Common (1 char.)
Major alphabets Mkhedruli
Assigned 88 code points
Unused 8 reserved code points
Unicode version history
1.0.0 78 (+78)
3.2 80 (+2)
4.1 83 (+3)
6.1 88 (+5)
Note: [1][2]

Georgian is a Unicode block containing the Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli Georgian characters used to write Modern Georgian, Svan, and Mingrelian languages. Another lower case, Nuskhuri, is encoded in a separate Georgian Supplement block, which is used with the Asomtavruli to write the ecclesiastical Khutsuri Georgian script.


Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Georgian block:

Version Final code points[lower-alpha 1] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
1.0.0 U+10A0..10C5, 10D0..10F6, 10FB 78 (to be determined)
L2/01-040 Becker, Joe (2001-01-26), Unicode 3.1 Text: Encoding Model for Georgian Script 
3.2 U+10F7..10F8 2 L2/00-404 Tarkhan-Mouravi, David (2000-10-30), Proposal for Asomtavruli, Nuskhuri, and Mkhedruli Georgian 
L2/01-006 Moore, Lisa (2000-12-22), Reply to Georgian State Department of Information Technology 
L2/01-046 Tarkhan-Mouravi, David (2001-01-22), Letter from the Georgian State department for Information Technology 
L2/01-047 Megrelian and Svan Examples, 2001-01-22 
L2/01-048 Proposal summary form for addition of 3 letters to the Georgian Mkhedruli block, 2001-01-22 
L2/01-059 Everson, Michael (2001-01-24), Summary and proposed actions regarding the Georgian documents 
L2/01-145 N2346R Moore, Lisa (2001-04-03), Proposal to encode 2 Georgian characters in the UCS 
L2/01-166 Moore, Lisa (2001-04-16), Reply to Georgian State Department of Information Technology 
4.1 U+10F9..10FA, 10FC 3 L2/99-082 N1962 Everson, Michael (1999-02-26), Optimizing Georgian representation in the BMP of the UCS 
L2/03-230R2 N2608R2 Everson, Michael (2003-09-04), Proposal to add Georgian and other characters to the BMP of the UCS 
6.1 U+10C7, 10CD, 10FD..10FF 5 L2/10-072 N3775 Everson, Michael (2010-03-09), Proposal for encoding Georgian and Nuskhuri letters for Ossetian and Abkhaz 
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
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