Gallifrey: Series 4

Gallifrey: Series 4 is a set of Big Finish Productions audio dramas based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The series is set on the Doctor's home planet of Gallifrey. The four dramas were released in a box set in 2011, and were directed by Gary Russell and produced by Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs.


Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Gallifrey
Release no. 4.1
Written by Gary Hopkins
Length 79 minutes


Gallifrey will fall. Either by the Dogma Virus or by the cure for the Dogma Virus, or from the economic and social devastation of the recent civil war or from the stockpile of unstable temporal weapons headed toward it or even from a greater threat in the near future.

Romana, Leela, K9 Mark II, Braxiatel and Narvin are safely tucked away outside of time, inside the remains of Braxiatel's famous art museum. But they have no TARDIS or ship or any other means of escape. Brax reveals that their actual location is the Axis, the centre of a spinning wheel of truncated timelines, universes that went so horribly wrong, the Time Lords separated them from established continuity. Braxiatel and his four refugees explore some of these alternate universes, hoping to find solutions to their many problems. He has found a portal that leads directly to different versions of Gallifrey. If they can't find the answers they're looking for, they can, at the very least, find a new home.

Their first world is Gallifrey Incorporated. Here, the Time Lords are greedy and conniving, selling their time technology and weapons to any civilization that can afford it. Even individual Time Lords have taken to selling their future regenerations to each other. Narvin is captured by suspicious government officials and has most or all of his regenerations siphoned out of him. Meanwhile, Romana meets a far less adventurous, alternate version of herself. This Romana never travelled with the Doctor, never regenerated and never got into politics. Instead she got married and raised an adventurous son.



Alternate Gallifrey


Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Gallifrey
Release no. 4.2
Written by Justin Richards
Length 79 minutes


Still in search of answers to their problems, Romana, Leela, K9 and Narvin visit another alternate Gallifrey, while Braxiatel remains in the Axis, monitoring the drifting portal. This world is ruled by Time Lords who are wrathful and ruthless, erasing people and even whole worlds at whim. When their President Romana learns she has a double in her midst, she demands her execution. Even Leela is subjected to the cruel tactics of Interrogator General Leela. Just being in this universe instigates several problematic paradoxes. Their hopes are raised when they discover the Doctor. This version of the Doctor (resembling his sixth incarnation) also escaped in a TARDIS, but when the Time Lords captured him, he stayed on Gallifrey. He has since been 'rehabilitated' into a Time Lord more fitting for their society and has been made Lord Burner. He returns with Romana to the Axis and gets into an altercation with Braxiatel. Both of them are flung into the vortex between realities.



Alternate Gallifrey



Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Gallifrey
Release no. 4.3
Written by Scott Handcock
Gary Russell
Length 79 minutes


Braxiatel is gone. K9 stays at centre of the Axis to take over monitoring the portal. Romana, Leela and Narvin continue their exploration of alternate Gallifreys. But this version of their world exists far in their relative past and is unrecognizable. No Citadel or buildings on the land, no planets or stars in the sky. On this world, Rassilon lost his epic battle with the Great Vampire. He became a Vampire himself, before he had a chance to lead his people into conquering the Web of Time. So instead of Time Lords, Gallifrey is inhabited by the True Lords, who have spent centuries at war with the Gallifreans who have become Vampires. Both sides can regenerate, but neither can travel through time. Lord Prydon's Vampires are on the brink of defeating Magistrix Borusa's True Lords and laying sole claim to their coveted Gallifrey.

Romana is mistakenly captured by the vampires. Leela wants to rescue her, but her time away from the real Gallifrey has significantly aged her, as well as still being blind. Some of Borusa's forces volunteer to become mindless, instinctual hunters by drinking measured amounts of Vampire blood. Leela chooses to undergo this process so she can get Romana back. As her biology is different, it affects her body differently. She retains her mind, but reinvigorates all her senses and strength. She even regains her eyesight.



Alternate Gallifrey


Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Gallifrey
Release no. 4.4
Written by David Wise
Length 79 minutes

Gallifrey: Forever is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The series is set on the Doctor's home planet of Gallifrey.


Having searched through numerous alternative Gallifreys, Romana, Leela and Narvin are still no closer to saving their own. They now find themselves in a world that looks like theirs, but without the ability to time travel. The Regenerators, as they call themselves, have spent centuries failing to achieve even the fundamentals of travelling through time. But they're also vainglorious slave masters and their political system is rife with assassinations. Their President Romana is murdered shortly after the real Romana arrives. Seizing the opportunity, Romana takes her place. Her hope is that she can turn these people into Time Lords and then take advantage of the resulting technology to return to her primary timeline.

Under the Panopticon, The Regenerators have discovered Rassilon's long lost Eye of Harmony. But they don't know how to utilize it. They don't even realize that the Eye is housed within an ancient TARDIS, the only one in this entire universe. Romana soon discovers that there was a reason Rassilon never allowed this world to master time. Something is imprisoned in that TARDIS. She has it destroyed, along with the Eye and everything else within. She is also forced to order K9 to permanently shut down the portal that brought them here. Now, K9 remains trapped at the centre of the Axis and Romana, Leela and Narvin remain trapped on this alternate Gallifrey. The new President Romana puts Narvin in charge of the Chancellery Guard to protect her from further assassination attempts. Leela has successfully led a slave revolt, but the closure of the portal home and the loss of K9 leaves her devastated.



Alternate Gallifrey


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