Gallia Celtica

Map with the approximate location of the Celtica region of Gaul before the Roman conquest.

Gallia Celtica, meaning "Celtic Gaul" in Latin, was a cultural region of Gaul inhabited by Celts, located in what is now Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and the west bank of the Rhine in Germany.

According to the Roman ethnography and Julius Caesar in his narrative Commentaries on the Gallic War, Gaul was divided into three main regions: Belgica, Aquitania and Celtica. The inhabitants of Belgica were called Belgae, those of Aquitania were called Aquitani. The inhabitants of the Celtica region called themselves Celts[1] in their own language, and were later called Galli by Julius Caesar:

A similar definition is given by Pliny the Elder:[2]


  1. Caesar, Julius. "Commentarii de bello Gallico". Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur.
  2. Pliny the Elder. "Naturalis Historia (4.17 / 4.31)". Gallia omnis Comata uno nomine appellata in tria populorum genera dividitur, amnibus maxime distincta. a Scalde ad Sequanam Belgica, ab eo ad Garunnam Celtica eademque Lugdunensis, inde ad Pyrenaei montis excursum Aquitanica, Aremorica antea dicta. Universam oram.
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