Galactic Commons
The Galactic Commons (GC) is a fictional universe created by Becky Chambers for her novels The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, and A Closed and Common Orbit.
Various species, or races, inhabit GC space.
- Aandrisk –
- Aeluon –
- Grum –
- Harmagian –
- Human –
- Laru –
- Sianat –
General Terms
A partial list of literary inventions of life in GC space.
- A.I. - Artificial Intelligence systems perform a wide range of jobs including routine mechanical system monitoring and operation, customer service jobs such as receptionist, and even spaceship operation. High level A.I. systems have advanced to the point of sentience and have been recognized as legal persons under law once installed.
- Ansible -
- Artigrav Net -
- Body Kit - An artificial body build to house an A.I. Transferring or installing an A.I. into a body kit is a felony punishable by fine and imprisonment.
- Dentbots - Tiny nanobots in a gel similar to toothpaste which monitor the condition of, and address any problems found, with one's teeth.
- Exodan - Someone born to the exodus fleet.
- Exodus Fleet - After centuries of mixing, the bronzed, amber colored people born to the Exodus claim no nation, being a blend of all of humanity’s disparate parts.
- GC Transportation Board - An administrative body regulating all aspects of travel throughout GC space. The board’s incessant demands for timely and thorough reporting prompted Ashby to hire Rosemary Harper as a clerk to do the paperwork he couldn’t.
- Grounder - People who live on planets like Earth or Mars, or moons like Enceladus.
- Hanto - Spoken and gestural language of the Harmagian.
- Mek - A stimulating pick-me-up drink taken suspiciously like coffee.
- Scrib - A data analysis, display, and communication device like a souped-up tablet computer.
- Smash - A smokeable substance popular for its euphoric effects.
- Spacer - People who had grow up on a homestead ship and live their lives in space.
- Sublayer -
- The Whisperer -
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