Licinius Macer Calvus

Gaius Licinius Macer Calvus (28 May 82 BC – c. 47 BC) was an orator and poet of ancient Rome.

Son of Licinius Macer and thus a member of the gens Licinia, he was a friend of the poet Catullus, whose style and subject matter he shared. Calvus' oratical style opposed the "Asian" school in favor of a simpler Attic model: he characterized Cicero as wordy and artificial. Twenty-one speeches are mentioned, including several against Publius Vatinius.

Calvus was apparently short, since Catullus alludes to him as salaputium disertum.[1]

F. Plessis published fragments of Calvus in 1896.

See also



  1. Catullus 53.5 (eloquent wit-refiner)
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