Global Trade Item Number

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is an identifier for trade items, developed by GS1.[1] Such identifiers are used to look up product information in a database (often by entering the number through a barcode scanner pointed at an actual product) which may belong to a retailer, manufacturer, collector, researcher, or other entity. The uniqueness and universality of the identifier is useful in establishing which product in one database corresponds to which product in another database, especially across organizational boundaries.

The GTIN standard has incorporated the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), International Standard Music Number (ISMN), International Article Number (which includes the European Article Number and Japanese Article Number) and some Universal Product Codes, into a universal number space.

GTINs may be 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits long, and each of these four numbering structures are constructed in a similar fashion, combining Company Prefix, Item Reference and a calculated Check Digit (GTIN-14 adds another component- the Indicator Digit, which can be 1-8). GTIN-8s will be encoded in an EAN-8 barcode. GTIN-12s may be shown in UPC-A, ITF-14, or GS1-128 barcodes. GTIN-13s may be encoded in EAN-13, ITF-14 or GS1-128 barcodes, and GTIN-14s may be encoded in ITF-14 or GS1-128 barcodes. The choice of barcode will depend on the application; for example, items to be sold at a retail establishment could be marked with EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A or UPC-E barcodes.

The EAN-8 code is an eight-digit barcode used usually for very small articles, such as chewing gum, where fitting a larger code onto the item would be difficult. Note: the equivalent UPC small format barcode, UPC-E, encodes a GTIN-12 with a special Company Prefix that allows for "zero suppression" of four zeros in the GTIN-12. The GS1 encoding/decoding rules state that the entire GTIN-12 is used for encoding and that the entire GTIN-12 is to be delivered when scanned.

Format and encodings

Name[1] Former names Barcode symbologies[2]
GTIN-14 (used for wholesale shipments, not retail point of sale) EAN/UCC-14, SCC-14, DUN-14,[3] UPC Case Code, UPC Shipping Container Code GS1-128, GS1 Databar, ITF-14
GTIN-13 EAN, EAN·UCC-13, JAN (subset) EAN-13
GTIN-12 EAN·UCC-12, UCC-12 UPC-A, UPC-E (condensed to 6 digits)

Note that GTIN-12 and GTIN-13 numbers can be encoded as GTIN-13 or GTIN-14 by adding initial padding zeroes. For GTIN-14, this indicates a "packaging level" of a single item.

Number system GTIN format
Position of digits T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14
GTIN-14 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14
GTIN-13 0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13
GTIN-12 0 0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12
GTIN-8 0 0 0 0 0 0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8

The numbering structure is as follows:

All books and serial publications sold internationally (including those in U.S. stores) have GTIN (GTIN-13) codes. The book codes are either constructed by prefixing the old 10-digit ISBN with 978, and recalculating the trailing check digit, or from 1 January 2007 issued as thirteen digits starting with 978 (eventually 979 as the 978 ranges are used up).

Each type of trade item is given its own GTIN, with the understanding that there is a potential need to retrieve pre-defined information from such items; this product or service may be priced, ordered, or invoiced at any point in the supply chain. This includes individual items as well as all of their different packaging configurations.

By January 1, 2005 the U.S. ISBN agency requires publishers be able to communicate ISBNs as GTIN-13s. The new 979 prefix for publications will be available on January 1, 2007 or upon eventual assignment of the last 978 prefix.


Each country has one or several blocks of GS1 Company Prefixes to assign.

Some special ranges exist. The usage for some is GS1 Member Organisation (GS1 MO) specific. The GS1 Company Prefixes that begin with the 3 digits listed below are used to construct what are considered RCN's (Restricted Circulation/Distribution Numbers) or are specific to a particular industry, such as the publishing industry:

Comparison of UPC, EAN and GTIN

The Universal Product Code (UPC) has been a dominant barcode standard in North America since it was established in the 1970s. It encodes a 12 digit number (GTIN-12), unique to a product, which allows it to be scanned and read in virtually any major retail establishment. A 6 digit "zero-suppressed" version (UPC-E) is available for items which are too small to allow the larger UPC-A version to be printed.

The EAN-13 and EAN-8 are other point of sale barcodes that are widely used outside of North America. A UPC formed in the United States can be transformed into an EAN by prefixing it with a zero.

See also


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