
Chapel of St Michael & St George, St Paul's Cathedral, London.
A schematic rendering of typical "side chapels" in the apse of a cathedral, surrounding the ambulatory.

The term chapel usually refers to a place of prayer and worship that is attached to a larger, often nonreligious institution or that is considered an extension of a primary religious institution. It may be part of a larger structure or complex, such as a college, hospital, palace, prison, funeral home, church, synagogue or mosque,[1] located on board a military or commercial ship, or it may be an entirely free-standing building, sometimes with its own grounds.[2] Chapel has also referred to independent or nonconformist places of worship in Great Britain—outside of the established church.[3][4]

Until the Protestant Reformation, a chapel denoted a place of worship that was either at a secondary location that was not the main responsibility of the local parish priest, or that belonged to a person or institution. The earliest Christian places of worship are now often referred to as chapels, as they were not dedicated buildings but rather a dedicated chamber within a building. Most larger churches had one or more secondary altars, which if they occupied a distinct space, would often be called a chapel. In Russian Orthodox tradition, the chapels were built underneath city gates, where most people could visit them. The most famous example is the Iberian Chapel.

Although chapels frequently refer to Christian places of worship, they are also commonly found in Jewish synagogues and do not necessarily connote a specific denomination. In England—where the Church of England is established by law—non-denominational or inter-faith chapels in such institutions may nonetheless be consecrated by the local Anglican bishop. Non-denominational chapels are commonly encountered as part of a non-religious institution such as a hospital, airport, university or prison.[5] Many military installations have chapels for the use of military personnel, normally under the leadership of a military chaplain.[6]


The earliest Christian places of worship were not dedicated buildings but rather a dedicated chamber within a building, such as a room in an individual's home. Here one or two people could pray without being part of a communion/congregation. People who like to use chapels may find it peaceful and relaxing to be away from the stress of life, without other people moving around them.

Cappella Palatina in Palermo (illustrated) and Palatine Chapel in Aachen are two most famous palatine chapels of Europe.

The word, chapel, like the associated word, chaplain, is ultimately derived from Latin.[7] More specifically, the word "chapel" is derived from a relic of Saint Martin of Tours: traditional stories about Martin relate that while he was still a soldier, he cut his military cloak in half to give part to a beggar in need. The other half he wore over his shoulders as a "small cape" (Latin: capella). The beggar, the stories claim, was Christ in disguise, and Martin experienced a conversion of heart, becoming first a monk, then abbot, then bishop. This cape came into the possession of the Frankish kings, and they kept the relic with them as they did battle. The tent which kept the cape was called the capella and the priests who said daily Mass in the tent were known as the capellani. From these words, via Old French, we get the names "chapel" and "chaplain".

The word also appears in the Irish language in the Middle Ages, as Welsh people came with the Norman and Old English invaders to the island of Ireland. While the traditional Irish word for church was eaglais (derived from ecclesia), a new word, séipéal (from cappella), came into usage.

A nonconformist chapel in Pwllheli, Wales. Unlike historic chapels, this is not attached to a larger place of worship.

In British history, "chapel" or "meeting house", was formerly the standard designation for church buildings belonging to independent or Nonconformist religious societies and their members. It was a word particularly associated with the pre-eminence of independent religious practice in rural regions of England and Wales, the northern industrial towns of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and centres of population close to but outside of the City of London. As a result, "chapel" is sometimes used as an adjective in the UK to describe the members of such churches ("I'm Chapel.").

Proprietary chapels

A proprietary chapel is one that originally belonged to a private person. In the 19th century they were common, often being built to cope with urbanisation. Frequently they were set up by evangelical philanthropists with a vision of spreading Christianity in cities whose needs could no longer be met by the parishes. Some functioned more privately, with a wealthy person building a chapel so they could invite their favorite preachers.[8] They are anomalies in the English ecclesiastical law, having no parish area, but being able to have an Anglican clergyman licensed there. Historically many Anglican Churches were Proprietary Chapels. Over the years they have often been converted into normal Parishes.

Modern usage

Celebration Chapel of Kingston, New York's historic Rondout district is a Wedding chapel for gay/lesbian and straight weddings and non-religious weddings.

While the usage of the word "chapel" is not exclusively limited to Christian terminology, it is most often found in that context. Nonetheless, the word's meaning can vary by denomination, and non-denominational chapels (sometimes called "meditation rooms") can be found in many hospitals, airports, and even the United Nations headquarters. Chapels can also be found for the worship of Judaism.

The word chapel is in particularly common usage in the United Kingdom, and even more so in Wales, for Nonconformist places of worship; and in Scotland and Ireland for Roman Catholic churches. In the UK, due to the rise in Nonconformist chapels throughout the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, by the time of the 1851 census, more people attended the independent chapels than attended the state's Anglican churches.

In Roman Catholic Church canon law, a chapel, technically called an "oratory" is a building or part thereof dedicated to the celebration of services, particularly the Mass, which is not a parish church. This may be a private chapel, for the use of one person or a select group (a bishop's private chapel, or the chapel of a convent, for instance); a semi-public oratory, which is partially available to the general public (a seminary chapel that welcomes visitors to services, for instance); or a public oratory (for instance, a hospital or university chapel).

Chapels that are built as part of a larger church are holy areas set aside for some specific use or purpose: for instance, many cathedrals and large churches have a "Lady Chapel" in the apse, dedicated to the Virgin Mary; parish churches may have such a "Lady Chapel" in a side aisle or a "Chapel of Reservation" or "Blessed Sacrament Chapel" where the consecrated bread of the Eucharist is kept in reserve between services, for the purpose of taking Holy Communion to the sick and housebound and, in some Christian traditions, for devotional purposes.

Common uses of the word chapel today include:

Notable chapels

Chapel Year Location
Bethesda Methodist Chapel, Hanley 1887 Hanley, Staffordshire, England
Biddlestone Chapel 1856 Biddlestone, Northumberland, England
Boardwalk Chapel 1945 The Wildwoods, New Jersey, United States
Brancacci Chapel 1386 Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence, Italy
Contarelli Chapel 1585 San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome, Italy
Duke Chapel 1932 Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States
Eton College Chapel 1440–c.1460 Eton College, Eton, Berkshire, England
Chapelle expiatoire 1824 Paris, France
Gallus Chapel 1330–1340 Greifensee ZH, Switzerland
Heinz Memorial Chapel 1938 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Henry VII Chapel 1503 Westminster Abbey, London, England
Chapel of the Holy Shroud 1694 Turin, Italy
King's College Chapel, Cambridge 1446 Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Lee Chapel 1867 Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, USA
LLandaff Oratory 1925 Van Reenen, South Africa
Magi Chapel 1459–1461 Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence, Italy
Niccoline Chapel1447–1449 Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
Palatine Chapel 786 Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany
Palatine Chapel 1132 Palazzo dei Normanni in Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Pauline Chapel 1540 Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
Pettit Memorial Chapel 1907 Belvidere, Illinois, United States
Queen's Chapel 1623 St James's Palace, London, England
Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence 1951 Vence, France
Rosslyn Chapel 1440 Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland
Rothko Chapel 1964 Houston, Texas, United States
Chapelle Rouge 15th century BC Karnak, Egypt
Royal Chapel of Granada 1517 Granada, Spain
Royal Chapel, Madrid designed 1748 Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain
Royal Chapel, Sweden 1754 Stockholm Palace, Sweden
Chapelle royale de Dreux 1816 Dreux, Eure-et-Loir, France
St. Aloysius Chapel 1884 Mangalore, India
St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle 1348 Windsor Castle, England
Chapel of Saint Helena, Jerusalem 12th century Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
St. Ivan Rilski Chapel 2003 Livingston Island, Antarctica
St. Joan of Arc Chapel 15th century Relocated to Marquette University, Milwaukee, United States
St. Paul's Chapel 1766 New York City, United States
Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall 654 Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, England
St Salvator's Chapel 1450 St Andrews, Scotland
Sainte-Chapelle 1246 Île de la Cité, Paris, France
Sassetti Chapel 1470 Santa Trinita, Florence
Sistine Chapel 1473 Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
Slipper Chapel 1340 Norfolk, England
Chapel of the Snows 1989 McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica
Chapelle de la Trinité 1622 Lyon, France
Chapels of Versailles 17th-18th centuries Palace of Versailles, France

See also


  1. "Muslim prayers welcome at Pentagon chapel". Retrieved 3 March 2016.
  2. Catholic Encyclopedia
  3. Wakeling, Christopher (August 2016). "Nonconformist Places of Worship: Introductions to Heritage Assets" (PDF). Historic England. Retrieved 28 March 2017.
  4. Jones, Anthony (1996). Welsh Chapels. National Museum Wales. ISBN 9780750911627. Retrieved 28 March 2017.
  5. Hewson, Chris (January 1, 2010). "Multi-faith Spaces: Symptoms and Agents of Religious and Social Change". University of Manchester. Retrieved September 14, 2012.
  6. "Royal Army Chaplains' Department". The British Army. Retrieved 28 March 2017.
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