Frotho III

Frotho III was a legendary king of Denmark. He was mentioned by Saxo Grammaticus in Gesta Danorum and in the Skjöldunga saga.

He was the son and successor of Fridlevus I. Frode reigned together with twelve "Diaren". He fought against the Slavs (sclavi) on the Cimbria Peninsula and defeated them. Then he stopped at the hand of the "Huns" subsidiary Hanunda. When they refused, he tried a sorceress to change her mind. Hanunda became his wife and bore a son Fridlevus. Then she went back to her father. Frode married Alvhild, a subsidiary of the Norwegian King Gothar. The King of the Huns attacked Frode with an alliance of several princes. After three days you could go over the corpses through the water. Frode won after seven days, called for the lords return to their dominions again. (Holmgard = Novgorod, Koenugard = Kiev, Revallis = Reval / Tallinn, Lapland, Eistland = Baltics).

Was succeeded by his son Fridlevus.

See also


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