List of freedom indices

This article contains a list of freedom indices produced by several non-governmental organizations that publish and maintain assessments of the state of freedom in the world, according to their own various definitions of the term, and rank countries as being free, partly free, or unfree using various measures of freedom, including civil liberties, political rights and economic rights.

Prominent indices

Annual assessments

Here is a table of the assessments by three indices, for most countries of the world. For exact rankings rather than assessments, refer to the individual index articles.

Index Scale
Freedom in the World[6] free partly free not free
Index of Economic Freedom[7] free mostly free moderately free mostly unfree repressed
Press Freedom Index[10] good situation satisfactory situation noticeable problems difficult situation very serious situation

List by country

Country Freedom in the World 2017[6] 2016 Index of Economic Freedom[7] 2016 Press Freedom Index[10]
 Abkhazia partly free n/a n/a
 Afghanistan not free n/a difficult situation
 Albania partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Algeria not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Andorra free n/a satisfactory situation
 Angola not free repressed difficult situation
 Anguilla n/a n/a satisfactory situation
 Antigua and Barbuda free n/a satisfactory situation
 Argentina free repressed noticeable problems
 Armenia partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Australia free free satisfactory situation
 Austria free mostly free good situation
 Azerbaijan not free moderately free very serious situation
 Bahamas free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Bahrain not free mostly free difficult situation
 Bangladesh partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Barbados free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Belarus not free repressed difficult situation
 Belgium free moderately free good situation
 Belize free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Benin free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Bhutan partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Bolivia partly free repressed noticeable problems
 Bosnia and Herzegovina partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Botswana free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Brazil free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 British Virgin Islands n/a n/a satisfactory situation
 Brunei not free moderately free difficult situation
 Bulgaria free moderately free noticeable problems
 Burkina Faso partly free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Burma partly free repressed difficult situation
 Burundi not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Cambodia not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Cameroon not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Canada free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Cape Verde free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Central African Republic not free repressed noticeable problems
 Chad not free repressed difficult situation
 Chile free mostly free satisfactory situation
 China not free mostly unfree very serious situation
 Colombia partly free mostly free difficult situation
 Comoros partly free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Costa Rica free moderately free good situation
 Congo, Democratic Republic of the not free repressed difficult situation
 Congo, Republic of the not free repressed difficult situation
 Croatia free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Cuba not free repressed very serious situation
 Cyprus free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Czech Republic free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Denmark free mostly free good situation
 Djibouti not free mostly unfree very serious situation
 Dominica free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Dominican Republic partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 East Timor partly free repressed noticeable problems
 Ecuador partly free repressed noticeable problems
 Egypt not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 El Salvador free moderately free noticeable problems
 Equatorial Guinea not free repressed very serious situation
 Eritrea not free repressed very serious situation
 Estonia free mostly free good situation
 Ethiopia not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Fiji partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Finland free mostly free good situation
 France free moderately free satisfactory situation
 French Guiana free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Gabon not free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Gambia not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Gaza Strip not free n/a difficult situation
 Georgia partly free mostly free noticeable problems
 Germany free mostly free good situation
 Ghana free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Greece free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Grenada free n/a satisfactory situation
 Guatemala partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Guinea partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Guinea-Bissau partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Guyana free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Haiti partly free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Honduras partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Hong Kong partly free free noticeable problems
 Hungary free moderately free noticeable problems
 Iceland free mostly free satisfactory situation
 India free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Indonesia partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Iran not free repressed very serious situation
 Iraq not free n/a difficult situation
 Ireland free mostly free good situation
 Israel free mostly free noticeable problems
 Italy free moderately free noticeable problems
 Ivory Coast partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Jamaica free moderately free good situation
 Japan free mostly free noticeable problems
 Jordan partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Kazakhstan not free moderately free difficult situation
 Kenya partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Kiribati free repressed n/a
 Korea, North not free repressed very serious situation
 Korea, South free mostly free noticeable problems
 Kosovo partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Kuwait partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Kyrgyzstan partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Laos not free repressed very serious situation
 Latvia free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Lebanon partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Lesotho partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Liberia partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Libya not free n/a very serious situation
 Liechtenstein free n/a satisfactory situation
 Lithuania free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Luxembourg free mostly free good situation
 Macau n/a mostly free n/a
 Macedonia partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Madagascar partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Malawi partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Malaysia partly free mostly free difficult situation
 Maldives partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Mali partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Malta free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Marshall Islands free n/a n/a
 Mauritania not free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Mauritius free mostly free noticeable problems
 Mexico partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Micronesia, Federated States of free mostly unfree n/a
 Moldova partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Monaco free n/a n/a
 Mongolia free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Montserrat n/a n/a satisfactory situation
 Montenegro partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Morocco partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Mozambique partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Nagorno-Karabakh partly free n/a n/a
 Namibia free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Nauru free n/a n/a
   Nepal partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Netherlands free mostly free good situation
 New Zealand free free good situation
 Nicaragua partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Niger partly free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Nigeria partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Northern Cyprus free n/a noticeable problems
 Norway free mostly free good situation
 Oman not free moderately free difficult situation
 Pakistan partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Palau free n/a n/a
 Palestine not free n/a difficult situation
 Panama free moderately free noticeable problems
 Papua New Guinea partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Paraguay partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Peru free moderately free noticeable problems
 Philippines partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Poland free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Portugal free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Puerto Rico n/a n/a satisfactory situation
 Qatar not free mostly free difficult situation
 Romania free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Russia not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Rwanda not free moderately free difficult situation
 Saint Kitts and Nevis free n/a satisfactory situation
 Saint Lucia free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Samoa free moderately free satisfactory situation
 San Marino free n/a n/a
 São Tomé and Príncipe free mostly unfree n/a
 Saudi Arabia not free moderately free very serious situation
 Senegal free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Serbia free moderately free noticeable problems
 Seychelles partly free moderately free noticeable problems
 Sierra Leone partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Singapore partly free free difficult situation
 Slovakia free moderately free good situation
 Slovenia free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Solomon Islands free repressed n/a
 Somalia not free n/a very serious situation
 Somaliland partly free n/a n/a
 South Africa free moderately free satisfactory situation
 South Ossetia not free n/a n/a
 South Sudan not free n/a difficult situation
 Spain free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Sri Lanka partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Sudan not free n/a very serious situation
 Suriname free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Swaziland not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Sweden free mostly free good situation
  Switzerland free free good situation
 Syria not free n/a very serious situation
 Taiwan free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Tajikistan not free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Tanzania partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Thailand not free moderately free difficult situation
 Togo partly free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Tonga free mostly unfree satisfactory situation
 Transnistria not free n/a n/a
 Trinidad and Tobago free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Tunisia free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Turkey partly free moderately free difficult situation
 Turkmenistan not free repressed very serious situation
 Tuvalu free n/a n/a
 Uganda not free mostly unfree noticeable problems
 Ukraine partly free repressed noticeable problems
 United Arab Emirates not free mostly free difficult situation
 United Kingdom free mostly free satisfactory situation
 United States free mostly free satisfactory situation
 Uruguay free moderately free satisfactory situation
 Uzbekistan not free repressed very serious situation
 Vanuatu free moderately free n/a
 Venezuela not free repressed difficult situation
 Vietnam not free mostly unfree very serious situation
 West Bank not free n/a difficult situation
 Western Sahara not free n/a n/a
 Yemen not free n/a very serious situation
 Zambia partly free mostly unfree difficult situation
 Zimbabwe partly free repressed difficult situation

See also

Notes and references

  1. "Human Freedom Index". Retrieved September 16, 2016. External link in |website= (help)
  2. "CIRI Human Rights Data Project". Retrieved October 25, 2013.
  3. Michael Kirk (December 10, 2010). "Annual International Human Rights Ratings Announced". University of Connecticut.
  4. "HUMAN RIGHTS IN 2011: THE CIRI REPORT". CIRI Human Rights Data Project. August 29, 2013.
  5. "Democracy index 2012: Democracy at a standstill". Economist Intelligence Unit. 14 March 2013. Retrieved 24 March 2013.
  6. 1 2 3 , Freedom House, 25 January 2017. Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  7. 1 2 3 4 Heritage Foundation (January 2016). "Country Rankings". 2016 Index of Economic Freedom.
  8. Craggs, Ryan (January 14, 2013). "World Freedom Index 2013: Canadian Fraser Institute Ranks Countries". Huffington Post.
  9. "MaxRange: Analyzing political regimes and democratization processes". Sweden: School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Halmstad University. April 30, 2015. Retrieved May 2, 2015.
  10. 1 2 3 "Press Freedom Index 2017", Reporters Without Borders, January 2016.
  11. World Index of Moral Freedom 2016, published by the Foundation for the Advancement of Liberty
  12. Freedom House (January 28, 2016). Freedom in the World 2016 (PDF).
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