Franz Firbas

Franz Firbas (* June 4, 1902 in Prague; † February 19, 1964 in Göttingen) was a German botanist who taught at the University of Gottingen.[1] From 1952-1964, he was director of their Systematisch-Geobotanisches Institut.[2] Former students include Gerhard Lang and Heinz Ellenberg.


Firbas studied at the German branch of Charles University (German Charles-Ferdinand University) under Prof. K. Rudolph. He was an assistant professor for a short time, before leaving to go to Germany.[3]


  1. Presidential address: aerobiology — science in progress
  2. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Plant ecology and ecosystems research
  3. History of the studies on the flora and vegetation in the Czech Republic
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