Franklin Junior High School

Franklin Junior High School is a public middle school in Franklin, Ohio part of the Franklin City School District. The building was built in 1921 for grades 6-12. In 1948 the building became a four year high school, until 1954 when the Hampton Bennett School was opened. It remained a high school (grades 10-12) until 1969, when Franklin High School (Franklin, Ohio) was built. The building then became Franklin Junior High School housing grades 7 and 8.[1]


Enrollment (2013-2014): Grade 7- 264; Grade 8- 212 Total: 476

Ethnic Composition (2013-2014): 96.4% White; 1.3% Hispanic; 2.1% Multiracial; .03% Black.[2]


  1. "About Our School - Franklin City Schools". Retrieved 2015-11-20.
  2. "Pages - District-Report". Retrieved 2015-11-20.

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