Francis Hynde

Sir Francis Hynde aged 58, painted in 1591 by Hieronymo Custodis: at Madingley Hall.
Lady Jane Hynde aged 59, painted in 1591 by Hieronymo Custodis: at Madingley Hall.

Sir Francis Hynde (c. 1532 – 21 March 1596), of Madingley, Cambridgeshire and Aldgate, London, was an English politician and landowner particularly associated with the development of Madingley Hall and its manorial estates.


Francis Hynde was the son of Sir John Hynde, M.P., of Madingley,[1] and his wife Ursula, daughter of John Curson[2] of Beck Hall, Billingford, Norfolk.[3] He matriculated as pensioner from St John's College in the University of Cambridge in 1546 and was admitted at Gray's Inn in 1549.[4] His younger brother Thomas matriculated from the same college in 1551 and entered Gray's Inn in 1552.[5]

He married Jane, daughter of Sir Ralph Verney[6] of Pendley Manor near Tring in Buckinghamshire.[7] Lady Jane Hynde was therefore sister of Sir Edmund Verney (that was father to Edmund Verney the younger, the Knight Marshal), of Francis Verney, a falconer in the household of Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales,[8] and also of Urian Verney, whose 1608 monument to his father in Middle Claydon church enumerates her among his own brothers and sisters as being a daughter of Sir Ralph's.[9] Their elder son and heir, William Hynde, was also an M.P.


The Manors of Burlewas (or Burdeleys) and Marhams (or Harlestons) at Madingley, Cambridgeshire, were among the acquisitions of land made by Francis Hynde's father, Sir John Hynde, who was buying land in Madingley from the 1520s onwards. By the time he died in 1550 the manors had become combined, and remained so in the hands of his descendants and successors. The first so to inherit was his son Francis Hynde, who was of age in 1551.[10]

In March 1555 Hynde was implicated, together with 'master Bowes and master Cutt' in a conspiracy suspected to have been planned in Suffolk,[11] was committed into custody of Sir Giles Alington and not released from his recognizances until 1559. He was named Executor in the will of his brother-in-law Sir John Cutts of Childerley[12] of 1554,[13] who as a Marian exile died of pleurisy at Venice in May 1555 leaving a ten-year-old son.[14] Hynde first sat as a Member (MP) of the Parliament of England for Cambridgeshire in 1559 and was three times selected to act as High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire for 1561-62, 1570-71 and 1589-90. [15]

There are various records of Hynde's dealings with Corpus Christi College. Between 1552 and 1561/62 he fell into dispute with the College over lands at Barton, Coton and Whitwell resulting in a suit against Hynde which was resolved in Chancery. For many years he withheld an annual rent of 50 shillings owing out of the Manor of Girton, which was eventually recovered for the College by the Master, Matthew Parker, with the assistance of Sir Nicholas Bacon.[16] In 1570 Francis with his younger brother Thomas conveyed the Manor of Rycotes and the advowson of the church at Little Wilbraham, formerly their mother's property, to Trustees of Corpus for £830.[17] In 1587 the Master Dr Robert Norgate purchased lands at Stow-cum-Quy from Sir Francis, but soon ran into trouble over questions of title.[18] In the meantime two sons of Francis Hynde's passed through the College during the early 1570s.

Madingley Hall, Cambridgeshire

He sat again as Member for Cambridgeshire in 1572 and 1589,[19] alternating or sharing the County representation with John North and with his relatives John Cutts and John Hutton, who had married his sister Sybil Hynde after the death of the elder Sir John Cutts. Hynde was knighted in 1578. Between 1582 and 1589 Sir Francis acquired a further three hundred acres of freehold in Madingley.[20] He continued the construction of Madingley Hall commenced by his father, in c. 1588-1591 adding the north wing. This included a multi-arched loggia below, with a first-floor long gallery 87 feet in length, set between two high turrets. It is likely that he made use of building materials from the demolition of the church of St Etheldreda at Histon, which occurred at around that time.[21] The manor of Histon Eynsham, in which the church stood, had been sold to his father in 1550.[22] A supposed haunting of Madingley Hall has been imagined to represent the figure of Sir Francis's mother, Lady Ursula Hynde, wringing her hands in grief over this action.[23] If so, her distress was entirely posthumous, as Lady Ursula is reported to have died in 1555.[24]

Sir Francis held the lordship of several manors in Cottenham,[25] where his uses and enclosures of the common land led to prolonged discontent of the commoners, and an entangled legacy of rights, customs and restraints: he dying intestate in 1596, it was left to his son William, the heir and administrator of his estate, to cope with their various implications. Several of the Cambridge Colleges had interests in these lands.[26]

Sir Francis died on 21 March 1595/96 at Madingley, aged 65, and was accorded an heraldic funeral at Madingley church.[27] Lady Jane Hynde died in Chelsea in 1607/08, having outlived William, and was buried there on 23 February.[28] At William's death in 1606 his widow, becoming the wife of Sir Arthur Capell, took over the Madingley farmlands and occupied them until her death in 1626, leasing the Hall to William's brother Edward from 1611.[29]


The children of Sir Francis Hynde and Lady Jane née Verney are shown[30] as follows:


  1. S.R. Johnson, 'Hynde, John (c.1480-1550), of Madingley, Cambs.', in S.T. Bindoff (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1509-1558 (Boydell & Brewer 1982). Read here
  2. Francis Blomefield, 'Eynford Hundred: Beck, or Beck-Hall', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk Vol. 8 (London, 1808), pp. 189-191. (accessed 3 May 2016).
  3. J.W. Clay (ed.), The Visitation of Cambridge made in Anno 1575, Continued and Enlarged with the Visitation made in the same County by Henery St George, in Anno 1619, Harleian Society Volume XLI (for 1897) (London 1897), p. 113.
  4. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I Part 2, p. 376.
  5. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I Part 2, p. 377.
  6. W.H. Rylands (ed.), The Visitation of the County of Buckingham made in 1634 by John Philipot and William Riley, Harleian Society Volume LVIII (for 1909) (London 1909), Verney, p.122-23. This descent for Lady Hynde must be preferred to that offered by N.M. Fuidge, 'Hynde, Francis (c.1530-96), of Madingley, Cambs. and Aldgate, London', in P.W. Hasler (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1558-1603 (Boydell and Brewer 1981), which describes her as the daughter of Edmund Verney (1528-58), though that Edmund was aged no more than 5 at the time of her birth. That, however, is also shown in the Cambridgeshire Visitation cited above.
  7. Pendley Manor passed into the Verney family when Margaret, daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Whittingham married Sir John Verney.
  8. Frances Parthenope Verney, Memoirs of the Verney Family During the Civil War (Longmans, Green & Co., London 1892), Vol. 1, p. 69 ff., at p. 70. A falconer of this name is mentioned in 'An Abstract or brief Declaration of the present State of His Majesty's Revenue' (printed 1651), in Sir Walter Scott (ed.), A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts on the Most Entertaining Subjects, 2nd Edn., 2 Vols (T. Cadell & W. Davies, London 1809), Vol. 1 pp. 364-400, at p. 393.
  9. F.P. Verney, Memoirs of the Verney Family Vol. 1, at p. 24 & plate. Urian confusingly calls her 'daughter' when recapitulating the number of his father's children.
  10. Sir John Hynde, Administration Bond, October 1550 (The National Archives). 'Madingley: Manors and other estates', in A.P.M. Wright and C.P. Lewis (eds), A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 9, Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds, (London, 1989), pp. 166-171.
  11. J.G. Nichols, The Diary of Henry Machyn, Camden Society, Series 1 Vol. XLII (1848), p. 83.
  12. 'Childerley: Manors', in A.P.M. Wright and C.P. Lewis (eds.), V.C.H. Cambridge Vol. 9, pp. 41-44. (British History Online, accessed 8 May 2016)
  13. Proved 18 November 1555, see H.W. King, 'The descent of the Manor of Horham, and of the family of Cutts', Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society IV (Colchester 1869), pp. 25-43, at pp. 35-36.
  14. E. Powell, The Travels and Life of Sir Thomas Hoby, Kt., Written by Himself. 1547-1564. (Royal Historical Society, London 1902), pp. 116, 120.
  15. "HYNDE, Francis (c.1530-96), of Madingley, Cambs. and Aldgate, London.". History of Parliament. Retrieved 4 October 2016.
  16. R. Masters, The History of the College of Corpus Christi and the B. Virgin Mary (commonly called Bene't) in the University of Cambridge, &c. Part 1 (Author, Cambridge 1753), p. 78, n. See College Records described in the University of Cambridge Janus Catalogue online.
  17. Masters, History of the College of Corpus Christi, pp. 108-09. See 'Little Wilbraham : Manors', in A.F. Wareham and A.P.M. Wright, A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 10, Cheveley, Flendish, Staine and Staploe Hundreds (North-Eastern Cambridgeshire) (London, 2002), pp. 321-323. (accessed 4 May 2016).
  18. Masters, History of the College of Corpus Christi, p. 118, & notes.
  19. N.M. Fuidge, 'Hynde, Francis (c.1530-96), of Madingley, Cambs. and Aldgate, London'.
  20. 'Madingley: Manors and other estates', V.C.H. Cambridge 9, pp. 166-171.
  21. 'Madingley', An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Cambridgeshire, Volume 1: West Cambridgshire (HMSO, London 1968), pp. 176-188.
  22. 'Histon: Manors and other estates', in A.P.M. Wright and C.P. Lewis (eds.),V.C.H. Cambridge Vol. 9, pp. 94-97, at notes 12-16 (British History Online, accessed 13 May 2016).
  23. Joan Forman, Haunted East Anglia (Robert Harper 1974), Chapter 5.
  24. J.H. Baker, 'Hynde, Sir John (c.1480–1550), judge', in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, identifies the first wife as Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Heydon of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk.
  25. 'Cottenham: Manors and other estates', in A.P.M. Wright and C.P. Lewis (eds), V.C.H. Cambridge Vol. 9, pp. 54-58. (accessed 6 May 2016).
  26. W. Cunningham, Common rights at Cottenham & Stretham in Cambridgeshire Camden Miscellany Vol. XII (Camden Society, London 1910), at pp. 177 ff. and pp. 193-227.
  27. Harleian MS 7029, in A.J. Valpy, The Pamphleteer Vol. 23 (London 1824), p. 173.
  28. T. Faulkner, An Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea, 2 Vols (Author, Chelsea 1829), 2, p. 129.
  29. 'Madingley: Manors and other estates', V.C.H. Cambridge Vol. 9, pp. 166-171 (British History Online), with citations in notes 76-78.
  30. Visitation of Cambridge, Harl. Soc. XLI, p. 113.
  31. (T.N.A. Catalogue E 133/9/1367 (1597-98), E 134/39and40Eliz/Mich3 (1596-98), and E 133/9/1360 (1597).
  32. N.M. Fuidge, 'Hutton, John (d.1596)', and R.C.G., 'Hinde, William (c.1558-1606), of Madingley, Cambs.' in P.W. Hasler (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1558-1603 (Boydell & Brewer 1981).
  33. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I Part 2, p. 377.
  34. The National Archives, C 2/JasI/H23/55.
  35. This was possibly Sir Arthur Capell of Little Hadham who died in 1632, T.N.A. PROB 11/161/531, the grandfather to Arthur Capell, 1st Baron Capell of Hadham.
  36. Inquisition post mortem, 1632 (The National Archives).
  37. Visitation of Cambridge, Harl. Soc. XLI, p. 67.
  38. A.B. Rosen, S.M. Keeling and C.A.F. Meekings, 'Parishes: Hinxton', in A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 6, ed. A.P.M. Wright (London, 1978), pp. 220-230, see notes 107 & 108. (British History Online, accessed 13 May 2016). Chancery Final Decrees 28 June 1637. See also Browne Willis, The History and Antiquities of the Town, Hundred, and Deanry of Buckingham (Author, London 1755), p. 216; G. Lipscomb, Pedigree of Dayrell, The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham, Vol. 3 (J. & W. Robins, London 1847) pp. 32-33; F. Peck, Desiderata Curiosa, Vol. 2 (Thomas Evans, London 1779), p. 547.
  39. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I Part 2, p. 376.
  40. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses I Part 2, p. 376.
  41. 'Parishes: Marsworth', in W. Page (ed.), A History of the County of Buckingham: Volume 3 (London, 1925), pp. 391-97. (accessed 6 May 2016). Will of William West (P.C.C. 1583).
  42. Radclyffe became the 6th Earl of Sussex in 1629, S. Healy, 'Radcliffe, Sir Edward (1550/9-1643), of Elstow, Beds.; later of Barton, Cambs., Woodham Walter, Essex and Gorhambury, nr. St. Albans, Herts.' in A. Thrush and J.P. Ferris (eds), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1604-1629 (Cambridge University Press 2010) read here.
  43. Ursula Hynde married John Machell at Madingley, 28 June 1579. See Hynde v. Manchell in The National Archive Catalogue (Chancery litigation).
  44. (as 'John Manchell'):'Parishes: Gamlingay', in D.K. Bolton, G.R. Duncombe, R.W. Dunning, J.I. Kermode, A.M. Rowland, W.B. Stephens and A.P.M. Wright, A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 5, ed. C.R. Elrington (London, 1973), pp. 68-87. (accessed 3 May 2016).
  45. For an account of their children, see A. Boaz, Specific Ancestral Lines of the Boaz, Paul, Welty and Fishel Families (Otter Day Books, LLC, 2014), at pp. 479-81. G.J. Armytage (ed.), Middlesex Pedigrees as collected by Richard Mundy in Harleian MS no. 1551, Harleian Society Vol. LXV (London 1914), p. 7; W.C. Metcalfe (ed.), The Visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634. (etc.), Harleian Society Vol. XIII (London 1878), Part I, p. 441-42.
  46. 23 Henry VIII. c. 6, see V. Wanostrocht, The British Constitution, or an Epitome of Blackstone's Commentaries &c. (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, London 1823), pp. 241-42.
  47. Sir E. Coke, A Book of Entries, 2nd Edn. (E Sawbridge, &c., London 1671), 'Error', item 4, fols 234r-240r. (in Latin)
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