Francesco Cappè

UN Official Francesco Cappè

Francesco Cappè (born 31 May 1971 in Fivizzano, Italy) is Executive Chairman of the garagErasmus Foundation and former United Nations official and Head, Security policies, Dialogue and Innovation for the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI); in this position he designed and supervised, among others, the first UN programme on security policies for major events and the UN initiatives against violent radicalization.[1] He was a member of the UN Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) of the UN General Assembly.[2] He also worked as Senior Advisor for the General Confederation of the Italian Industries (Confindustria). Currently is Senior Advisor for the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights and Justice Foundation


Francesco Cappè graduated in Law with a thesis on international law at the University of Pisa, Italy. After attending specialization courses of international relations at the European University Institute (Fiesole, Italy) and the University of Florence, he became associate researcher of the University of Pisa and then Vice -Director of the Center for Human Rights University of Pisa. Since 2001, Cappè has been employed as UN staff by UNICRI (located in Turin, Italy) working in the field of security governance and anti-terrorism.[3] In addition, he taught in seminars and courses in several universities, i.e. Johns Hopkins University, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa in its Washington D.C. campus.[4] Cappè worked as Senior Advisor for Development for the General Confederation of the Italian Industries and currently is Senior Advisor Development and Partnerships for the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights and Justice Foundation.


Cappè works as scientific director of the book series "Terrorism, Intelligence and Security" for Franco Angeli Edizioni, Milan, Italy.[5] He participated in the publication of "Forum on crime and society", UNODC publication volume4, numer1-2, Dec. 2004, published in seven languages. He is Editor and co-author of "Generazione Erasmus: l'Italia dalle nuove idee" (Franco Angeli 2011)


  1. National press agency Ansa (12-08-2010) Ban Ki-moon. “UNICRI is one of the three most active Agency against terrorism”
  2. Andrea Zanotto (10-06-2009) "Lucca world center for counter-terrorism” Toscana Oggi Online
  3. Carlo Venturini, Newspaper "Il Tirreno" (16.01.2009). "Francesco Cappè will lead the UNICRI in Lucca against international crimes".
  4. Carlo Venturini, Utility, 2009 number 7, "Contro il terrorismo l'arma è la comunicazione"
  5. Franco Angeli, Series Editor since 1955.
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