Four for Tomorrow

Four for Tomorrow

Cover of first edition paperback
Author Roger Zelazny
Country United States
Language English
Genre Science fiction
Publisher Ace Books
Publication date
Media type Print (hardback & paperback)
Pages 191 pp (first edition, paperback)
OCLC 5436844

Four for Tomorrow is the first story collection by Roger Zelazny, published in paperback by Ace Books in 1967. British hardcover and paperback editions followed in 1969, under the title A Rose for Ecclesiastes. The first American hardcover was issued in the Garland Library of Science Fiction in 1975. A French translation appeared in 1980 (as Une rose pour l'Ecclésiaste). Paperback reissues continued from Ace and later from Baen Books into the 1990s.[1]


"The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth" won the Nebula Award and was nominated for the Hugo. "A Rose for Ecclesiastes" was nominated for the Hugo.[2][3]


Judith Merril rated the collection "what may well prove the best reading-buy of 1967".[4] P. Schuyler Miller similarly described it as "certainly going to be one of the 'must' books" of the year.[5]


  1. ISFDB publication history
  2. ISFDB bibliography
  3. Science Fiction Awards Database
  4. "Books", F&SF, August 1967, p.36
  5. "The Reference Library", Analog, October 1967, p. 165

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