Public holidays in Paraguay

The following are national holidays in Paraguay[1]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
January 1+ New Year
March 1 Heroes' day Dia de los héroes Moved to February 27 for 2017.[2]
March/ April+ Maundy/Holy Thursday Jueves Santo Movable, Lunar Calendar. April 12 on 2017.
March/ April+ Good Friday Viernes Santo Movable, Lunar Calendar. April 13 on 2017.
May 1 Labor Day Día de los Trabajadores
May 14 and 15+ Paraguayan Independence Independencia
June 12 Chaco Armistice Dia de la Paz del Chaco End of the Chaco War.
August 15 Founding of Asunción Fundación de Asunción Arrival of the Spaniards. Moved to August 14 for 2017.
September 29 Boqueron Battle Victory Day Victoria de Boquerón Chaco War decisive Paraguayan victory. Moved to October 2 for 2017.
December 8+ Virgin of Caacupe Virgen de Caacupé Immaculate Conception
December 25+ Christmas Day Día de Navidad

+ Fixed holidays: all holidays in Paraguay can be moved by presidential decree, but there has to be a presidential decree for such a change. The following holidays are the exception (dates are fixed and to not change): January 1st, May 15, December 8, December 15, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.[3]

Although not necessarily national holidays, the following are also holidays affecting important institutions:

Date English Name Local Name Institutions Affected
April 30 Teacher's Day Día del Maestro Affects educational institutions
December 31 New Year's Eve Último día del año Bank holiday per Paraguayan Central Bank regulations


  1. "Calendario Escolar Año Lectivo 2012". Asuncion: Ministerio de Educación y Culto, Paraguay. 2011.
  2. "Establecen traslados de feriados para el 2017". Diario Ultima Hora. Retrieved February 20, 2017.
  3. "Ley 1.723/2001 Que autoriza al poder ejecutivo a trasladar los feriados nacionales al día Lunes". Congreso de la Nación Paraguaya. Retrieved February 1, 2016.
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