Formation of Donald Trump's Cabinet

As President, Donald Trump has the authority to nominate members of the United States Cabinet to the Senate for confirmation under the Appointments Clause, in Article II, Section II, Clause II of the Constitution.

This article documents the nominated candidates to Trump's Cabinet and their confirmation process, including Senate committee hearings and roll-call votes. They are listed in order of creation of the cabinet position, which is also used as the basis for the presidential line of succession.

The Cabinet

Cabinet of President Donald J. Trump
  Individual officially confirmed by a full Senate vote
  Individual took office with no Senate consent needed
  Individual's nomination officially reported by Senate committee
  Individual was rejected by either a Senate committee or a full Senate vote
  Individual's nomination pending Senate committee confirmation
Date announced / confirmed
Designee Office
Date announced / confirmed

Vice President
Announced July 15, 2016
Took office January 20, 2017

Former Governor
Mike Pence
from Indiana

Secretary of State
Announced December 13, 2016
Took office February 1, 2017

Former ExxonMobil CEO
Rex Tillerson
from Texas

Secretary of the Treasury
Announced November 30, 2016
Took office February 13, 2017

Former OneWest Bank CEO
Steven Mnuchin
from California

Secretary of Defense
Announced December 1, 2016
Took office January 20, 2017

Retired General (USMC)
James Mattis
from Washington

Attorney General
Announced November 18, 2016
Took office February 9, 2017

Former Senator
Jeff Sessions
from Alabama

Secretary of the Interior
Announced December 15, 2016
Took office March 1, 2017

Former Representative
Ryan Zinke
from Montana

Secretary of Agriculture
Announced January 18, 2017
Took office April 25, 2017

Former Governor
Sonny Perdue
from Georgia

Secretary of Commerce
Announced November 30, 2016
Took office February 28, 2017

Wilbur Ross
from Florida

Secretary of Labor
Announced February 16, 2017
Took office April 28, 2017

Former U.S. Attorney
Alex Acosta
from Florida

Secretary of Health and Human Services
Announced November 29, 2016
Took office February 10, 2017

Former Representative
Tom Price
from Georgia

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Announced December 5, 2016
Took office March 2, 2017

Ben Carson
from Florida

Secretary of Transportation
Announced November 29, 2016
Took office January 31, 2017

Former Secretary
Elaine Chao
from Kentucky

Secretary of Energy
Announced December 14, 2016
Took office March 2, 2017

Former Governor
Rick Perry
from Texas

Secretary of Education
Announced November 23, 2016
Took office February 7, 2017

Betsy DeVos
from Michigan

Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Announced January 11, 2017
Took office February 14, 2017

Former Under Secretary
David Shulkin
from Pennsylvania

Secretary of Homeland Security
Took office July 31, 2017

Deputy Secretary
Elaine Duke
from Virginia
Date announced / confirmed
Designee Office
Date announced / confirmed

White House Chief of Staff
Announced July 28, 2017
Took office July 31, 2017

Former Secretary
John F. Kelly
from Virginia

United States Trade Representative
Announced January 3, 2017
Took office May 15, 2017

Former Deputy USTR
Robert Lighthizer
from Florida

Director of National Intelligence
Announced January 7, 2017
Took office March 16, 2017

Former Senator
Dan Coats
from Indiana

Ambassador to the United Nations
Announced November 23, 2016
Took office January 27, 2017

Former Governor
Nikki Haley
from South Carolina

Director of the
Office of Management and Budget

Announced December 16, 2016
Took office February 16, 2017

Former Representative
Mick Mulvaney
from South Carolina

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Announced November 18, 2016
Took office January 23, 2017

Former Representative
Mike Pompeo
from Kansas

Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency

Announced December 7, 2016
Took office February 17, 2017

Former Attorney General
Scott Pruitt
from Oklahoma

Administrator of the
Small Business Administration

Announced December 7, 2016
Took office February 14, 2017

Former WWE CEO
Linda McMahon
from Connecticut
Source: Trump Administration and NPR[1][2]

Confirmation process

Below is a list of confirmations for Cabinet positions, Cabinet-level positions, and other significant positions that were approved through the Senate between January and May 2017, by a recorded roll-call vote, rather than by a voice vote.

Despite being nominated promptly during the transition period, many cabinet members were unable to take office on Inauguration Day because of delays in the formal confirmation process. As of 8 February 2017, President Trump had fewer cabinet nominees confirmed than any other president except George Washington by the same length of time into his presidency.[3][4] Part of the lateness was ascribed to the delays in submitting background-check paperwork, part to obstruction by Senate Democrats.[5] The last confirmed Cabinet member, Robert Lighthizer, took office as U.S. Trade Representative on May 11, 2017, four months after his nomination.[6]


Senate votes

Senate confirmation votes of President Trump's inaugural cabinet




*Vice President Pence provided the tie-breaking vote.

Candidates for the Cabinet positions

After election day, media outlets reported on persons described by various sources as possible appointments to senior positions in the incoming Trump presidency. The number of people which have received media attention as potential cabinet appointees is higher than in most previous presidential elections, partly because the Trump'16 campaign staff (and associated PACs) was significantly smaller and less expensive,[7] thus there are not as many people already expected to receive specific roles in the upcoming Trump administration. In particular, "Trump ha[d] a smaller policy brain trust [policy group] than a new president normally carries"[8] because as an anti-establishment candidate who began his campaign by largely self-funding his way to the Republican party nomination,[9] unlike most previous presidential winners "Trump does not have the traditional cadre of Washington insiders and donors to build out his Cabinet."[10] An additional factor that tends to make the field of potential nominees especially broad, is that unlike most presidential transition teams who select politicians as their appointees, the Trump transition team "has started with a mandate to hire from the private sector [as opposed to the governmental sector] whenever possible."[10]

Until the Trump Administration announces their official cabinet, and those nominees are confirmed by the Senate (where applicable), this page will continue to be updated with new information and potential positions. The membership of the presidential cabinet also tends to evolve during the course of the presidency; turnover often causes individual names to change, and more rarely, creation of new departments and merging/downsizing of existing departments can alter the size of the cabinet.

Secretary of State

Image Name Description
Richard Armitage Former United States Deputy Secretary of State[11]
John Bolton Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations; former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs[12][13]
Bob Corker U.S. Senator from Tennessee and Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee[14][13]
Tulsi Gabbard Democratic U.S. Representative from Hawaii's 2nd congressional district[15]
Rudy Giuliani Former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, former Associate Attorney General, former Mayor of New York City[14][16][17]
Richard Haass President of the Council on Foreign Relations; former Director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State[18]
Jon Huntsman Former Governor of Utah, former United States Ambassador to Singapore and United States Ambassador to China, and 2012 presidential candidate[13][19]
Zalmay Khalilzad Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations[12]
Joe Manchin Democratic U.S. Senator from West Virginia and vice chair of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee.[20]
Alan Mulally Former CEO of Ford Motor Company and former executive vice president of Boeing[21][22]
Stanley McChrystal Retired General of the United States Army, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan[12]
Hank Paulson Former United States Secretary of the Treasury and CEO of Goldman Sachs[11]
David Petraeus Retired General of the United States Army, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Commander of United States Central Command, the Afghan International Security Assistance Force, and Iraq Multinational Force[13][23][24]
Dana Rohrabacher U.S. Representative for California's 48th congressional district; Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats; Speechwriter and Senior Assistant of President Ronald Reagan[25]
Mitt Romney Former Governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican presidential nominee[13][26][27][28]
Jim Stavridis Retired Admiral of the United States Navy, Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, former Commander of the United States Southern Command, United States European Command, and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, finalist for Clinton's running mate[29]
  Green tick Rex Tillerson Former CEO of ExxonMobil[13][30][31]

Secretary of the Treasury

Image Name Description
John Allison Former president and CEO of the Cato Institute.[32][33] Also mentioned as a possible member of the Federal Reserve Board.
Tom Barrack Private equity real estate investor; founder, chair and CEO of Colony Capital[12]
Ben Bernanke Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve.[34]
Gary Cohn President and COO of Goldman Sachs[35] Selected as Director of the National Economic Council.
Jamie Dimon CEO of JPMorgan Chase, billionaire, formerly on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, donor to and member of the Democratic party[11] Dimon reportedly declined the role.[36]
Jon Gray Head of global real estate for the Blackstone Group[37]
Jeb Hensarling Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, U.S. Representative from Texas's 5th congressional district; former Chair of the Republican Study Committee and Chair of the House Republican Conference[38]
Glenn Hubbard Dean of the Columbia Business School, received media attention as a potential Treasury pick during mid-2016.[39][40] Former advisor to Bush'16, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers under George W. Bush, held a high-level role[39] under George H. W. Bush, advisor to Romney'12 (reportedly a leading contender for Treasury secretary had Romney been elected).[41] Also mentioned as a potential contender for Fed chair, in 2018.[40][42]
Carl Icahn Chairman of Icahn Enterprises.[34]
David McCormick President of Bridgewater Associates; former Undersecretary for International Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury[43]
  Green tick Steven Mnuchin CEO of Dune Capital Management and former partner at Goldman Sachs; movie producer at Relativity Media; Trump campaign finance chair[44][45]
Tim Pawlenty Former Governor of Minnesota,[12] CEO since 2012 of financial services industry lobbyist and advocacy group Financial Services Roundtable, 2012 presidential candidate (then later co-chair of Romney'12)
Kevin Warsh Former Federal Reserve governor[46]

Secretary of Defense

Image Name Description
Kelly Ayotte Outgoing U.S. Senator from New Hampshire. (Although mentioned as a potential nominee for this role, Trump said in an interview that he did not plan to offer Ayotte this position.)[47]
Tom Cotton U.S. Senator from Arkansas[48]
Tulsi Gabbard Democratic U.S. Representative from Hawaii's 2nd congressional district[15]
Stephen Hadley Former U.S. National Security Advisor[14][49]
Duncan D. Hunter[nb 1] U.S. Representative for California's 50th congressional district[51]
Jack Keane Former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army. Stated he declined an offer to be nominated as Secretary.[52]
Jon Kyl Former U.S. Senator from Arizona[38]
  Green tick
James Mattis Retired United States Marine Corps General; former commander of CENTCOM[53][54]
David Petraeus Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency[55]
Jim Talent Former U.S. Senator from Missouri who was on the Senate Armed Services Committee[56]
Jim Woolsey Former Director of Central Intelligence[48]

Attorney General

Image Name Description
Pam Bondi Attorney General of Florida[48]
Chris Christie Governor of New Jersey, former United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey[38]
Ted Cruz U.S. Senator from Texas and 2016 presidential candidate[57]
Trey Gowdy Chair of the House Benghazi Committee, U.S. Representative from South Carolina's 4th congressional district[48]
Rudy Giuliani Former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, former Associate Attorney General, former Mayor of New York City[14][16][58]
Kris Kobach Secretary of State of Kansas[59]
Henry McMaster Governor of South Carolina[60]
  Green tick
Jeff Sessions U.S. Senator from Alabama; Member of the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services from Alabama; Former Attorney of the Southern District of Alabama[38]

Secretary of the Interior

Image Name Description
Jan Brewer Former Governor of Arizona[12]
Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma[48]
Robert Grady Venture capitalist and private equity investor,[38] former head of OMB's natural resources, energy, and science unit; aide to Chris Christie and former chair of the New Jersey Investment Council overseeing the state's public employee pension fund for the New Jersey Treasury Department,[61] environmental adviser and speechwriter under George H. W. Bush who helped negotiate the Clean Air Act of 1990[61]
Harold Hamm CEO of Continental Resources (oil and natural gas), billionaire, from Oklahoma.[38] (Although considered a likely pick for a position in the Trump administration, Hamm said he did not intend to accept an official role.[62][63])
Heidi Heitkamp U.S. Senator from North Dakota[64]
Raul Labrador U.S. Representative from Idaho's 1st congressional district[65]
Forrest Lucas CEO and president of Lucas Oil[66]
Cynthia Lummis Outgoing U.S. Representative from Wyoming's at-large congressional district[48]
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Chair of the House Republican Conference, U.S. Representative from Washington's 5th congressional district.[67] (Although media reports on December 9, 2016 suggested Rodgers was unofficially the expected pick for Secretary of the Interior,[nb 2][82] instead Zinke of Montana became the expected pick as of December 13, 2016.)
Sarah Palin 2008 vice presidential nominee; former Governor of Alaska[14][83][84][85]
Richard Pombo Former U.S. Representative from California's 11th congressional district, former Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee[48]
Mead Treadwell Former Lieutenant Governor of Alaska[48]
Ray Washburne Dallas-based investor, former Trump Victory Committee vice chair,[86] finance director for Christie'16 campaign, former RNC appointee as national finance chair 2013-2014[61][87]
  Green tick Ryan Zinke U.S. Representative from Montana,[65] former Navy SEAL commander.[88]

Secretary of Agriculture

Image Name Description
Henry Bonilla Former U.S. Representative from Texas's 23rd congressional district[89]
Sam Brownback Governor of Kansas; former U.S. Senator and Congressman[38]
Susan Combs Former Texas Agriculture Commissioner; former Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts[90]
Chuck Conner Former United States Deputy Secretary of Agriculture[91][92]
Rick Crawford U.S. Representative from Arkansas's 1st congressional district[93]
Dave Heineman Former Governor of Nebraska[48]
Heidi Heitkamp Democratic U.S. Senator from North Dakota[94]
Charles Herbster Cattleman and agribusinessman; head of Trump campaign's agricultural advisory committee[91][92]
Tim Huelskamp Former U.S. Representative from Kansas's 1st congressional district[95]
Jack Kingston Former United States Representative from Georgia's 1st congressional district[96]
Abel Maldonado Former Lieutenant Governor of California[97][98]
Sid Miller Texas Agriculture Commissioner[99]
Jerry Moran U.S. Senator from Kansas[100]
Elsa Murano Former President of Texas A&M University[101]
Kristi Noem U.S. Representative from South Dakota's at-large congressional district since 2011,[102] professional farmer/rancher since age 22, House Ways and Means committee member (declined position)
Butch Otter Governor of Idaho[103]
  Green tick Sonny Perdue Former Governor of Georgia[38][104][105]
Bruce Rastetter Agricultural business leader; President of the Iowa Board of Regents[91][106]
Annette Sweeney Former member of the Iowa House of Representatives, executive director of the Iowa Angus Association[91]

Secretary of Commerce

Image Name Description
Eric Bolling Fox News anchor, co-host of The Five[107]
Chris Christie Governor of New Jersey; 2016 presidential candidate[108]
Dan DiMicco Former CEO of Nucor; advisor on trade to Donald Trump[108]
Lew Eisenberg Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee.[34]
Mike Huckabee Former Governor of Arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate.[34]
Linda McMahon Professional wrestling magnate; twice former Republican U.S. Senate nominee for Connecticut[109]
  Green tick Wilbur Ross Investor[46] at Invesco, billionaire specializing in bankruptcy-turnarounds, co-leader of the economic policy advisor team to Trump'16,[110] previously backed fellow Floridian Rubio'16,[111][112] privatization advisor to then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani, board member of USAID-funded TUSRIF appointed by the Bill Clinton administration,[113] and former Democrat[114] whose then-spouse was the Republican-party Lt. Governor of New York
Peter Thiel Cofounder of PayPal[34]

Secretary of Labor

Image Name Description
  Green tick Alex Acosta Dean of the Florida International University College of Law, former member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights and former U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida[115]
Lou Barletta U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania's 11th congressional district[116]
Joseph Guzman Assistant professor at Michigan State University[115]
John Kline Former U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 2nd congressional district[67]
Peter Kirsanow Attorney, member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, former National Labor Relations Board member (2006-2008)[48][115]
Victoria Lipnic Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Standards[14][16]
  Red X Andy Puzder CEO of CKE Restaurants,[48] delegate to Republican National Convention platform committee in 2012 and 2016,[117][118][119] backed comprehensive immigration reform in 2013,[120] supports defederalization of minimum wage regulations because he believes increases in the minimum wage end up actually costing jobs through the unintended consequence of increasing automation.[121]
Catherine Templeton Former Director of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; former Director of the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation[122][115]
Scott Walker Governor of Wisconsin; 2016 presidential candidate[123]

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Image Name Description
Rich Bagger Executive Vice President of Celgene; former transition executive director, former New Jersey State Senator[95]
Ben Carson Retired neurosurgeon, former professor at Johns Hopkins University, presidential candidate in 2016 (endorsed Trump shortly after suspending his own campaign)[124]
Mike Huckabee Former Governor of Arkansas; former Chair of the National Governors Association; 2016 presidential candidate[12]
Bobby Jindal Former Governor of Louisiana; 2016 presidential candidate[12]
  Green tick
Tom Price Chair of the House Budget Committee, U.S. Representative for Georgia's 6th congressional district, orthopedic surgeon[125]
Rick Scott Governor of Florida[12]

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Image Name Description
Rob Astorino Westchester County Executive[126]
Scott Brown Former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts[127]
  Green tick
Ben Carson 2016 presidential candidate and former director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital[128]
Pam Patenaude President of the J. Ronald Terwilliger Foundation for Housing America's Families[129]
Bob Woodson Community development leader, Founder and President of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise[67]

Secretary of Transportation

Image Name Description
Lou Barletta U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania's 11th congressional district[130]
  Green tick
Elaine Chao First Taiwanese American served in President's cabinet: Former Labor Secretary under President George W. Bush, and Deputy Secretary of Transportation under President George H. W. Bush, wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell[131][132]
Harold Ford Jr. Former Democratic U.S. Representative from Tennessee's 9th congressional district[133]
John Mica Former Chair of the House Transportation Committee, Outgoing U.S. Representative from Florida's 7th congressional district[134]
Mark Rosenker Former Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board[48]
Jim Simpson Former New Jersey Commissioner of Transportation; Former Federal Transit Administrator[48]
Shirley Ybarra Former senior transportation policy analyst at the Reason Foundation, former Virginia Secretary of Transportation[135]

Secretary of Energy

Image Name Description
James Connaughton Chief executive of Nautilus Data Technologies and former Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality[12]
Kevin Cramer U.S. Representative from North Dakota's at-large congressional district[136]
Myron Ebell Chair of the Cooler Heads Coalition; director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and leading climate change skeptic[67]
Robert Grady Venture capitalist and private equity investor,[38] former head of OMB's natural resources, energy, and science unit; aide to Chris Christie and former chair of the New Jersey Investment Council overseeing the state's public employee pension fund for the New Jersey Treasury Department,[61] environmental adviser and speechwriter under George H. W. Bush who helped negotiate the Clean Air Act of 1990[61]
Harold Hamm CEO of Continental Resources (oil and natural gas), billionaire, from Oklahoma.[14][137] (Although considered a likely pick for a position in the Trump administration, Hamm said he did not intend to accept an official role.[62][63])
Heidi Heitkamp Democratic U.S. Senator from North Dakota[64][138]
Joe Manchin Democratic U.S. Senator from West Virginia and vice chair of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee.[138][139]
J. Larry Nichols Chairman (emeritus) of Devon Energy Corporation[86]
  Green tick Rick Perry Former Governor of Texas, 2016 presidential candidate[138][140][141]
Ray Washburne Dallas-based investor and the vice chairman of the 2016 Trump Victory Committee[138][142]

Secretary of Education

Image Name Description
Tony Bennett Former Florida Education Commissioner; former Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction[48]
Kevin Chavous Member of the Council of the District of Columbia from Ward 7[48]
Ben Carson former professor at Johns Hopkins University, retired neurosurgeon, presidential candidate in 2016 (endorsed Trump shortly after suspending his own campaign)[124]
Mitch Daniels President of the Purdue University System; former Governor of Indiana; former Director of the Office of Management and Budget[48]
  Green tick
Betsy DeVos Former Chair of the Michigan Republican Party[48]
Bill Evers Resident Scholar at the Hoover Institution; Senior Advisor to the United States Secretary of Education[38]
Jerry Falwell President of Liberty University. Stated he declined an offer to be nominated as Secretary.[143]
Luke Messer U.S. Representative from Indiana's 6th congressional district[48]
Eva Moskowitz Founder and CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools[144]
Michelle Rhee Former Chancellor of District of Columbia Public Schools[48]
Gerald Robinson Former Virginia Education Secretary[48]

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Image Name Description
Bob McDonald Incumbent Secretary of Veterans Affairs [145]
Thad Allen Former Commandant of the Coast Guard[146]
Scott Brown Former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts[147][148][149]
Toby Cosgrove CEO of Cleveland Clinic,[150] heart surgeon, Vietnam vet.[102] Offered this role by Barack Obama in 2014, but ultimately turned it down; critic of Obamacare.[151] Reported to have been Trump's second choice after Luis Quinonez, but to have refused the position again.[152]
Tulsi Gabbard Democratic U.S. Representative from Hawaii's 2nd congressional district[153]
Jenean Hampton Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky[154]
Pete Hegseth Former Executive Director of Vets for Freedom, Chief Executive Officer of Concerned Veterans for America, Fox News contributor[67]
Michelle Howard United States Navy admiral, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe[155]
Leo Mackay, Jr. Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin, former United States Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs[156]
Jeff Miller Former Chair of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, Former U.S. Representative from Florida's 1st congressional district[157]
Sarah Palin 2008 vice presidential nominee; former Governor of Alaska[158][159]
Luis Quinonez CEO of IQ Management Services.[150] Reported to have been Trump's first choice, but to have withdrawn his name from consideration for health reasons.[160]
Mitt Romney Former Governor of Massachusetts and 2012 Republican presidential nominee[161]
  Green tick David Shulkin Current Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health[162]
Allen West Former U.S. Representative from Florida's 22nd congressional district and Former Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army.[163]

Secretary of Homeland Security

Image Name Description
Joe Arpaio Outgoing Sheriff of Maricopa County[12]
David Clarke Sheriff of Milwaukee County[56]
Rudy Giuliani former Mayor of New York City, 2008 presidential candidate, former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, former Associate Attorney General.[124]
  Green tick John F. Kelly Retired United States Marine Corps General and the former commander of United States Southern Command[164]
Pete King U.S. Representative from New York's 2nd congressional district; former Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee[165]
Steve King U.S. Representative from Iowa's 4th congressional district[166]
Kris Kobach Secretary of State of Kansas; former chairman of the Kansas Republican Party[167]
Mike McCaul Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee; U.S. Representative from Texas's 10th congressional district[38]
Frances Townsend Former United States Homeland Security Advisor[28]

Candidates for Cabinet-level officials

Cabinet-level officials have positions that are considered to be of Cabinet level, but which are not part of the Cabinet. Which exact positions are considered part of the presidential cabinet, can vary with the president. The CIA and FEMA were cabinet-level agencies under Bill Clinton, but not George W. Bush. The head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (aka the drug czar) was a cabinet-level position under both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, but not under Barack Obama. (Not to be confused with the head of the DEA, who has remained in the org chart underneath the cabinet position held by the Attorney General.) Designation of an agency as being cabinet-level requires that Congress enact legislation, although executive orders unilaterally created by the president can be used to create many other types of position inside the executive branch. Members of the cabinet proper, as well as cabinet-level officials, meet with the president in a room adjacent to the Oval Office.

Vice President

There were dozens of potential running mates for Trump who received media speculation (including several from New York where Trump himself resides). Trump's eventual pick of Governor Mike Pence of Indiana was officially announced on July 16, 2016 and confirmed by acclamation via parliamentary procedure amongst delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention on July 19, 2016.

White House Chief of Staff

Image Name Description
Steve Bannon CEO of the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[168] (Although he was a contender for the role of Chief of Staff, instead Bannon was appointed as White House Chief Strategist on November 13, 2016.)
Newt Gingrich Former Speaker of the House from Georgia. (Gingrich has said he does not plan to accept a Cabinet position within the Trump administration, but prefers to be involved with long-term planning efforts.)
  Green tick Reince Priebus Chair of the Republican National Committee[14][16]

This position does not require confirmation by the Senate.

Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Image Name Description
Tom Coburn Former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma; endorsed Marco Rubio in the primaries and caucuses.[48]
Gary Cohn President of Goldman Sachs[169] Selected as Director of the National Economic Council.
David Malpass President of Encima Global, former Chief Economist of Bear Stearns[67]
  Green tick Mick Mulvaney U.S. Representative for South Carolina's 5th congressional district; endorsed Rand Paul during the primaries and caucuses.[67][170]
Linda Springer Former Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management[67]

Ambassador to the United Nations

Image Name Description
Kelly Ayotte Former U.S. Senator from New Hampshire[12]
Richard Grenell Former spokesman for the United States Ambassador to the United Nations[12]
  Green tick
Nikki Haley Governor of South Carolina

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

Image Name Description
Carol Comer Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management[171]
Myron Ebell Chair of the Cooler Heads Coalition; director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and leading climate change skeptic;[84][172] Member of the Trump presidential transition team.
Robert Grady Venture capitalist and private equity investor,[12] former head of OMB's natural resources, energy, and science unit; aide to Chris Christie and former chair of the New Jersey Investment Council overseeing the state's public employee pension fund for the New Jersey Treasury Department,[61] environmental adviser and speechwriter under George H. W. Bush who helped negotiate the Clean Air Act of 1990[61]
Kathleen Hartnett White Director of the energy and environment center at the Texas Public Policy Foundation; former chairwoman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality[173]
Jeff Holmstead Lawyer for Bracewell LLP; Former Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency[12]
Cynthia Lummis Outgoing U.S. Representative from Wyoming's at-large congressional district[48]
  Green tick Scott Pruitt Attorney General of Oklahoma[48]
Leslie Rutledge Attorney General of Arkansas[48]
Donald van der Vaart Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality[173]

United States Trade Representative

Image Name Description
Wayne Berman Senior executive at the Blackstone Group[174]
Charles Boustany Former U.S. Representative from Louisiana, candidate (lost during the jungle primary) for U.S. Senator from Louisiana in 2016[175]
Jovita Carranza Former Deputy Administrator of the Small Business Administration[176]
Dan DiMicco Former CEO of steel producer Nucor[171]
  Green tick Robert Lighthizer Former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative[174] under Reagan, lawyer at Skadden Arps; is a leading contender for the role according to anonymous transition team sources.[177] Supported pro-tariff portion of Trump's trade policies in 2011, citing pre-WWII history of the Republicans.[178]
David McCormick President of Bridgewater Associates[174]

Director of National Intelligence

Image Name Description
Ronald Burgess Retired United States Army Lieutenant General and former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency[86]
Robert Cardillo Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency[86]
  Green tick Dan Coats Former U.S. Senator from Indiana and member of the Senate Intelligence Committee[179]
Carly Fiorina Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and 2016 presidential candidate[180]
Peter Hoekstra Former Chair of the House Intelligence Committee[12]
David Petraeus Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Obama, and retired four-star General of the U.S. Army.[181] Was also considered for Secretary of Defense[55] and for Secretary of State.[182]
Michael S. Rogers A U.S. Navy admiral, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency, and chief of the Central Security Service.[183]
Frances Townsend Former United States Homeland Security Advisor[12]

Administrator of the Small Business Administration

Image Name Description
Mary Anne Bradfield Former assistant deputy administrator of the Small Business Administration; head of Donald Trump's SBA transition team[184]
Steve Chabot Chair of the House Small Business Committee, U.S. Representative from Ohio's 1st congressional district[67]
Bruce Levell Co-founder of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump[184]
  Green tick Linda McMahon Former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO, 2010 and 2012 Republican nominee for U.S. Senator from Connecticut[185]
Christine Toretti Chairman and CEO of S.W. Jack Drilling Company[184]

Removal of the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers

On February 8, 2017 President Trump outlined the 24 members of the Cabinet with the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers excluded.[186][187] In addition to the chair, there are two other members of the council (also appointed by the president), as well as a staff of economists, researchers, and statisticians.

See also


    1. The sources usually indicate this is specifically sitting U.S. Rep. Duncan D. Hunter age 39, not to be confused with his father the former U.S. Rep. and former 2008 presidential candidate Duncan Lee Hunter age 68, who previously held the exact same elected office before retiring from the seat (his son thereafter winning and becoming his replacement). Both the father and the son are being considered for potential roles within the Trump administration in defense-related positions,[50] as both are veterans (war on terror and war in Vietnam respectively), and furthermore both served on the House Armed Services Committee during their respective tenures.
    2. As of December 9, 2016, multiple media reports surfaced that Cathy McMorris Rodgers was anonymously leaked as being Trump's decision for United States Secretary of the Interior; according to she had been picked,[68][69] and according to she had been offered the role,[70] but most other news reports were slightly more cautious. Rodgers was most commonly called the reported pick[71][72] or the expected pick,[73][74][75][76][77] or similar phrases by the media. Some smaller media outfits said only that she was the likely pick.[78][79] CNN was the most cautious, only stating in passing that Rodgers was the leading contender,[80] albeit in an article that was more about discussing the various influences upon the vetting-process rather than being solely concentrating on the latest updates as to the status of the role itself. At least one media entity, The News & Observer (online since 1994), published a report during the afternoon of December 9 questioning the coverage of Rodgers as the expected pick, stating that an anonymous official -- presumably different from the one that had leaked the Rodgers scoop earlier -- with the Trump transition team has specifically refuted that Rodgers was the expected pick, and that quote "No offer has been made... still looking at candidates."[81]


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