Formally étale morphism

In commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, a morphism is called formally étale if it has a lifting property that is analogous to being a local diffeomorphism.

Formally étale homomorphisms of rings

Let A be a topological ring, and let B be a topological A-algebra. B is formally étale if for all discrete A-algebras C, all nilpotent ideals J of C, and all continuous A-homomorphisms u : B C/J, there exists a unique continuous A-algebra map v : B C such that u = pv, where p : C C/J is the canonical projection.[1]

Formally étale is equivalent to formally smooth plus formally unramified.[2]

Formally étale morphisms of schemes

Since the structure sheaf of a scheme naturally carries only the discrete topology, the notion of formally étale for schemes is analogous to formally étale for the discrete topology for rings. That is, let f : X Y be a morphism of schemes, Z be an affine Y-scheme, J be a nilpotent sheaf of ideals on Z, and i : Z0 Z be the closed immersion determined by J. Then f is formally étale if for every Y-morphism g : Z0 X, there exists a unique Y-morphism s : Z X such that g = si.[3]

It is equivalent to let Z be any Y-scheme and let J be a locally nilpotent sheaf of ideals on Z.[4]



See also


  1. EGA 0IV, Définition 19.10.2.
  2. EGA 0IV, Définition 19.10.2.
  3. EGA IV4, Définition 17.1.1.
  4. EGA IV4, Remarques 17.1.2 (iv).
  5. EGA IV4, proposition 17.1.3 (i).
  6. EGA IV4, proposition 17.1.3 (ii)–(iv).
  7. EGA IV4, proposition 17.1.4 and corollaire 17.1.5.
  8. EGA IV4, proposition 17.1.6.
  9. question


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