
Fontecilla is a family name found in Spain, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, The United States, and Canada.


Fontecilla is one of a set of surnames related to or descended from 'Fuentes,' meaning fountains.[1] These names include Fuente, de la Fuente, Fuentecilla, Fuéntez, Fuentez, Font, Fonte, Fontes, Fontecilla, Fontana, Fontano, Fontanal, Fontanales, Fontanals, Fontanella, Fontanet, Fontanillos and many more.[1]

The name Fontecilla is a diminutive of fuente, a cognate of fountain.

It is a common surname in Chile and Italy (Torino).

In Santiago, Chile, there is a street named La Fontecilla.

Notable Persons named Fontecilla


  1. 1 2 House of Names
  2. First Ladies of Chile.
  3. 1 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.
  4. List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1932.
  5. Chile at the 1956 Summer Olympics.
  6. Corte Suprema de Justicia
  7. es:Los Andes (Chile)

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