Flat wart
Flat warts are a type of warts that are virus linked, small in nature, and often appear in large numbers. They appear as slightly raised 1 –2 mm high skin colored bumps, are circular shaped with diameters around 2-3mm and very rarely exceeding 9 mm. The warts are appear on the face, neck, back of hands, and lower part of legs, but never in the soles of hands, soles of feet, or groin. The warts are associated with mild itching.
Flat warts are caused by acute infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. There are over a hundred strains of HPV and the strains that are most closely linked with flat warts are HPV strains 3, 10, 28, and 49. Infection is often not symptomatic but there is a high prevalence among adolescents due to numerous factors including: hormonal changes that result in slightly reduced immunity, excess sebum production, beginning shaving which auto-inoculates the virus, excessive sweating and other changes that predispose to the development of HPV on the surface of the body
Flat warts usually dissipate on their own after 1 to 2 months as the infection has subsided. But if the warts cause significant displeasure typical wart removal methods can be applied to them including: liquid nitrogen, electrocautery, and laser resurfacing.