First Faymann government

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The first government of Werner Faymann was sworn in on December 2, 2008. Following the resignation of Vice Chancellor and ÖVP party chairman Josef Pröll from all political functions, a cabinet reshuffle took place. The new government members were sworn in by the President of Austria on 21 April 2011. The first Faymann government was succeeded by the Second Faymann government on December 16, 2013.

Portfolio Minister Tookoffice Leftoffice Party
Federal Chancellery
Federal Chancellor Werner Faymann2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Vice-Chancellor Josef Pröll2 December 200821 April 2011ÖVP
 Michael Spindelegger21 April 201116 December 2013ÖVP
Minister for Women and Civil Service Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Secretary of State for Media and Government Coordination Josef Ostermayer2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Minister for European and International Affairs Michael Spindelegger2 December 200816 December 2013ÖVP
Secretary of State Wolfgang Waldner21 April 201122 August 2012ÖVP
 Reinhold Lopatka11 September 201216 December 2013ÖVP
Federal Ministry of Finance
Minister of Finance Josef Pröll2 December 200821 April 2011ÖVP
 Maria Fekter21 April 201116 December 2013ÖVP
Secretary of State Andreas Schieder2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Secretary of State Reinhold Lopatka2 December 200821 April 2011ÖVP
Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Nikolaus Berlakovich2 December 200816 December 2013ÖVP
Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports
Minister for Defence and Sports Norbert Darabos2 December 200811 March 2013SPÖ
 Gerald Klug11 March 201316 December 2013SPÖ
Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth
Minister for Economy, Family and Youth Reinhold Mitterlehner2 December 200816 December 2013ÖVP
Secretary of State for Family and Youth Christine Marek2 December 200826 November 2010ÖVP
 Verena Remler26 November 201021 April 2011ÖVP
Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture
Minister for Education, Arts and Culture Claudia Schmied2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Federal Ministry for Health
Minister for Health Alois Stöger2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Federal Ministry of the Interior
Minister for the Interior Maria Fekter2 December 200821 April 2011ÖVP
 Johanna Mikl-Leitner21 April 201116 December 2013ÖVP
Secretary of State for Integration Sebastian Kurz21 April 201116 December 2013ÖVP
Federal Ministry of Justice
Minister of Justice Johannes Hahn2 December 200815 January 2009ÖVP
 Claudia Bandion-Ortner [notes_cabinet 1]15 January 200921 April 2011Independent
 Beatrix Karl21 April 201116 December 2013ÖVP
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (Austria)
Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection Rudolf Hundstorfer2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology Doris Bures2 December 200816 December 2013SPÖ
Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Minister for Science and Research Johannes Hahn2 December 200826 January 2010ÖVP
 Beatrix Karl26 January 201021 April 2011ÖVP
 Karlheinz Töchterle[notes_cabinet 1]21 April 201116 December 2013Independent


  1. 1 2 Although formally independent, Karlheinz Töchterle and Claudia Bandion-Ortner have been part of the ÖVP's government team
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