Fernando Germani

Fernando Germani was an organist of the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome during the reign of Pope Pius XII.

Germani, born in 1906, played the piano and violin in public at four years of age. At age eight he started taking lessons in composition from Resphigi who headed Germani toward the organ. Then at age fifteen, Germani was the organist of the Augusteo Symphony Orchestra in Rome. His career spanned almost seventy-five years. He died in 1998. One of his notable pupils was organist Gérard Caron, another was organist of Liverpool Cathedral, Noel Rawsthorne.

In 1951 Edizioni de Santis della ditta Alberto de Santis in Rome published Germani's edition of the toccatas of Gerolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1644).[1] His edition has increased in importance.[2]

During the 1960s Germani visited Selby Abbey, North Yorkshire, England, and made three LP recordings: "He had the most formidable technique of his generation and will be forever remembered as the fount of enormous musical and technical inspiration."[3]


  1. Inter alia http://imslp.org/wiki/Toccate_e_partite_d%27intavolatura,_Libro_2_(Frescobaldi,_Girolamo)
  2. Felix Aprahamian and Paul Hale. "Germani, Fernando." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 10 Jul. 2016. <http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/10939>.
  3. The Selby Abbey web site http://selbyabbeyorganappeal.org.uk/Germani.html
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