Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada

Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada
Orientation Baptist
Origin 1953
Separated from Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec
Official website http://www.fellowship.ca/

The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada, often known simply as The Fellowship is a conservative Baptist association in Canada. It was formed in 1953 as a result of a merger of the Union of Regular Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec and the Fellowship of Independent Baptist Churches. In 2011 Rev. Steven Jones was appointed as President.


In 1928, the Union of Regular Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec (led by Thomas Todhunter Shields) broke away from the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec as a result of the fundamentalist/modernist controversy, while the Fellowship of Independent Baptist Churches was formed in 1933. These two merged in 1953 to form the FEBCC. The Regular Baptist Missionary Fellowship of Alberta joined in 1963, while the Convention of Regular Baptist Churches of British Columbia (founded 1927) joined in 1965.


As of 2012, the Fellowship included over 500 self-governing churches with a total membership of over 65,000, subscribing to a common doctrine. This includes English language, French language, Spanish, Chinese and other ethnic churches. The national headquarters are located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Mission work

The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches is engaged in missions to Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Japan, Latin America, the Middle East, Pakistan and South America, and offers ministry resources to assist these churches.

Other activities

The FEBCC, has strong affiliation with key institutions. Heritage Baptist College and Heritage Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario, is the main training ground for church leaders across Canada. Northwest Baptist Seminary in Langley, BC, is a partner in Western Canada. SEMBEQ and Muskoka Bible Centre are also strongly affiliated with FEBCC. The official magazine of the FEBCC, The Evangelical Baptist, is published five times per year.

See also


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