Felix Klos

Felix Klos (1992) is an American / Dutch historian, political scientist and author.


Klos was educated at the University of Oxford, Lincoln college[1] (M.St., Modern European and British History, Distinction, 2015) and Middlebury College Vt. (BA, Political Science, Magna Cum Laude, Highest Honors, 2014)[2] His academic work has focused on European integration (BA Honors Thesis: "The Power of Politics: Understanding European Integration, 1996-2009"; M.St. Dissertation: ‘Finding Their Way Home Together’: Transnational Networks and Britain’s Rejection of the Schuman Plan, 1950–52). During his studies he served as a Legislative Intern in the United States Senate and an International Office Intern for the progressive Dutch Liberal Democratic Party D66.


Klos is the author of Churchill on Europe: The Untold Story of Churchill's European Project (London, IB Tauris, June 2016)[3] and Winston Churchill - Father of Europe (Amsterdam, 2016, Hollands Diep).[4] The Guardian described the book as "scintillating” and observed that it “shows very persuasively how Churchill supported a postwar union of European states and wanted Britain to play a leading part in it.".[5][6] In addition to the books Klos published a number of newspaper and magazine articles regarding Churchill's European legacy in the perspective of the UK EU referendum in June 2016.[7][8][9][10][11]


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