Feint Ranging Rook

In shogi, Feint Ranging Rook (陽動振り飛車 yōdōfuribisha) is a Ranging Rook opening in which the player first gives the impression that they are playing a Static Rook position, which subsequently switches to a Ranging Rook position.

This strategy is intended to surprise the opponent and hopefully catch the opponent in a suboptimal position.

The impression of a Static Rook position is created by pushing the player's rook pawn forward (on the second file is played by Black or the eighth file if played by White).


Top Knot Mino
pieces in hand:
pieces in hand:

Instead of the usual Mino castle, Feint Ranging Rook often uses a Top Knot Mino (ちょんまげ美濃 chonmage minō) castle.

See also


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