Paris' law

Schematic plot of the typical relationship between the crack growth rate and the range of the stress intensity factor. In practice, the Paris law is calibrated to model the linear interval around the center.

Paris' law (also known as the Paris-Erdogan law) relates the stress intensity factor range to sub-critical crack growth under a fatigue stress regime. As such, it is the most popular fatigue crack growth model used in materials science and fracture mechanics. The basic formula reads[1]


where is the crack length and is the crack growth rate per loading cycle due to fatigue. Thus, the term on the left side, known as the crack growth rate,[2] denotes the infinitesimal crack length growth per increasing number of load cycles. On the right hand side, and are constants that depend on the material, environment and stress ratio,[3] and is the range of the stress intensity factor during the fatigue cycle, i.e.,


History and use

The formula was introduced by P. C. Paris in 1961.[4] Being a power law relationship between the crack growth rate during cyclic loading and the range of the stress intensity factor, the Paris law can be visualized as a linear graph on a log-log plot, where the x-axis is denoted by the range of the stress intensity factor and the y-axis is denoted by the crack growth rate.

Paris' law can be used to quantify the residual life (in terms of load cycles) of a specimen given a particular crack size. Defining the stress intensity factor as

where is a uniform tensile stress perpendicular to the crack plane and Y is a dimensionless parameter that depends on the geometry, the range of the stress intensity factor follows as


where is the range of cyclic stress amplitude. Y takes the value 1 for a center crack in an infinite sheet. The remaining cycles can be found by substituting this equation in the Paris law


For relatively short cracks, C can be assumed as independent of a and the differential equation can be solved via separation of variables

and subsequent integration


where is the remaining number of cycles to fracture, is the critical crack length at which instantaneous fracture will occur, and is the initial crack length at which fatigue crack growth starts for the given stress range . If Y strongly depends on a, numerical methods might be required to find reasonable solutions.


  1. "The Paris law". Fatigue crack growth theory. University of Plymouth. Retrieved 21 June 2010.
  2. N. Pugno, M. Ciavarella, P. Cornetti, A. Carpinteri. "A generalized Paris' law for fatigue crack growth" (PDF). Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 54 (2006) 1333-1349.
  3. 1 2 Roylance, David (1 May 2001). "Fatigue" (PDF). Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved 23 July 2010.
  4. P.C. Paris, M.P. Gomez, and W.E. Anderson. A rational analytic theory of fatigue. The Trend in Engineering, 1961, 13: p. 9-14.

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