Fatherland Defense Order

Fatherland Defense Order
Huân chương Bảo vệ Tổ quốc

Awarded by the Government of Vietnam
Type Single-grade order
Eligibility Vietnamese civilians, military personnel, and organization.
Awarded for Individuals and collectives that have recorded achievements in training and building forces, consolidating the all-people defense and people's security.
Status Currently awarded
Established 26 November 2003
Next (higher) Labor Order
Next (lower) Feat Order

The Fatherland Defense Order (Vietnamese: Huân chương bảo vệ tổ quốc) is an award conferred by the government of Vietnam. It is awarded to individuals and organizations for achievements in training and building forces and in strengthening national defense and security.

Individual awards

It is conferred or posthumously conferred on individuals who satisfy one of the following criteria:

Collective awards

It is conferred on collectives which satisfy one of the following criteria:

See also


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