Fabian Tassano

Fabian Tassano is an economist and author, known for his radical views on the medical profession, and for his critique of ideological aspects of modern culture.


Fabian Michael Tassano was born on 18 May 1963 in Munich to German parents. He changed his original family name of Wadel to Tassano on the marriage of his mother to Michael Tassano, a Major in the British Army. He has lived in the United Kingdom as a British citizen since 1973. In 2003, his mother's marriage to Michael Tassano having been annulled, he formally reverted to the surname Wadel,[1] while maintaining the name Fabian Tassano for publications.[2]

Tassano studied Natural Sciences at Churchill College, Cambridge, specialising in Physics and Philosophy of Science. He graduated with a First in 1984, winning the Bronowski Prize.[3]

In 1991 he qualified as a Chartered Accountant, having trained first at Grant Thornton and subsequently at KPMG Peat Marwick. He came tenth nationally in the Institute of Chartered Accountants' qualifying exam. He also qualified as a chartered tax accountant with the Institute of Taxation.[4]

From 1992 to 2000 he was first a postgraduate student, and subsequently college lecturer in economics, at the University of Oxford. He carried out research on vertical integration policy in the UK and Germany,[5] and on the economic effects of vertical mergers, for which he was awarded a doctorate by Oxford in 1998.[6]

From 1994 to 2000 he held College Lecturerships in Economics, successively at Jesus College, Balliol College, St. Peter's College and Pembroke College.

From 2000 to 2002 he was a senior economist at PricewaterhouseCoopers in London, working on transfer pricing policy.[7]

He is currently a Research Director at Oxford Forum, where he collaborates with Celia Green and Charles McCreery.[8]


In 1995 Tassano published The Power of Life or Death: Medical Coercion and the Euthanasia Debate.[9] The book had a Foreword by Thomas Szasz, an American psychiatrist known for his libertarian views on mental illness, and was described by the philosopher Antony Flew as ‘intellectually first-class’.[10]

The Power of Life or Death attempts to bring free-market and libertarian philosophical ideas into the medical ethics debate, in particular in relation to the treatment of the terminally ill, and examines the ideological subtext of the medical ethics literature, which Tassano argues often gives greater weight to collective interests than to the preferences of individual patients. Despite its radical approach the book received serious, if guarded attention from the medical profession, the British Medical Journal, for example, commenting: ‘We would not recommend this book as comfortable bedtime reading. ... If you like an intellectual challenge this one is for you.’[11]

Tassano analyses the ideological content of modern culture in general in Mediocracy: Inversions and Deceptions in an Egalitarian Culture (2006), characterized by Patrick Minford as a book that ‘delightfully dissects the language of modern egalitarianism and political correctness’.[12] The book argues that both ‘dumbing down’ in the popular media, and the obscurantism prevalent in academic discourse, are manifestations of the same underlying ideology: one which appears egalitarian but in reality is designed to privilege a paternalistic elite and exclude those who might criticise it.

Mediocracy received favourable reviews from a number of online commentators. Johnathan Pearce of the libertarian website Samizdata called it ‘a rather fine book’.[13] Curtis Yarvin described it as ‘a comprehensive and witty dictionary’.[14]

Other selected publications

See also

  1. http://ukdps.co.uk/
  2. http://www.celiagreen.com/fabianwadel.html
  3. http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/students/prizes/bronowski
  4. http://www.tax.org.uk/
  5. Tassano, F., Appraising the Regulation of Vertical Mergers: Policy in the UK and Germany. MPhil thesis, University of Oxford, 1994.
  6. Tassano, F.,Upstream Competition and Vertical Integration. DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, 1998.
  7. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/services/tax/transfer-pricing.html
  8. http://www.celiagreen.com/oxford-forum.html
  9. Tassano, F., The Power of Life or Death: a Critique of Medical Tyranny, Foreword by Thomas Szasz. London: Duckworth, 1995.
  10. Tassano, F., Mediocracy: Inversions and Deceptions in an Egalitarian Culture, Oxford: Oxford Forum, 2006, preliminary pages.
  11. http://www.bmj.com/content/312/7025/258.1
  12. Tassano, F., Mediocracy: Inversions and Deceptions in an Egalitarian Culture, Oxford: Oxford Forum, 2006.
  13. https://www.samizdata.net/2008/04/decline-and-fal/
  14. http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.co.uk/2007/09/mediocracy-definition-etiology-and.html
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