F (musical note)

F is a musical note, the fourth above C. It is also known as fa in fixed-do solfège. It has enharmonic equivalents of E and G, amongst others.

When calculated in equal temperament with a reference of A above middle C as 440 Hz, the frequency of Middle F (F4) is approximately 349.228 Hz. See pitch (music) for a discussion of historical variations in frequency.

Designation by octave

Scientific designation Helmholtz designation Bilinear music notation Octave name Frequency (Hz)
F−1 F͵͵͵ or ͵͵͵F or FFFF (-uF) Subsubcontra 10.913
F0 F͵͵ or ͵͵F or FFF (-vF) Subcontra 21.827
F1 F͵ or ͵F or FF (-wF) Contra 43.654
F2 F (-xF) Great 87.307
F3 f (-yF) Small 174.614
F4 f (zF) One-lined 349.228
F5 f (yF) Two-lined 698.456
F6 f (xF) Three-lined 1396.913
F7 f (wF) Four-lined 2793.826
F8 f (vF) Five-lined 5587.652
F9 f (uF) Six-lined 11175.303
F10 f (tF) Seven-lined 22350.607


Common scales beginning on F

Diatonic scales

Jazz melodic minor

E sharp

E is a common enharmonic equivalent of F, but is not regarded as the same note. E is commonly found before F in the same measure in pieces where F is in the key signature, in order to represent a diatonic, rather than a chromatic semitone; writing an F with a following F is regarded as a chromatic alteration of one scale degree.

See also

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