FINEXA - Stowarzyszenie Dyrektorów Finansowych is Poland's only national organisation for finance directors. The association is active in regulatory processes, education and career-building. Headquartered in Warsaw the association has a chapter in Gdańsk.

FINEXA was founded 2 August 2011 by 36 foundation members. The organization was registered in Warsaw on 17 November 2011.[1] The official organ of the association is the business magazine Strategie.[2]

The organisation is run by an 8-man board and a 5-man supervisory board. The current chairman of the board is Paweł Domosławski, and the supervisory board is headed by Nikolaus von Nathusius.[3] FINEXA since 2012 is a member institute of the International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI).[4] The Polish Association of Risk Managers (POLRISK) is a member of FINEXA.[5] The Polish Corporate Treasurers Association (PCTA) and FINEXA co-operate in regulatory process-matters.[6] Since 2012 FINEXA is organizer of the award Galeria Chwały Polskiej Ekonomii;[7] the ceremony is held at the annual conference of the organization in Warsaw. In 2013 FINEXA was host of the 43rd IAFEI World Congress in Warsaw.

Notes and references

  1. STOWARZYSZENIE DYREKTORÓW FINANSOWYCH "FINEXA" (KRS: 0000402310) at from 6 January 2012
  2. ref. Michał Czarnecki, Strategie oficjalnym organem Finexa at from 17 November
  3. ref. Iwona Pawłowska, FINEXA łączy dyrektorów finansowych at from 6 January 2012
  4. ref. IAFEI Quarterly, issue 16 February 2012, p. 59
  5. Stowarzyszenie Dyrektorów Finansowych "FINEXA“ członkiem międzynarodowej organizacji IAFEI at the associations website from 15 February 2012
  6. ref. information PCTA i FINEXA porozumienie o współpracy at the website of PCTA
  7. Press release from June 14, 2013, website Finexa (in Polish)
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