Evolutionary psychology research groups and centers

The following is a list of evolutionary psychology research groups and centers.

CountryGroup Institution
ArgentinaGroup on Evolutionary Archaeology and AnthropologyUniversity of Buenos Aires
CanadaHuman Evolutionary Studies Program Simon Fraser University
Behavioural Ecology Research Group Simon Fraser University
Centre for Human Evolution, Cognition and Culture University of British Columbia & Simon Fraser University
GermanyLudwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition Max Planck Institute
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science Max Planck Institute
NetherlandsEvolutionary Social and Organisational Psychology ResearchVU University
NorwayEvolutionary Psychology and Individual Differences Norwegian University of Science and Technology
UKCentre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution University College London
Human Evolutionary Ecology Group University College London
Origins of Mind Research Group University of St Andrews
Evolutionary Anthropology Research GroupDurham University
Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior Ecology Group University of Liverpool
Centre for Comparative and Evolutionary Psychology University of Portsmouth
Evolution and Behaviour Group and MSc Programme Brunel University
Centre for Research in Evolutionary Anthropology Roehampton University
USAEthology and Evolutionary Psychology Program University of Arizona
Behavioral Biology Laboratory University of Chicago
Biological Anthropology ProgramUniversity of California, Los Angeles
UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture University of California, Los Angeles
The UCSB Center for Evolutionary Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara
Evolution and the Social Mind University of California, Santa Barbara
Center for Cognitive Archaeology University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Evolutionary Psychology Lab Oakland University
Program for Evolutionary Dynamics Harvard University
Evolutionary Psychology Lab Harvard University
Evolution and Human Behavior Laboratory University of Miami
Evolution and Human Adaptation Program University of Michigan
Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group University of Nebraska
NECSINew England Complex Systems Institute
Program in Evolution and Development University of New Mexico
The Pennsylvania Laboratory for Experimental Evolutionary Psychology University of Pennsylvania
Research Group on Evolution and Higher Cognition Rutgers University
Individual Differences and Evolutionary Psychology Program University of Texas at Austin
Evolutionary World Politics, Department of Political Science University of Washington
IGERT Program in Evolutionary Modeling University of Washington & Washington State University
VariousInternational Paleopsychology Project International Paleopsychology Project
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