
Developer(s) Sony Online Entertainment
Publisher(s) Sony Online Entertainment
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
macOS (2003–2013)
Release 16 March 1999
Genre(s) Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Mode(s) Multiplayer

EverQuest is a 3D fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released on March 16, 1999.[1] It was the second commercially viable MMORPG to be released, after Ultima Online, and the first commercially successful MMORPG to employ a three-dimensional game engine.

EverQuest has had a wide influence on subsequent releases within the market, and holds an important position in the history of massively multiplayer online games. The game surpassed early subscription expectations and grew for many years after its release. It has received awards, including 1999 GameSpot Game of the Year and a 2007 Technology & Engineering Emmy Award.[2]



EverQuest began as a concept by John Smedley in 1996. The original design is credited to Brad McQuaid, Steve Clover, and Bill Trost. It was developed by Sony's 989 Studios and its early-1999 spin-off Verant Interactive, and published by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE).[3]

Since its acquisition of Verant in late 1999, EverQuest was developed by Sony Online Entertainment.[4]

The design and concept of EverQuest is heavily indebted to text-based MUDs, in particular DikuMUD, and as such EverQuest is considered a 3D evolution of the text MUD genre like some of the MMOs that preceded it, such as Meridian 59 and The Realm Online. John Smedley, Brad McQuaid, Steve Clover and Bill Trost, who jointly are credited with creating the world of EverQuest, have repeatedly pointed to their shared experiences playing MUDs such as Sojourn and TorilMUD as the inspiration for the game.[5] Famed book cover illustrator Keith Parkinson created the box covers for earlier installments of EverQuest.[6]

Development of EverQuest began in 1996 when Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA) executive John Smedley secured funding for a 3D game like text-based MUDs following the successful launch of Meridian 59 the previous year. To implement the design, Smedley hired programmers Brad McQuaid and Steve Clover, who had come to Smedley's attention through their work on the single player RPG Warwizard. McQuaid soon rose through the ranks to become executive producer for the EverQuest franchise and emerged during development of EverQuest as a popular figure among the fan community through his in-game avatar, Aradune. Other key members of the development team included Bill Trost, who created the history, lore and major characters of Norrath (including EverQuest protagonist Firiona Vie), Geoffrey "GZ" Zatkin, who implemented the spell system, and artist Milo D. Cooper, who did the original character modeling in the game.


EverQuest launched with modest expectations from Sony on 16 March 1999 under its Verant Interactive brand and quickly became successful. By the end of the year, it had surpassed competitor Ultima Online in number of subscriptions. Numbers continued rising rapidly until mid-2001 when growth slowed. Sony's last reported subscription numbers were given as more than 430,000 players on 14 January 2004.[7]

EverQuest initially launched with volunteer "Guides" who would act as basic customer service/support via 'petitions'. Issues could be forwarded to the Game Master assigned to the server or resolved by the volunteer. Other guides would serve in administrative functions within the program or assisting the Quest Troupe with dynamic and persistent live events throughout the individual servers. Volunteers were compensated with free subscription and expansions to the game. In 2003 the program changed for the volunteer guides taking them away from the customer service focus and placing them into their current roles as roving 'persistent characters' role-playing with the players.

In anticipation of PlayStation's launch, Sony Interactive Studios America made the decision to focus primarily on console titles under the banner 989 Studios, while spinning off its sole computer title, EverQuest, which was ready to launch, to a new computer game division named Redeye (renamed Verant Interactive). Executives initially had very low expectations for EverQuest, but in 2000, following the surprising continued success and unparalleled profits of EverQuest, Sony reorganized Verant Interactive into Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) with Smedley retaining control of the company.

Many of the original EverQuest team, including Brad McQuaid and Steve Clover left SOE by 2002.[8]

Subscription numbers

While the exact statistics on EverQuest subscriptions are not public, computer games analyst Bruce Woodcock estimates, based on public sources such as press statements, that the game had 200,000 subscriptions in March 2000, one year after initial release, with an increase to more than 450,000 subscriptions by July 2003. However, the same analysis points at a sharp decline after mid-2005, back to 200,000 in May 2006.[9]

Growth and sequels

The first four expansions were released in traditional physical boxes at roughly one-year intervals. These were highly ambitious and offered huge new landmasses, new playable races and new classes. The expansion Shadows of Luclin (2001) gave a significant facelift to player character models, bringing the by-then dated 1999 graphics up to modern standards. However, non-player characters which do not correspond to any playable race-gender-class combination (such as vendors) were not updated, leading to the coexistence of 1999-era and 2001-era graphics in many locations. The expansion Planes of Power (2002) introduced The Plane of Knowledge, a hub zone from which players could quickly teleport to many other destinations. This made the pre-existing roads and ships largely redundant, and long-distance overland travel is now virtually unheard of.

EverQuest made a push to enter the European market in 2002 with the New Dawn promotional campaign, which not only established local servers in Germany, France and Great Britain but also offered localized versions of the game in German and French to accommodate players who prefer those languages to English. In the following year the game also moved beyond the PC market with a Mac OS X version.

In 2003 experiments began with digital distribution of expansions, starting with the Legacy of Ykesha. From this point on expansions would be less ambitious in scope than the original four, but on the other hand the production rate increased to two expansions a year instead of one.

This year the franchise also ventured into the console market with EverQuest Online Adventures, released for Sony's internet-capable PlayStation 2. It was the second MMORPG for this console, after Final Fantasy XI. Story-wise it was a prequel, with the events taking place 500 years before the original EverQuest. Other spin-off projects were the PC strategy game Lords of EverQuest (2003) and the co-op Champions of Norrath (2004) for the PlayStation 2.

After these side projects, the first proper sequel was released in late 2004, titled simply EverQuest II .[10] The game is set 500 years after the original, as opposed to EverQuest Online Adventures which took place 500 years before. EverQuest II would face severe competition from Blizzard's World of Warcraft, which was released at virtually the same time and quickly grew to dominate the MMORPG genre.


Since the release of World of Warcraft and other modern MMORPGs, there have been a number of signs that the EverQuest population is shrinking. The national New Dawn servers were discontinued in 2005 and merged into a general (English-language) European server.[11]

The 2006 expansion The Serpent's Spine introduced the "adventure-friendly" city of Crescent Reach in which all races and classes are able (and encouraged) to start. Crescent Reach is supposed to provide a more pedagogic starting environment than the original 1999 cities, where players were given almost no guidance on what to do. The common starting city also concentrates the dwindling number of new players in a single location, making grouping easier. 2008's Seeds of Destruction expansion introduced computer controlled companions called "mercenaries" that can join groups in place of human players; a response to the increasing difficulty of finding other players of appropriate level for group activities. As of Seeds the production rate also returned to one expansion a year instead of two.

In March 2012 EverQuest departed from the traditional monthly subscription business model by introducing three tiers of commitment: a completely free-to-play Bronze Level, a one-time fee Silver Level, and a subscription Gold Level.[12] The same month saw the closure of EverQuest Online Adventures. Just a few months earlier EverQuest II had gone free-to-play and SOE flagship Star Wars Galaxies also closed.

In June of the same year SOE removed the ability to buy game subscription time with Station Cash without any warning to players. SOE apologized for this abrupt change in policy and reinstated the option for an additional week, after which it was removed permanently.[13]

November 2013 saw the closure of the sole Mac OS server Al'Kabor.

In February 2015 Sony sold its online entertainment division to private equity group Columbus Nova, with Sony Online Entertainment subsequently renamed Daybreak Game Company. An initial period of uncertainty followed, with all projects such as expansions and sequels put on hold and staff laid off. The situation stabilized around the game's 16th anniversary celebrations, and a new expansion was released in November 2015.

EverQuest Next

The third iteration in the series, with the working title EverQuest Next, was under development,[14] with in-game screenshots, concept art, and information revealed at the SOE Fan Faire in August 2010.[15] However, this early version of the game has since been scrapped and development cancelled.[16]


Many of the elements in EverQuest have been drawn from text-based MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) games, particularly DikuMUDs, which in turn were inspired by traditional role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons.[5] In EverQuest, players create a character (also known as an avatar, or colloquially as a char or toon) by selecting one of sixteen races in the game, which range from humans (basic Caucasian-looking human, dark-skinned Erudite, and barbarian), elves (high elves, wood elves, and dark elves), half-elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, trolls, and ogres, to cat-people (Vah Shir), lizard-people (Iksar), frog-people (Froglok), and dragon-people (Drakkin).[17] At creation, players select each character's adventuring occupation (such as a wizard, ranger, or cleric — called a classsee below for particulars), a patron deity, and starting city. Customization of the character facial appearance is available at creation (hair, hair color, face style, facial hair, facial hair color, eye color, etc.).

A Sand Giant engaging a group in the Oasis of Marr, a desert zone. The low-polygon character models, low resolution, and simple user interface suggest this screenshot was taken between 1999 and 2002.

Players move their character throughout the medieval fantasy world of Norrath, often fighting monsters and enemies for treasure and experience points, and optionally mastering trade skills. As they progress, players advance in level, gaining power, prestige, spells, and abilities through valorous deeds such as entering overrun castles and keeps, defeating worthy opponents found within, and looting their remains. Experience and prestigious equipment can also be obtained by completing quests given out by non-player characters found throughout the land.

EverQuest allows players to interact with other people through role-play, joining player guilds, and dueling other players (in restricted situations – EverQuest only allows player versus player (PVP) combat on the PvP-specific server, specified arena zones and through agreed upon dueling).

The game-world of EverQuest consists of over five hundred zones.[18]

Multiple instances of the world exist on various servers. In the past, game server populations were visible during log-in, and showed peaks of more than 3000 players per server. The design of EverQuest, like other massively multiplayer online role-playing games, makes it highly amenable to cooperative play, with each player having a specific role within a given group.


The fourteen classes of the original 1999 version of EverQuest were later expanded to include the Beastlord and Berserker classes with the Shadows of Luclin (2001) and Gates of Discord (2004) expansions, respectively.

The classes can be grouped into five general roles that share similar characteristics, as described below.

Tank classes

Members of this group have a high number of hitpoints for their level, and can equip heavy armor. They have the ability to taunt enemies into focusing on them, either directly or through the use of aggravating spells and abilities. This is to keep their more lightly-armored companions alive and well, who may otherwise provoke the wrath of one or more deadly creatures.

Damage dealers

The following classes are able to deal high corporal damage to opponents. Within the game, these classes are often referred to as 'DPS', which stands for Damage Per Second. There isn't a definitive top DPS class, as damage dealt will depend on numerous factors which vary from one encounter to another (such as the enemy's armor, its positioning, and its magic resistance). Another complication is that while Wizards can readily deal tremendous damage to enemies, their ability to do so is limited by their remaining mana pool, as well as how fast they are able to regenerate mana. That said, Berserkers, Rogues, and Wizards are three classes most commonly cited as the highest overall damage dealers.

These melee damage dealers have a medium number of hit points per level, but cannot wear the heaviest armors and are less likely than a tank class to be able to survive direct attacks for a sustained period of time.


Caster classes have the lowest hit points per level and can only wear the lightest of armors. Casters draw their power from an internal pool of mana, which takes some time to regenerate and thus demands judicious and efficient use of spells.

Crowd control / utility

These classes share the ability to prevent enemies from attacking the party, as well as improving mana regeneration for themselves, teammates, and in the Enchanter's case, anyone they come across.

Enchanters possess some rudimentary direct-damage and damage-over-time offensive spells, all in the Magic school of casting, although using mana in this way is not often efficient or effective.
For a long time the Bard was generally considered the most overpowered class in the game, able to originally stack multiple versions of a single buff, and benefit from all of them, while other classes could not. The Bard is also the only class able to cast spells from items, while running.


Priest classes have medium level of hit points per level and have access to healing and "buff" spells.


There are several deities in EverQuest who each have a certain area of responsibility and play a role in the backstory of the game setting. A wide array of armor and weapons are also deity-tied, making it possible for only those who worship that deity to wear/equip them. Additionally, deities determine, to some extent, where characters may and may not go without being attacked on sight.


The EverQuest universe is divided into more than five hundred zones.[22] These zones represent a wide variety of geographical features, including plains, oceans, cities, deserts, and other planes of existence. One of the most popular zones in the game is the Plane of Knowledge, one of the few zones in which all races and classes can coexist harmoniously without interference. The Plane of Knowledge is also home to portals to many other zones, including portals to other planes and to the outskirts of nearly every starting city.


There have been twenty-three expansions to the original game since release. Expansions are purchased separately and provide additional content to the game (for example: raising the maximum character level; adding new races, classes, zones, continents, quests, equipment, game features). Additionally, the game is updated through downloaded patches. The EverQuest expansions are as follows:

Title Release Date Level Cap
The Ruins of Kunark 2000 April 24 60
The Scars of Velious 2000 December 5 60
The Shadows of Luclin 2001 December 4 60
The Planes of Power 2002 October 29 65
The Legacy of Ykesha 2003 February 25 65
Lost Dungeons of Norrath 2003 September 9 65
Gates of Discord 2004 February 10 65
Omens of War 2004 September 14 70
Dragons of Norrath 2005 February 15 70
Depths of Darkhollow 2005 September 13 70
Prophecy of Ro 2006 February 21 70
The Serpent's Spine 2006 September 19 75
The Buried Sea 2007 February 13 75
Secrets of Faydwer 2007 November 13 80
Seeds of Destruction 2008 October 21 85
Underfoot 2009 December 15 85
House of Thule 2010 October 12 90
Veil of Alaris 2011 November 15 95
Rain of Fear 2012 November 28 100
Call of the Forsaken 2013 October 8 100
The Darkened Sea 2014 October 28 105
The Broken Mirror 2015 November 18 105
Empires of Kunark 2016 November 16 105


The game runs on multiple game servers, each with a unique name for identification. These names were originally the deities of the world of Norrath. In technical terms, each game server is actually a cluster of server machines. Once a character is created, it can be played only on that server unless the character is transferred to a new server by the customer service staff, generally for a fee. Each server often has a unique community and people often include the server name when identifying their character outside of the game.


SOE devoted one server (Al'Kabor) to an OS X version of the game. The game was never developed beyond the Planes of Power expansion. In January 2012, SOE announced plans to shut down the server, but based on the passionate response of the player base, rescinded the decision and changed Al'Kabor to a free-to-play subscription model.[23] At about the same time, SOE revised the Macintosh client software to run natively on Intel processors. Players running on older, PowerPC-based systems lost access to the game at that point.[24] Finally in November 2013, SOE closed Al'Kabor.[25]


Two SOE servers were set up to better support players in and around Europe: Antonius Bayle and Kane Bayle. Kane Bayle was merged into Antonius Bayle.

With the advent of the New Dawn promotion, three additional servers were set up and maintained by Ubisoft: Venril Sathir (British), Sebilis (French) and Kael Drakkal (German). The downside of the servers was that while it was possible to transfer to them, it was impossible to transfer off.

The servers were subsequently acquired by SOE and all three were merged into Antonius Bayle server.[26]


Review score

Controversies, social issues, and game problems

Sale of in-game objects/real world economics

The sale of in-game objects for real currency is a controversial and lucrative industry with topics concerning issues practices of hacking/stealing accounts for profit. Critics often cite how it affects the virtual economy inside the game. In 2001, the sales of in-game items for real life currency was banned on eBay.[28]

A practice in the real-world trade economy is of companies creating characters, powerleveling them to make them powerful, and then reselling the characters for large sums of money or in-game items of other games.

Sony discourages the payment of real-world money for online goods, except on certain "Station Exchange" servers in EverQuest II, launched in July 2005. The program facilitates buying in-game items for real money from fellow players for a nominal fee. At this point this system only applies to select EverQuest II servers; none of the pre-Station Exchange EverQuest II or EverQuest servers are affected.[29]

In 2012, Sony added an in-game item called a "Krono", which adds 30 days of game membership throughout EverQuest and EverQuest II. The item can be initially bought starting at $17.99 USD. Up to 25 "Kronos" can be bought for $424.99 USD. Krono can be resold via player trading, which has allowed Krono to be frequently used in the real-world trade economy.

Intellectual property and role-playing

Mystere incident

On October 2000, Verant banned a player by the name of Mystere, allegedly for creating controversial fan fiction, causing outrage among some EverQuest players and sparking a debate about players' rights and the line between roleplaying and intellectual property infringement. The case was used by several academics in discussing such rights in the digital age.[30]


Some argue the game has addictive qualities. Many players refer to it as "EverCrack" (a comparison to crack cocaine).[31] There was one well-publicized suicide of an EverQuest user named Shawn Woolley, that inspired his mother, Liz, to found Online Gamers Anonymous.[32][33]

Sociological aspects of MMORPGs

Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) are described by some players[34] as "chat rooms with a graphical interface". The sociological aspects of EverQuest (and other MMORPGs) are explored in a series of online studies on a site known as "the HUB".[34] The studies make use of data gathered from player surveys and discuss topics like virtual relationships, player personalities, gender issues, and more.

Organized protests

In May 2004, Woody Hearn of GU Comics called for all EverQuest gamers to boycott the Omens of War expansion in an effort to force SOE to address existing issues with the game rather than release another "quick-fire" expansion.[35] The call to boycott was rescinded after SOE held a summit to address player concerns, improve (internal and external) communication, and correct specific issues within the game.

Prohibition in the state of Minas Gerais state of Brazil

On 17 January 2008, the Judge of the 17th Federal Court of Minas Gerais State forbade the sales of the game in that Brazilian territory. The reason was that "the game leads the players to a loss of moral virtue and takes them into "heavy" psychological conflicts because of the game quests".[36]

EverQuest franchise

Since EverQuest's release, Sony Online Entertainment has added several EverQuest-related games. These include:

A line of novels have been published in the world of EverQuest, including:


  1. Trey Walker (May 1, 2002). "EverQuest II announced". GameSpot. Retrieved March 28, 2015. Sony Online Entertainment has announced EverQuest II, the upcoming sequel to its groundbreaking massively multiplayer online role-playing game EverQuest.
  2. "Winners of 59th Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards Announced by National Television Academy at Consumer Electronics Show". The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS). Retrieved 12 March 2012.
  3. Marks, Robert (2003). Everquest Companion: The Inside Lore of a Gameworld. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. ISBN 978-0-07-222903-5.
  4. "Announcement of Verant Merger". Verant.
  5. 1 2 Bartle, Richard (2003). Designing Virtual Worlds. New Riders Games. ISBN 0-13-101816-7.
  6. "Limited Edition Prints". Keith Parkinson Online. Retrieved Sep 10, 2015.
  7. Champions Of Norrath Announcement, Sony.com
  8. McQuaid, Brad (14 February 2014). "The Inside Story of How a Major MMO Went Wrong" (Interview). Interview with Morgan Ramsay. IGN. Retrieved 19 April 2017.
  9. Woodcock, Bruce. "MMOG Active Subscriptions 21.0". mmogchart.com. Retrieved 6 November 2006.
  10. "Stratics Official Game Lore". Five hundred years have passed since the Sleeper was awakened
  11. http://www.tgdaily.com/games-and-entertainment-brief/1778-everquest-europe-joins-everquest-us
  12. "EverQuest Free to Play". Retrieved 2012-02-01.
  13. Non-recurring Subscriptions Removal Official news and announcements - 2012-06-15
  14. "SOE Confirms Development on EverQuest "Next"". Allakhazam. 2009-09-13. Retrieved 2009-09-13.
  15. "EQ2Wire Coverage of EverQuest Next". EQ2Wire. 2010-08-09. Retrieved 2010-08-09.
  16. http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/11/11206518/everquest-next-canceled because the game simply wasn't fun
  17. "EQ Circle - List Of Races". Retrieved 2011-12-31.
  18. "EverQuest - Massively Multiplayer Online Fantasy Role-Playing Game". Everquest.station.sony.com. Retrieved 2011-12-21.
  19. "Necromancer Spell Reference". Sony Online Entertainment.
  20. "Allakhazam". Retrieved 2011-10-13
  21. "Class and Race Specific Tradeskills".
  22. "SOE Everquest page". Sony.
  23. EQMac will carry on!, SOE forums
  24. EQMac Login News, SOE forums
  25. EQ Mac Sunsetting: A Letter from John Smedley SOE official forum, October 18, 2013
  26. "Everquest Europe joins EverQuest US". TG Daily. Retrieved 2010-06-02.
  27. Couper, Chris. "EverQuest - Review". AllGame. Archived from the original on December 10, 2014. Retrieved March 21, 2017.
  28. Smith, Andrew (12 February 2001). "Whatever happened to the Everquest auction suit?". Retrieved 29 May 2016.
  29. "Additional information about Station Exchange". Everquest II News. Sony. Retrieved 2006-09-13.
  30. cf. Garlick M., "Player, Pirate or Conducer? A consideration of the rights of online gamers", Yale Journal of Law & Technology, 2004-2005.
  31. "EverQuest Lair - Reviews, Platinum, and Cheats". Gameogre.com. Retrieved 2009-03-13.
  32. Spain, Judith W.; Vega, Gina (Spring 2005). "EverQuest: Entertainment or Addiction?". The CASE Journal. 1 (2): 60–66.
  33. Spain, Judith W.; Vega, Gina (May 2005). "Sony Online Entertainment: EverQuestor EverCrack?". Journal of Business Ethics. 58 (1): 3–6. doi:10.1007/s10551-005-1376-9.
  34. 1 2 "Men are from Ogguk. Women are from Kelethin.". Nick Yee. Retrieved 2006-09-13.
  35. "GU Comics by: Woody Hearn". Gucomics.com. 2004-05-26. Retrieved 2009-03-13.
  36. "Counter-Strike e EverQuest estao proibidos no Brasil". UOL. 2008-01-18.


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