European health management association

The European Health Management Association (EHMA) is a network of health organisations throughout Europe, whose objective it is to improve the quality and build the capacity of health management in the European Region. EHMA seeks to achieve its objective by building bridges between countries, academia, managers, policy makers and health professionals and sharing knowledge between experts and health organisations so that it can influence policy in Europe.

EHMA is a forum for health policy makers who need to network and share information and intelligence in a rapidly changing health sector; senior health managers who need an international and inter-sectoral network to develop their capacity to deliver health services; programme directors of health management programmes, who need an international forum to develop their programmes; and academic institutions and research organisations who can exchange experience and learning amongst their peers across Europe.

EHMA currently has 200 member organisations across more than 30 countries. It is the only European membership organisation focusing on health management in the health sector.

EHMA represents the interests of members on a wide range of European Commission working groups and committees, including the European Health Policy Forum and the Commission Working Group on Patient Safety and Quality. EHMA has also been involved as project leader or participant in a wide range of European Commission funded research projects and studies in public health. It is currently leading the PROMeTHeUS study (Health Professional Mobility in the European Union), a major study on professional mobility with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and multiple other partners. It is also a participant in the EURO-DRG project, delivering a work package on hospital benchmarking of DRG data.

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