EuroMed Rights

EuroMed Rights, formerly the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN, French: Réseau euro-mediterranéen des droits de l'Homme) is a network of 80 human rights organisations, institutions and individuals based in 30 countries in Europe and the Mediterranean region. It was established in 1997 in response to the Barcelona Declaration, which led to the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

The members of EuroMed Rights admit to universal human rights principles and are convinced of the value of cooperation and dialogue across and within borders. EuroMed Rights promotes networking, cooperation and development of partnerships between human rights NGOs, activists and a wider civil society.

Aims and achievements

EuroMed Rights was created in relation to the existence of the inter-governmental Euromediterranean Partnership (EMP), and in particular, the Barcelona Process proposed by the EMP. EuroMed Rights' role is primarily as an intermediary between governmental institutions and grassroots human rights organisations. It received most of its funding during its first years from governmental sources and is closely linked to the EuroMed Civil Forums that constitutes a relatively government-linked alternative to the grassroots Alternative Mediterranean Conference that was organised in 1995. As of 2008, EuroMed Rights had become well recognised both by European Union (EU) institutions and NGOs. Its activities range from communication among NGO members and activist campaigning through to lobbying of institutions.

EuroMed Rights describes itself as a regional forum for human rights NGOs and a pool of expertise on promotion, protection and strengthening of human rights. It's online library is an important collection of press releases, statements, open letters and reports about the Euro-Mediterranean region.

It states that it brings people together in inter-cultural settings to promote dialogue and understanding, with stress on the following subjects:[1]



The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network has the following members:[3]

 Algeria Coalition of families of the disappeared in Algeria (CFDA)
Algerian league for the defence of human rights (LADDH)
National autonomous union of public administration staff (SNAPAP)
 Austria Bruno Kreisky Foundation for Human Rights
 Bulgaria Center for legal aid – voice in Bulgaria
 Cyprus Mediterranean Institute for Gender Studies at University of Nicosia
Action for equality, support, antiracism (KISA)
 Czech Republic People in Need
 Denmark Danish Institute for Human Rights
The Danish center for research and information on gender, equality and diversity (KVINFO)
 Egypt Andalus institute for tolerance and anti-violence studies (AITAS)
 Finland Tampere Peace Research Institute at University of Tampere
 France Tunisian federation for a two banks citizenship
Human Rights League (France)
National federation solidarity with women (FNSF)
Education League
 Greece Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity
Greek council for refugees (GCR)
 Ireland 80:20 Education and Acting for a Better World
 Occupied Palestinian Territories
The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (ADALAH)
Arab Association for Human Rights
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
Palestinian Center for Human Rights
Women’s centre for legal aid and counseling (WCLAC)
 Italy ARCI Association
Italian Refugee Council
 Jordan Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
Sisterhood is Global Institute
ARDD – legal aid organization
Mizan law group for Human Rights
 Lebanon Palestinian Human Rights Organization in Lebanon
Institute for Human Rights (IHR) – Beirut Bar Association
Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH)
 Malta Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies at University of Malta
 Western Sahara
Democratic association of women from Morocco (ADFM)
Moroccan Association of Human Rights
Espace Associatif
Moroccan Organisation of Human Rights
 Portugal Portuguese human rights league – civitas (LPDHC)
 Spain CEAR – Spanish commission for refugees
Human rights institute of Catalonia (IDHC)
Federation of associations for the defence and the promotion of human rights (FADPHR)
SUDS – internacionalisme solidaritat feminismes
 Sweden Kvinna till Kvinna
 Syria Committees for the Defense of Democracy Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria
Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies
Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Rights Studies
The Syrian organization for human rights (SWASIAH)
 Tunisia Tunisian Association of the Democratic Women
Tunisian Human Rights League
Committee for the Respect of Freedom and Human Rights in Tunisia
 Turkey Human Rights Association (Turkey)
Citizen Assembly
 United Kingdom Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRCEW)
Human Rights Centre at University of Essex
Solicitors international human rights group (SIHRG)
Regional Members European association for the defence of human rights (AEDH)
Arabic network for human rights information (ANHRI)
Arab institute for human rights (AIHR)
Collectif 95 – Maghreb Egalité
Cairo institute for human rights studies (CIHRS)
African and Middle East refugee assistance (AMERA)
Associate Members Amnesty International (EU Office)
International Federation of Human Rights
Human Rights Watch
World Organisation Against Torture
Women’s international league for peace and freedom (WILPF)
International bar association’s human rights institute (IBAHRI)
Norwegian Helsinki Committee
[ Association for the prevention of torture (APT)]


  2. van Hüllen, Vera (November 2008). "Transnationalising Euromediterranean Relations: The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network as an Intermediary Actor" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2010-06-28. Retrieved 2010-06-28. (cover page)
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