Equivalent width

A diagram indicating the equivalent width corresponding to the absorption line, which is shown in red.

The equivalent width of a spectral line is a measure of the area of the line on a plot of intensity versus wavelength. It is found by forming a rectangle with a height equal to that of continuum emission, and finding the width such that the area of the rectangle is equal to the area in the spectral line. It is a measure of the strength of spectral features that is primarily used in astronomy.[1]


Formally, the equivalent width is given by the equation


Here, represents the continuum intensity on either side of the absorption (or emission) feature, while represents the intensity across the entire wavelength range of interest. Then represents the width of a hypothetical line which drops to an intensity of zero and has the "same integrated flux deficit from the continuum as the true one."[2] This equation can be applied to either emission or absorption, but when applied to emission, the value of is negative, and so the absolute value is used.


The equivalent width is used as a quantitative measure of the strength of spectral features. The equivalent width is a convenient choice because the shapes of spectral features can vary depending upon the configuration of the system which is producing the lines. For instance, the line may experience Doppler broadening due to motions of the gas emitting the photons. The photons will be shifted away from the line center, thus rendering the height of the emission line a poor measure of its overall strength. The equivalent width, on the other hand, "measures the fraction of energy removed from the spectrum by the line," regardless of the broadening intrinsic to the line or a detector with poor resolution.[3] Thus the equivalent width can in many conditions yield the number of absorbing or emitting atoms.[1]

For example, measurements of the equivalent width of the Balmer alpha transition in T Tauri stars are used in order to classify individual T Tauri stars as being classical or weak-lined.[2] Also, the equivalent width is used in studying star formation in Lyman alpha galaxies, as the equivalent width of the Lyman alpha line is related to the star formation rate in the galaxy.[4] The equivalent width is also used in many other situations where a quantitative comparison between line strengths is needed.


  1. 1 2 Carroll, Bradley; Ostlie, Dale (2007). An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics. Pearson Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-321-44284-9.
  2. 1 2 3 Stahler, Steven; Palla, Francesco (2004). The Formation of Stars. Wiley-VCH. ISBN 3-527-40559-3.
  3. Spitzer, Lyman (1998). Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium. Wiley-VCH. ISBN 0-471-02232-2.
  4. Dijkstra, Mark; Westra, Eduard (2010). "Star formation indicators and line equivalent width in Lya galaxies". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 401 (4): 2343–2348. Bibcode:2010MNRAS.401.2343D. arXiv:0911.1357Freely accessible. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15859.x.
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