Enzio Reuter

Enzio Reuter.

Enzio Rafael Reuter (30 March 1867, Turku – 11 February 1951, Helsinki) was a Finnish entomologist who specialised in Lepidoptera.

He wrote Über die Palpen der Rhopalocera: Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen unter den Tagfaltern, an important work on the classificaation of lepidoptera in which some higher level taxa are erected.

Reuter was a cytologist and student of phylogenetics. His collection is conserved in the Natural History Museum of Helsinki.

Reuter was a correspondent with and admirer of the German Darwinist Ernst Haeckel:

"In 1868 Haeckel had given his first edition of the natural history of creation and this work, more than any other, made Darwinism to a generally accepted world view… Reuter’s dissertation carries a label of its time. It is a typical phylogenetic handling, inspired by Haeckel’s spirit that at the close of the century totally dominated the biological research."[1]



  1. Federley H., 1951.
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