
Entoman is a fictional character created by David Füleki. He is an anthropomorphic duck with superhuman powers who has major or minor roles in many comic books.


According to his creator Entoman is the incarnation of Siegmund Freud's id[1] which means that he does everything he wants without being bound by his conscience. Furthermore, Entoman often shows very crude forms of brutality but also high intelligence and even childish behavior. His only weakness may be his desire for ice cream.

Major Appearances



  1. Carolin Fischer (February 1, 2010): "Entoman powered by Comicstars", Retrieved 2010-09-23, http://www.openpr.de/news/392911/Entoman-powered-by-Comicstars.html
  2. "Lobende Erwähnung: "Blutrotkäppchen" von David Füleki (Delfinium Prints)". Interessenverband Comic e.V. 23 June 2011. Retrieved 1 November 2011.
  3. "Comic-Fans haben entschieden: Preisträger des Sondermann 2011 stehen fest". Presse & Unternehmenskommunikation Frankfurter Buchmesse. 15 October 2011. Retrieved 17 October 2011.
  4. "Die Gewinner des ICOM Independent Comic Preises". Interessenverband Comic e.V. 13 June 2011. Retrieved 15 June 2011.

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