English false friends in Ido

This is a list of English false friends in the constructed language Ido.

Words with different meaning

Ido word means in English whereas English word is translated to Ido as
an on, at, to (being in contact) a / an (always omitted)
avertar to advertise, to warn avert eskartar, preventar
bruiso noise bruise ekimoso
chapelo hat chapel kapelo
demandar to ask for, to request to demand postular
dextra right (side, direction) dexterous habila
divenar to become divine konjektar, predicar
do therefore to do facar
domo house dome kupolo
dronar to drown to drone zumar
fiera proud fiery fairala, ardoroza
for far from, away from for por
fundo ground, river-/seabed, background fund kapitalo, kaso
gamo gamut, scale game ludo (plaything), vildo (beasts)
glitar glide, slip to glitter brilar
grapo cluster (of fruits, flowers) grape vit-bero
graso fat grass herbo, gazono
guto drop (of liquid) gut intestino
halo large covered space, hall halo halono, aureolo
hike here to hike (~promenar)
hisar raise flag or sail to hiss sisar
kapo head cap kasqueto, kepio
kava hollow, cavity cave kaverno
klamar to shout, exclaim to claim postular, reklamacar, pretendar
klefo key cleft fenduro, krevisuro
kompostar to set up in type to compost (~facar dungo)
komprar to buy to compare komparar
lego law leg gambo
lejera light, lightweight lecherous laciva
lektar to read lecture diskursar, donar leciono, reprimandar
likar to leak to like prizar
lore at that time lore savajo, folklore
maro sea mare kavalino
mentiar to lie to mention mencionar
milito war militia milico
momento momentum moment instanto
mordar to bite to murder ocidar
on someone, "they" (as in "they say") on sur (upon, above), an (at, to)
or now, but (in argument) or o / od
pago payment page pagino (of book), pajo (occupation)
pano bread pan padelo, kasrolo, tortuyo
pino pine pin pinglo
plena full plain (adjective) plana (level), simpla (simple)
razar shave raze rezigar
regardar to look to regard egardar, estimar
revar to dream to rave delirar
ridar to laugh ride vehar, vetur-irar, biciklirar, kavalkar
sablo sand sable zibelino
salo salt sale vendo
salto jump salt salo
sana healthy sane mente sana
sat enough sat (past of sit) sidis
sedo bottom (of body) seed semino, grano
sentima fearless sentimental sentimentala
shaki chess shah sha
shaki chess to shake sukusar, tremar
sika dry sick malada, nauzeanta
singla each single sola, unika
sinistra left sinister malauguroza, maligna
sive either (as in either..or) sieve sivo, kriblo
sizar seize, gripe, grasp to size up evaluar
spegulo mirror speckle makulo
standar to be in a certain state to stand stacar
studio learning studio studieyo
stripo trouser-strap strip strio, bendo
superba conceited, arrogant superb ecelanta
tala of that kind tall alta
testo witness test probo, exameno
time fearing (adverb) time tempo
tirar to pull to tire fatigar
tornar turn in a lathe to turn turnar
trancho cutting trench trancheo
trompar deceive to tramp(le) fular
truo hole truth verajo
varo wares, goods war milito
vento wind vent aerotruo, aperturo
volo will vole kampomuso

Ido words that have narrower meaning

Ido word means in English whereas English word
with meaning
is translated to Ido as
disho dish (food) dish (plate) plado
doktoro doctor (holder of a degree) doctor (healer) mediko, kuracisto
glaso glass (cup) glass (material) vitro
grosa fat, wide gross (repulsive) repulsanta
hazardo occasion, accident hazard (risk) risko
idiomo language, dialect idiom (expression) idiotismo
kloko o'clock clock (timepiece) horlojo
kordo rope, string chord (music) harmonio
lando country land (ground) tero
magazino warehouse, firearm magazine ("clip") magazine (publication) jurnalo, revuo
olda old (living beings only) old (non-living) anciena
rango range (row, rank) range (length between) extenseso, porteo
spaco space (in general) outer space, cosmos kosmos
standard flag, banner standard (of measures etc) normo
striko strike (of workers) strike (hit) frapo
sturmo storm (with lightning) storming (military) asalto
verko work (e.g. literary) work (labor) laboro, travalio, faco

Ido words that have broader meaning

Ido word means in English not only but also
desegnar to design to draw (make images)
hundo hound dog
krayono crayon pencil
ligo league link
me me (accusative) I
neta net (price) clean
obscura obscured dark, dim
redaktar redact edit
robo robe woman's dress
tablo table desk
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