English Criminal Code

The jurisdiction of England and Wales does not have a Criminal Code though such an instrument has been often recommended and attempted. As of April 2009, the Law Commission is again working on the Code.[1]


... with a view to its systematic development and reform, including in particular the codification of [the] law ... and generally the simplification and modernisation of the law.[2]

A Criminal Code team is set up including academic lawyer Professor Sir John Cyril Smith, the outstanding criminal lawyer of his time.[2]

Arguments for a Code

Attorney-General Sir John Holker said:

Surely, it is a desirable thing that anybody who may want to know the law on a particular subject should be able to turn to a chapter of the Code, and there find the law he is in search of explained in a few intelligible and well-constructed sentences; nor would he have to enter upon a long examination of Russell on Crimes, or Archbold, and other text-books, because he would have a succinct and clear statement before him.[2]

Sir John Smith was, in general an opponent of legal codes but said:

The criminal law is entirely different. It is incoherent and inconsistent. State almost any general principle and you find one or more leading cases which contradict it. It is littered with distinctions which have no basis in reason but are mere historical accidents. I am in favour of codification of the criminal law because I see no other way of reducing a chaotic system to order, of eliminating irrational distinctions and of making the law reasonably comprehensible, accessible and certain. These are all practical objects. Irrational distinctions mean injustice. A is treated differently from B when there is no rational ground for treating him differently; and this is not justice.[2]


  1. "Newsletter" (PDF). Law Commission. Spring 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-04.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lord Bingham (1998)
  3. Law Commission (1989)
  4. Home Secretary (2002) Justice for All, Cm.5563, p.17


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