Engineers Without Borders (Australia)

Engineers Without Borders Australia is a non-profit organisation that works within Australia and abroad to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged communities through education and the implementation of sustainable engineering projects. EWB Australia was established in 2003 by a group of engineers from Melbourne who were inspired to take action on the developmental front through engineering. It now has 20 active chapters around Australia. (See also Engineers Without Borders for similar organisations worldwide.)

EWB Australia adopts a rights based approach to sustainable development and supports the Millennium Development Goals, using them as part of the framework through which it operates. It works in partnership with developing communities to achieve environmentally sustainable, socially responsible and economically viable solutions within the context of their engineering problems. Assistance is provided by EWB Australia in the entire process of improvement and empowerment, from problem identification to the design, implementation and support of solutions, with a continual emphasis on education and training.

EWB Australia is also working towards achieving its vision by engaging with engineering students, professionals in the industry as well as the broader community in three key areas: Programs (Projects), Education and Advocacy. [1]

The 2005 Conference, Engineering a Better World, was held in Melbourne from 1 to 3 December.


See also

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