Emil Rosenberg

Emil Rosenberg (1842–1925) was a biologist and professor of comparative anatomy, embryology and histology, who worked 20 years at the Imperial University of Dorpat.

Emil Rosenberg attended college as a student of Carl Gegenbaur at the University of Jena.[1] From 1868–1875, he was the second prosector at the Imperial University of Dorpat,[2] and in 1876, he was appointed as a professor of comparative anatomy, embryology and histology.[2] Emil Rosenberg, working as professor, from 1876 to 1888, systematized the comparative-anatomy collections of the University of Dorpat in accordance with the system developed at the John Hunter Museum in London.[3]

Emil Rosenberg also worked as a Professor of Anatomy in Utrecht.


  1. See list of Gegenbaur students at: Carl Gegenbaur.
  2. 1 2 "Edition / Source Documents: Adolf von Harnacks Briefwechsel mit Gustav von Bunge"(links to PDF), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin: New York, 2006, web page: PDF-Harnacks: states "Emil Rosenberg (1842–1925), Anatom. Er promovierte 1868 in Dorpat, ar von. 1868–1875 zweiter Prosector und seit 1876 Professor am Lehrstuhl für Embryologie" including (translated) "1868 in Dorpat, was from 1868–1875 second Prosector and since 1876, Professor..."
  3. Tartu and the Wider World: through International Contacts to the Peaks of Science" (mentions the University of Tartu and Emil Rosenberg), Hain Tankler, Revue de la Maison Française d'Oxford, Volume I, no. 2, 2003, web page: MFOAcUK-Tankler
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