Electronic identification

An electronic identification ("eID") is an electronic identification solution of citizens or organizations, for example in view to access benefits or services provided by government authorities, banks or other companies. Apart from online authentication many eICs also give users the option to sign electronic documents with a digital signature.

One form of eID is an electronic identification card, which is a physical identity card that can be used for online and offline personal identification or authentication. The eIC is a smartcard in ID-1 format of a regular bank card, with identity information printed on the surface (such as personal details and a photograph) and in an embedded RFID microchip, similar to that in biometric passports. The chip stores the information printed on the card (such as the holder's name and date of birth) and the holder's biometric photo. It may also store the holder's fingerprints. The card may be used for online authentication, such as for age verification or for e-government applications. An electronic signature, provided by a private company, may also be stored on the chip.

Countries which currently issue government-issued eIDs include Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan,[1][2] Portugal, Romania, Estonia, Latvia,[3] Lithuania,[4] Spain, Slovakia,[5] Malta, and Mauritius. Germany and previously Finland have accepted government issued physical eIC:s. Norway, Sweden and Finland accept bank-issued eIDs (also known as BankId) for identification by government authorities. There are also an increasing number of countries applying electronic identification for voting (enrollment, issuing voter ID cards, voter identification and authentication, etc.), including those countries using biometric voter registration.


Belgium has been issuing eIDs since 2002, and all identity cards issued since 2004 have been electronic, replacing the previous plastic card.

Chip contents

The eID card contains a chip containing:[6]

Using the eID

At home, the user can use his eID to log into specific websites (such as Tax-on-web, allowing them to fill in their tax form online).[7] To do this the user needs

When other software (such as an Internet Browser) attempts to read the eID, the user is asked for confirmation for this action, and potentially even for their PIN.[7]

Other applications include signing emails with the user's eID certificate private key. Giving the public key to your recipient allows them to verify your identity.

Kids ID

Although legally Belgian citizens only have to carry an ID from the age of 12, as of March 2009,[8] a "Kids ID" has been introduced for children below this age, on a strictly voluntary basis. This ID, beside containing the usual information, also holds a contact number that people, or the child themselves, can call when they, for example, are in danger or had an accident. The card can be used for electronic identification after the age of six, and it does not contain a signing certificate as minors cannot sign a legally binding document. An important goal of the Kids-ID card is to allow children to join "youth-only" chatsites, using their eID to gain entrance. These sites would essentially block any users above a certain age from gaining access to the chat sessions, effectively blocking out potential pedophiles.


Bulgaria introduced a limited scale proof-of-concept of electronic identity cards, called ЕИК (Eлектронна карта за идентичност), in 2013.


Croatia introduced its electronic identity cards, called e-osobna iskaznica, on 8 June 2015.


Electronic identity cards in Denmark are issued by banks and called NemID.


The Estonian ID card is also used for authentication for Estonia's Internet-based voting system. In February 2007, Estonia was the first country to allow for electronic voting for parliamentary elections. Over 30,000 voters participated in the country's e-election.[9]

At end of 2014 Estonia extended the Estonian ID Card to non-residents. The target of the project is to reach 10 million residents by 2025, which is 8 times more than the Estonian population of 1.3 million.


Germany introduced its electronic identity cards, called Personalausweis, in 2010.


Guatemala introduced its electronic identity


Electronic identity cards in Israel have been issued since July 2013. The EIC is not yet compulsory, it is issued free of charge to promote it, and is valid for 10 years.


Italy introduced its electronic identity cards, called Carta d'Identità Elettronica (in Italy identified with the acronym CIE), to replace the paper-based ID card in Italy. Since 4 July 2016, Italy is in the process of renewing all ID cards to electronic ID cards.


Since 12 February 2014, Malta is in the process of renewing all ID cards to electronic ID cards.


Mauritius has had electronic identity cards since 2013


Mexico has an official electronic biometric ID card for all youngsters under the age of 18 years called the Personal Identity Card (Record of Minors), which includes the data verified on the birth certificate, including the names of the parents, a unique key of the Population Registry (CURP), a biometric facial recognition photograph, a scan of all 10 fingerprints, and an iris scan registration.[10]


Electronic identities in Netherlands are called DigiD and Netherlands is currently developing an eID scheme.


General Multi-purpose Electronic Identity Cards are issued by the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), a Federal Government agency under the Presidency. The NeID Card complies with ICAO standard 9303, ISO standard 7816-4., as well as GVCP for the MasterCard-supported payment applet. NIMC plans to issue 50m multilayer-polycarbonate cards, the first set being contact only, but also dual-interface with DESFire Emulation in the near future.


Electronic identity cards in Norway are issued by banks and called BankID. They make it possible to log into Norwegian authorities, universities and banks. The Norwegian mobile BankID is utilizing the mobile phone SIM card for authentication, and is financed by a fee to the mobile network operator.


Pakistan introduced the Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) in 2000, with over 89.5 x CNICs issued by 2012.[11] In October 2012, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) introduced the smart national identity card (SNIC), which contains a data chip and 36 security features. The SNIC complies with ICAO standard 9303 and ISO standard 7816-4. The SNIC can be used for both offline and online identification, voting, pension disbursement, social and financial inclusion programmes and other services.[1][2] NADRA aims to replace all 89.5 million CNICs with SNICs by 2020.


Electronic identity cards in Spain are called DNIe and have been issued since 2006.


Electronic identity cards in Sweden are issued by banks and called BankID. They make it possible for secure web login to Swedish authorities, universities and banks. The BankID may be in the form of a certificate file on disk, on card or on smartphone or tablet. The latter (Swedish mobile BankID service) does not require a specific fee to the mobile network operator, and can be used both for authentication within apps and web services on the same phone, and web pages and services on other devices. It also supports fingerprint authentication on compatible iOS and Android devices.

Sri Lanka

Since on 1 January 2016, Sri Lanka is in the process of developing a Smart Card based RFID E-National Identity Card which will replace the obsolete 'Laminated Type' cards by storing the holders information on a chip that can be read by banks, offices etc. thereby reducing the need to have documentation of these informations physically by storing in the cloud.


  1. 1 2 "Image: 04 nadra-04.jpg, (921 × 768 px)". nadra.gov.pk. 2012-11-08. Retrieved 2015-09-06.
  2. 1 2 "Al Shamrani wins AFC Player of the Year award | Business Recorder". brecorder.com. Retrieved 2015-09-03.
  3. "Latvijas Republikas Saeima - Electronic ID cards to be introduced in Latvia". saeima.lv. Retrieved 2015-09-03.
  4. "ELEKTRONINĖ ASMENS TAPATYBĖS KORTELĖ - ASMENS TAPATYBĖS KORTELĖ (ATK) » Bendra informacija". eid.lt. Retrieved 2015-09-03.
  5. "eID karta". slovensko.sk. Retrieved 2015-09-03.
  6. "Over de eID (FAQ)" (in Dutch). Belgian federal government (fedict). Archived from the original on 2009-08-04. Retrieved 2009-07-21.
  7. 1 2 "De elektronische identiteitskaart (eID) (Internet Explorer)" (PDF) (in Dutch). Belgian federal government (fedict). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-10-08. Retrieved 2009-07-21.
  8. "Kids-ID Presentation" (in French, Dutch, and German). Retrieved 2009-10-16.
  9. idBlog - The number of electronic voters tripled
  10. "Inicio - Registro Nacional de Población e Identificación Personal". renapo.gob.mx. Retrieved 2015-09-03.
  11. "89.5mln CNICs issued; 95 pc population covered - Pakistan State Times". pstimes.com. Retrieved 2015-09-03.
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