Elections in Madhya Pradesh

Elections in Madhya Pradesh, a state in India are conducted in accordance with the Constitution of India. The Assembly of Madhya Pradesh creates laws regarding the conduct of local body elections unilaterally while any changes by the state legislature to the conduct of state level elections need to be approved by the Parliament of India. In addition, the state legislature may be dismissed by the Parliament according to Article 356 of the Indian Constitution and President's rule may be imposed.

Main Political Parties Over The Years

BJP: Bharatiya Janata Party, BJS or JS: Bharatiya Jana Sangh (precursor of BJP), BSP: Bahujan Samaj Party
INC: Congress or Congress(Indira), SWA: Swatantra Party, JNP or JP or JD: Janata Party/Dal,
BLD: Bharatiya Lok Dal (Janata Party's official handle in 1977), Ind: Independent

Lok Sabha Elections

Vidhan Sabha Elections


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