Effie Pedaliu

Effie Pedaliu
Fields International history
Alma mater London School of Economics

Effie Pedaliu is Fellow at LSE IDEAS. She specialises in international history; the Cold War; Mediterranean Security; British and American Cold War diplomacy and strategy. She has also written on Italian and Greek History; Human Rights; Transatlantic relations and Italian war crimes.


Effie Pedaliu obtained PhD in International History at London School of Economics.


Consultancy Work

Pedaliu helped in the organisation and declassification of important documents held by the Greek Foreign Ministry which throw new light on the origins of the Cold War. These were compiled and published in the three volume Greece at the Cutting Edge of a New World series: The Cold War, The Truman Doctrine, The Marshall Plan', published in Documents of the Greek Foreign Ministry, 1943–51, Vols. 1–3, Kastaniotis, Athens, March 2002.

Media appearances

Pedaliu has commented on CNN on many occasions on issues pertaining to Greece, Italy, the Balkans, and the EU. She has also given interviews and advice to Canadian News, Sky News, the Nikkei Financial Times and Gazeta Wyborcza on the above issues.

Scholarly Publications


2003 Effie G.H.Pedaliu, Britain, Italy and the Origins of the Cold War, Houndmills, Palgrave/Macmillan.

2013 John W.Y oung, Effie G.H.Pedaliu, Michael D.Kandiah, Britain in Global Politics From Churchill to Blair, Volume II, Palgrave/Macmillan.

2017 John Fisher, Effie G. H. Pedaliu, and Richard Smith, (eds) The Foreign Office, Commerce and British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century. London: Palgrave.


Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Selected conference papers

See also



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