Eastern Edge
Eastern Edge Gallery is an artist-run centre based in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. Eastern Edge Gallery was established in 1984 as the first artist-run centre in the province. It remains the only artist-run gallery in the province that is dedicated to the presentation of contemporary art in all media.[1] In 1987, it moved out of the LSPU Hall in to Flavin St, where City Building inspectors posted “stop-occupancy orders.” Eastern Edge Gallery moved to its current Harbour Dr. location on November 5, 1988[2]
Annual Art Festival
Now going into its 17th year, HOLD FAST is the province’s only festival dedicated to contemporary art.[3]
Comprehensive History
Board of Directors
Mandy Jones, Chandra Chopra, Marilyn Koop
Board of Directors
Marilyn Koop, Manfred Buchheit, Doug Townsend, Heather Moore, Steve Payne, Gerald Pisarzowski, Caroline Stone, Peter Walker, Susan Wood, Julia Pickard, Marlene Creates
Marilyn Koop (Chairperson), Doug Townsend (Coordinator), Manfred Buchheit (RCA Board)
RCA Gallery/ LSPU HALL Exhibitions and Events
- Oil Stick Drawings. Molten Mountains & Cleft Valleys (Jan 5-31) Kathleen Knowling
- La Virgen Morena (Characters of the Village) Jonathan Leaning (Photographs)
- Threads. Tying loose ends (Mar 3-29) Mandy Jones
- Drawings and Prints (Mar 31- Apr 30) Don Wright
- Passages (May 5–31) Gwen Lawson, Ray Mackie, Deb Kuzyk
- Notes from the Greenhouse (Jun 22 - Jul 18)
- Vid Inglevics Open Studio. The Great Fire Festival. Works in Progress (Jun-Jul 12) Myron Arnold, Sharon Trueman
- “S” Series (Jul 7-26) Doug Townsend
- Paintings of St. Brendan’s (Jul 28-Aug 16) Amie Albert
- Peace Earth Peace. Global Mail Art Show
- Bill Rose’ Drawings (Sept 8-Oct 4) Bill Rose
- Trash Art Show (Oct 3-Nov 1)
- Labrador Profile (Nov 3-29) Juried by Gerald Squires, Jane Crane, Phyllis Pichard, Virginia Moriarty, Joy PyeMacSwain, Barbara Lethbridge Wood
- Mini Aspects of Androgyny (Dec 1-28) Chander Chopra (mixed Media)
- Critical Writing in Newfoundland (Dec 11) Peter Bell (Critic/Artist), Mary Pratt (Senior Artist), Marilyn Koop, Ron Crooker (CBC TV Producer), Sean Finley (Editor of Evening Telegram), Ray Mackie (Director of Bay St. George Community College)
Board of Directors
Doug Townsend, Susan Wood, Heather Moore, Marilyn Koop, Steve Payne
Doug Townsend (Coordinator), Julia Pickard (Fundraising), Gerald Pisarowski (Photography), Marlene Creates (Program Development), Ronan Kennedy (Newsletter Coordinator)
RCA Gallery/ LSPU HALL Exhibitions and Events
- Land and Sea (Jan 5-29) P.D. Smith, Matt Wakeham
- Diaries (Feb 2-21) Susan Mills
- On Artspace (presentation Feb 10) David Bierk
- Second Year Students Exhibition (Feb 23-Mar 7) Bay St. George Community College
- Figures (Mar 9-28) Marilyn Koop, Ilse Hughes
- Heads (Apr 6-26) George Horan
- Mexico (Apr 28-May 23) Deb Kuzyk
- Galerie Sans Nom: Pam Hall, Kathleen Knowling, Marilyn Koop, Doug Townsend, Peter Walker, Don Wright, Susan Wood, Marlene Creates (Curator)
- Art/Mental Health. Expressions. (Apr 27—May 9) Work by patients of the Waterford Hospital, Sharon Trueman (Curator)
- Semi Annual General Meeting (Apr 20) Photography Committee (Apr 8) 9 Livingstone St.
- The “New Found Artists Land At Artspace” (Apr 10) an installation. Art Play II (May 25-Jun 20)
- Pat Morris Henderson (Installation) (in attendance)
- Notes from the Green house (Jun 22-Jul 18) Vid Inglevics
- Eastern Edge T-shirts (Jun 28)
- Book & Art Sale (Sept 19)
- A Poetry Reading (Oct 13) John Nold
- An Exhibition of Paintings & Drawings (Oct 5-31) Peg Bennett
- Dykelands (November) Thaddeus Holownia
- Marilyn Koop exhibiting pastel works on paper at the Stone Restaurant, Kennas Hill (Dec 3)
- Carnal Mini Show ticket draw at MUN Gallery (Dec 10)
- Panel Discussion on Criticism (Dec 11)
- Pencil Really Works (Dec 12) Manfred Buchheit, Janice Udell (at 127 Queens Rd)
Board of Directors
Don Wherry, Heather Moore, Marilyn Koop, Susan Wood, Sharon Puddester, Marlene Creates, Caroline Stone
Susan Wood (chairsperson)
Exhibitions and Events
- T-shirts (Jun 13)
- The Leading Edge (Jun 7) A Survey of Recent Work by Members of Eastern Edge
- Overexposures (Jul 12) Jim Hansen (Mixed Media)
- Displaced & Detached (Aug 16) Dik Campbell, Marilyn Koop
- Basoon & Clarinet (Aug 20) Francesca Davenport, Greg Young (Concert)
- Slings and Eros. Erotic Artwork (Sept 27) Peter Gard (Curator)
- Art, Sexuality and Censorship as it relates to Bill C-54 (Oct 7) Panelists: Rita Anderson, Lois Hoegg, Pam Hall, Paul Pope, Dorothy Inglis, F.L. Jackson, Shane O’Dea
- Ray Mackie, Shelly McCoy (Oct 30)
- Free for all at the Hall (Nov 16-28) Eastern Edge says Goodbye & Thanks to R.C.A.
- The Mini Show (December 3) Julia Pickard (organizer) Anne Meredith Barry, Jay Barry, Sylvia Bendza, Peg Bennett, Anne Bowman, W. Brants, M. Buchheit, Louise Andrews Collier, Cecil Day, Cliff George, Scott W. Goudie, Jim Hansen, George Horan, Ilse Hughes, Doug Inkster, K. Knowling, Marilyn Koop, Gwen Lawson, Colleen Lynch, Ray Mackie, Shelly McCoy, Steve Payne, Rae Perlin, Sharon Puddester, P.D.P Smith, Elizabeth Williams, Susan Wood
- Atlantic Crossing. Recent Work (Dec 13-Jan 8) Colin Macnee
- Christmas Dance with Bopular Demand (Dec 27
Board of Directors
Jay Barry, Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Heather Moore, Janice Udell, Don Wherry, Susan Wood, Sharon Puddester
Marilyn Koop (Coordinator), Aileen Gamberg (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Situations (Jan 17-Feb 12) Kathleen Knowling
- In the Temple (Feb 13-Mar 13) Pam Hall (Installation)
- Food-Five Artists Look At it (Mar 20-Apr 22) Sharon Puddester, Cecil Day, Peg Bennett, Heather Scott, E. Ann Bowman
- Boundaries (April 24- May 20) Sylvia Bendzsa
- Performance Movement. (May 24) Lee Saunders (4 day workshop)
- Travelling Vests Exhibition (Jun 5-Jul 2) Anne Meredith Barry (drawings and installation)
- Mythical Monuments (Jul 31-Aug 27)
- The Leading Edge II (Nov 5) in the new gallery at Harbour Dr.
- Fusion and Friends (Nov 24) an evening of videos and improv music
- Six Artist’s Christmas Trees (Dec 18-Jan 6) Myron Arnold, Sylvia Bendzsa, Linda Boddie, Ronan Kennedy, Marilyn Koop, Kathleen Sellars
Board of Directors
Aileen Gamberg, Katherine Pittman, Jennifer Clouter
Student Gallery Assistants
Exhibitions and Events
- Le Premier Récit (Jan 7-31) Carla Whiteside
- Love Marking (Jan 15-Feb 12) Torrie Groening
- Notions of Environment (Feb 12-Mar 9) Jay Barry, Marlene Creates, Frank LaPointe, Shelly McCoy, Stewart Montgomery, Kathleen Sellars, Don Wherry, Susan Wood, Don Wright
- The New You (Mar 12-Apr 6) Sylvia Bendzsa, Peggy Hogan, Ilse Hughes, Marilyn Koop
- The Distance Between Two Points is Measured in Memories (Apr 9-May 25) Marlene Creates
- Down on The Edge (Music Series) (Apr 30) Performers: Brian Sexton, Jean Hewson and Christina Smith, Deborah Clark and Gail Barton, Marian (White) Frances (Poetry)
- Heartscape (May 28-Jul 2) Heather Ballantyne Scott
- Eastern Edge. A Group Show (Jul 8- Aug 10) Susan Wood, Ilse Hughes, Jay Barry, Colin MacNee, Heather Scott, Sylvia Bendzsa, Marilyn Koop, Kathleen Knowling, Hanny Muggeridge, Bill Rose, P.D.P Smith, Julia Pickard, Douglas Inkster, Jim Maunder, Sharon Puddister, George Horan, Ann Meredith Barry, Diana Dabinett
- The Wharf Project (Aug 13-31) an Exhibition by First-year Visual Arts Students SWGC, Brian Ball, Elaine Bath, Ruby Beaumont, Deborah Cakes, Bradley Colbourne, Darren Cranford, Audrey Feltham, Glenn Gear, Helly Greenacre, Ed Hollet, Gina Jamieson, Mary Jenkins, Dale Roberts, Joanne Snook, Tim Stevenson, Craig Vincent
- Site Unseen (Sept 10-Oct 4) Jean-Marie Michaud, Nikki Forrest, Daryl Zoerb, Janet Werner, Mary Romanuck, Kevin King, Marigold Cribb, Gary Young, Michael Maranda, Dik Campbell, Susan Andrews, Mary Teresa Beharry, Cathy Kmita
- One-Is-Sound-The-Other (Oct 8-Nov 2) Terry Emrick, Gail Bourgeois (artist in attendance)
- Annual General Meeting (Nov 22)
- In Disguise (Nov 5-30) Ann Bowman
- The Bestiary Portfolio (Dec 3-Jan 3 1990): Ilse Hughes, Susan Wood, Marilyn Koop, Anne Meredith Barry, Cecil Day, Heather Ballantyne Scott, Jay Barry, Sylvia Bendzsa, Doug Biden, Caroline Birks, Ann Bowman, Mary Dryburgh, Torrie Groening, Christine Koch, Sarah-Marie Loupe, Colin MacNee, Emily Mussells, Renee Penney, Sharon Puddister, David Rynning
Board of Directors
Roberta Buchanan, Jennifer Clouter, Jay Barry, Jennifer Clouter, Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Christine Koch, Jeanette Loaning, Mona Rossiter, John Trahey
Marlene Creates (Coordinator), Pam Boyd (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Drawings (Jan 7-31) Carla Whiteside
- Journal Workshop (Jan 8) Roberta Buchanan
- Click (Feb 4) Barbara Bradbury, Gwen Lawson, Kathleen Sellars, Jeanette Laaning, Shelagh O’Leary (all Photography)
- Mother / My Self (Mar 4) Marilyn Koop, Sharon Trueman, Dyana Werden, Curators: Roberta Buchanan, Kathleen Knowling
- Connexion (Apr 1) Bauer, Brody, Burns. Gaston, Gomez, Graser, Hale, Hill, Mackay-Petite, Robichaud, Curator: Roslyn Rosenfeld
- The River God Suite (Apr 29 - May 25), Christine Koch (Painting)
- Textile Studies Student Exhibition (May 29–31)
- Excerpts from “Machi-Ai: The Waiting Space” (Jun 3-27) Deirdre Chisholm (Artist attended)
- Spark Armonicas (Jul 4-14) Ron Kuivila (Installation) (in attendance) readings by:Mary Dalton, Paul Dutton, Maja Bannerman
- Lamp Light (Jul17-Jul 27) Brian Ball, Ellaine Bath, Ruby Beaumont, Brad Colcourne, Darren Cranford, Glenn Gear, Helly Greenacre, Paul Hewson, Gina Jamieson, Mary Jenkins, Dale Roberts, Joanne Snook, Craig Vincent
- Eastern Edge Members Show (Aug), Jim Ellison, Sylvia Bendzsa, Kathleen Knowling, Rae Perlin, Pamela Boyd, Heather Ballantyne, Ted Rettig, Bill Rose, Christine Koch, Titus Hoskins, Peter Stinson, Peg Bennett, Katherine Pittman, Ann Bowman, Brian Ball, Bonnie Leyton, Kathleen Sellars
- Fragmentary Messages: A work in Three Parts (Sept 4-28) J. Barry
- The Forgotten Dead/ El Muerto Olvidado (Oct 2-31) Rose Adams
- Women’s Film and Video Festival (Oct 17-22)
- St. Michael’s Print Exhibition (Nov 4- 29)
- Day Without Art. Observed Here (Dec 1)
- International Day of Action and Mourning in response to the A.I.D.S. crisis. Posters and screening of videotapes
- Men Remembering the Montreal Massacre (Dec 6) A discussion of Mens violence towards Women
- Small Works: In search of a Non-Toxic Art Practice (Dec1-23) Geoff Ash, Cliff Eyland, Carol Taylor
Board of Directors
Jay Barry, Jennifer Clouter, Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Christine Koch, Jeanette Laaning, Mona Rossiter, John Trahey
Marlene Creates (Coordinator), Pam Boyd (Gallery Assistant), Debra Kuzyk (Coordinator), Rhonda Buckley (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Dress Fragments (Jan 6-31) Susan Wood
- Animate Artifacts / Kinetic Sill Life (Feb 3- 28) Cass Reimer, Ernie Reimer
- What Have I Done With My Life? (Mar 3-Apr 4) Gwen Lawson, Bonnie Leyton, Sylvia Bendzsa (curator), Cecil Day, Christine Koch, Kathleen Knowling
- Book-making Workshop (May 11), Kathleen Knowling (Instructor)
- 200 Thoughts (Apr 7-May 2) Suzan Desserud
- B(e)aring Dianne Pearce
- Discoveries (May 5–16) Jerry Evans, Marin Darmonkov, Eileen Docekal, Susan Jamieson, Brenda McClellan, Toby Rabinowitz, Gary Richardson, Kathleen Knowling (curator), Christine Koch (curator)
- An Exhibition by Visual Arts Students (May 19-Jun 5) Visual Arts Students Sir Wilfred Grenfel College
- Anne Ashton (Jun 9-Jul 4) Anne Ashton
- On Shifting Ground (Jul 7-31) Janet Jones
- Changers: A Spiritual Renaissance (Aug 4-31) Rebecca Baird, Rebecca Belmore, Ruth Cuthand, Freda Diesing, Faye Heavyshield, Glenna Matoush, Shelley Niro, Alanis Obomsawin, Jane Ash Poitras, Joane Cardinal - Schubert
- Self-Portraits, Member’s Exhibition (Sept 8-Oct 2) Debra Kuzyk, Kathleen Knowling, Christine Koch, Marilyn Koop, Brian Ball, Anne Meredith Barry, Sylvia Bendzsa (curator), Ann Bowman, Eileen Docekal, Leigh Dodge, Craig Foote, Ronald Fredette, Constance Burnett, Christopher Joyce, Bonnie leyton, Marlene MacCallum, Lissy Mahler, Beth Oberholtzer, Mavis Penney, Barb Wood, Catherine Wright, Toby Rabinowitz, Bill Rose, Suzanne Saul, Kathleen Sellars, Bruce MacLean, Sue Shantz
- The Global Menu (Oct) Freda Guttman
- Newfoundland and Labrador Photography Exhibition (Nov 3-27)
- Bookworks (Dec 1-Jan 2) Sally Ayre, Don Wright, Christine Koch, Anne Meredith Barry, Shawn Steffler, Debra Kuzyk, Sylvia Bendzsa, Toby Rabinowitz, Helen Gregory, Joe Blades, Beaty Popescu, Tara Bryan, Ray Mackie, Kathleen Knowling, Di Dabinett, Marlene MacCallum, Sami Ladner, James Ellison, Beth Oberholtzer, Bonnie Leyton, Yvon Gallant, Bruce MacLean, Monty Cantsin
Board of Directors
Jeanette Laaning, Marlene Creates, Jim Ellison, Kathleen Knowling, Beth Oberholtzer, Ned Pratt, Christine Koch, Debra Kuzyk
Debra Kuzyk (Gallery Coordinator), Rhonda Buckley (Gallery Assistant), Marlene Creates (Coordinator)
Support, Grants Written and Donations
Canada Council, The Newfoundland & Labrador Arts Council, The City of St. John’s, The Don Wright Memorial Trust Fund, CEIC, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Exhibitions and Events
- Form (Jan 5-10) Kathleen Leah Knowling (Drawing)
- Gateway To The Garden (Feb 2-27), Kathleen Sellars (Sculpture)
- Scenes From A Relationship (Mar 1-Apr 2) Sylvia Bendzsa, Ann Bowman, Pam Boyd, Constance Burnett, Sandra Cantwell, Philipi Cgul, Stephanie Edwards, Suzanne Ellison, Craig Foote, Dave Hebbard, Freida Hjartarson, John Keough, Kathleen Knowling, Christine Koch, Bonnie Leyton, Beth Oberholtzer, Kim Pittman, Heather Pocius, Beaty Popescu, Ned Pratt, Tony Rabinowitz, Ted Rettig, Linda Rose, Dianne B. Shannon, Shawn Steffler, Catherine Wright
- Speaking Women (Apr 5-30) Zoe Lambert, in collaboration with: Laurenza Maria Dumont, Elaine Fleming, Pam Fleming, T.C Forsyth, Brenda Gaertner, Lisa Gentry, Donna Hagerman, Julie Hubar, Adele Johnston, Leslie Kenny, Mary Lambert, Jeany L. Manning, Teresa Marshall, Juliet O’Keefe, Lori Pobuta, Susan Prosser, Verity Rolfe, Kathy Thompson, Yo’ok (Beverly Anderson) (Artist talk at Opening)
- Swelling (May 3-Jun 3) Beaty Popescu, Sandra Gregson
- Handmade Books (May 11), Kathleen Knowling (Instructor)
- Elizabeth Talks Back (Jun 7-28), Gwen E. Lawson (Photo Assemblages), (Artist talk)
- Art & Film (Jun 2-Jun 23) St. John’s Simulacra, Films by Women, Photographic Arts: Now and Then, Sound and Music
- MooseMan’s Mom’s Home Sick
With The Flu (July 8) performed by Barry Nichols, Colin Clarke, Anne Evans, Peggy Hogan, Pat Janes, Sheilagh O’ Leary
- Eclipses et Labyrinthes (Jul 8) Michele Campeau
- A River, an Island, a City: The Persistence of Geography, Marlene Creates
- Earth Sounds (Jul 1-30) Don Wherry
- Festina Lente (Hasten Slowly) (Aug 2- 26) Karen Hoeberg, opening and artist talk
- Anjoli (Aug 27) Performed by Shaunna Beharry
- Fire - Member’s Exhibition The Conflagration of Creation (Aug 30-Sept 30)
Angela Baker, Sonia Beck, Joleen Bonia, Sylvia Bendza, Marlene Creates, Peter Drysdale, Suzanne Ellison, Jim Ellison, Jerry Evans, Peter Gard, Sue Jamieson, John Keough, Kathleen Knowling, Gwen Lawson, Bonnie Leyton, Brenda McClellan, Jim Miller, Margaret Nicholson, Beth Oberholtzer, Mary Pratt, Sharon Puddester, Toby Rabinowitz, Heather Reeves, Ted Rettig, Bill Rose, Brenda Rowe
- The Book of Lizzy Dyke (performance) (Oct 8) Liz Pickard
- Clay (Oct 4-Nov 4) Rhonda Buckley, Ray Mackie, Debra Kuzyk
- Table Manners (Oct 22) Lisa Porter (Performance)
- Decades of Voices (Nov 8-Dec 9), Thelma Pepper (Photography)
- Eastern Edge AGM (Nov 10)
- Animation Film Series (Nov 17), Videos shown at EEG
- I am Not A Woman I am Not A Man. Planet Life Part II (November 19, 1992)
- Katherine Carmichael (Performance), Harold Klunder (Sound)
- Re(dis)Covering (Dec 6-Jan 21), Kim Pittman (Mixed Media), Susan Shantz (Mixed Media), (Artists attended opening)
Board of Directors
Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Debra Kuzyk, Jeanette Laaning, Bonnie Leyton, Beth Oberholtzer, Ned Pratt
Debra Kuzyk (Gallery Coordinator), Rhonda Buckley (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Drawings (Jan 24-Mar 4) Kate Wilson
- A work in Progress Janice Carbert
- Eastern Edge Performances (Feb 11-Mar 4) Performers: Catherine Wright (with music by Ewan Macpherson), Mary Clare Royle (perform modern dance to African drum music), Robert Chaff (“Kissing The Boarder”-Monologue), Debbie Jackman (“Addicted to Addiction”), Anne Liese Ellis (dance with Sarah Noble, Sarah Minty, Sarah Noble, Sarah Minty, Susanna Shawyer and Sarah Stoker), Neoist Machine Group, Lois Brown (with Maisie Rillie and Liz Pickard), Mary Barry (with George Morgan and Wade Pinhorn)
- Annual Women’s Day Exhibition (Mar 7- April 15) Marilyn Koop, Katie Southwood, Beth Oberholtzer, Jessie Church, Susan Wood, David Fudge
- An Exhibition of Art Collaborations Between Mother & Child (Mar 7) Katie Southwood, Marilyn Koop, Jessie Church, Beth Oberholtzer
- A Fish Out of Water (Apr 18-May 17), Yvonne O’Reilly (Artist in attendance)
- Body and Time (Apr 30-May 7), Performer: Goji Hamada
- Touch... Body and Spirit (Apr 18-May 17), Pamela Pike
- 5th Annual Student Exhibition. Textile Arts (May 20-May 27) Eleven graduating students from St. John’s Textile Studies Program, Cabot Institute, St. John’s.
- An Exhibition of Photo-Sequences (May 30-Jul 8) Marlene Creates, Michel Campeau
- Realms of Power (Jul 11-Aug 19) Cecil Day, Mary Dryburgh
- Splash (Aug 15-16)
- What Price and Island? (Sept 19), Mike MacDonald
- Butterflies. Video Expose (Sept 15), Mike MacDonald
- Continuum/Unfolding (Aug 22- Sept 30), Karen Trask (sculptures and artist’s books) (In attendance)
- Sweet Talk. Veils Linda Rae Dornan (installation)
- Fáilte (Sept 27) performance by Linda Rae Dornan
- Quest (Oct 3-Nov 10) Sylvia Bendzsa (Drawings) - New Work (Oct 3-Nov) Shelly McCoy (Objects)
- Garbo’s Hat Live Jazz (Oct 4), Performers: Kate Hammett-Vaughan (Voice), Paul Blaney (bass), Graham Ord (Saxophones)
- Spilt Milk (Oct 15) performance by Collette Urban
- Members’ Fund-raiser, Auction/Recycle Show (Nov11-14)
- Trash (Nov 14) an exhibition of art made from recycled materials
- Air, Earth & Water (Nov 21-Dec 22), Annual Members’ Exhibit
Board of Directors
Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Debra Kuzyk, Jeanette Lanning, Bonnie Leyton, Francis Lyons, Tara Bryan, Joanna Strong, Di Dabinett
Tara Bryan (Gallery Coordinator), Debra Kuzyk (Coordinator), Rhonda Buckley (gallery assistant),Joanna Strong (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Other Islands. Performance Nights at Eastern Edge (Feb 25+Mar 11)
- Conversation Interrogation (Jan 9-Feb 8), George Bures Miller
- Pictures (Jan 9-Feb 8) Bruce Maclean
- NIFCO/NFB Nights (Feb 18+Mar 4), NIFCO: Codpieces by Michael Jones, Multiple Choice by Debbie McGee, A Short History of Manners by Nancy Windsor, Bullbird by Derek Norman
- NFB: The Colours of My Father by Joyce Borenstein, The Apprentice by Richard Condie, A Passage from Burnt Islands by Alan Handel, No Problem by Craig Welch,
- Five Emerging Women Artists. Annual Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 13-Mar 15)
- Elizabeth Bolton, Connie Burnett, Louisa Johnson, Sarah Petite, Joanna Strong
- Performers (Feb 25) David Benson, Catherine Wright, Ruth Lawrence and Rhona Buchan, Liz Pickard
- Performers (Mar 11) E.B. Reid, Catherine McCausland, Margaret Rehner
- Photographing The Land I (Mar 20-Apr 19)
- A l’oree du bois Ivan Binet (Photoemulsion on various surfaces)
- Untitled Ray Mackie (Ceramic Flounder with projected images)
- Sunrise Flatrock Tors Cove, Tara Bryan (Gouache, Aquarelle Crayons and Acrylicon Photocopies
- Abandoned Horizon Danita Noyes (Phototransfer on Handmade Paper and Silkscreen)
- Landscapes Gerard McNeil
- Photographing the Land II (Mar 13-Apr 7)
- Black Bank Series-Summer ‘93 Jeanette Laaning (Eight silver prints)
- Des Aprés-midis sans bruit [Afternoons without noise] Normand Rajotte (Five cibachrome prints)
- The Shortest Distance (I walk the line), Maja Swannie (Photos and map)
- Six Reviews D.J. Eastwood (Black and white pinhole photos with slate frame)
- Newfoundland Bog Peter Gard (Cibachrome Prints in oak frames)
- Tax Preparation Workshop (Mar 19), CARFAC sponsor
- Garden of Delights (Apr 24-May 17), Rose Adams
- Without Leaves Wilma Needham
- Walking on all Feet (May 18), Performers: Barry Nichols, Serena Mis. Ta-Nash
- The Divine Servant (Jun 5-Jul 5) Har Prakash Khalsa
- (My Memory Is) Terrence Bailey
- The Black Box Project (Jul), Philippe Maurais [Location: Downtown St. John’s]
- Home is where the art is (Jul 10-Aug 2), Tara Bryan, Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Marilyn Koop, Deb Kuzyk, Bonnie Leyton, Marlene MacCallum, Beth Oberholtzer, Shawn Steffler
- Sound Symposium 7 (Jul 15-23), Jay Hirabayashi, Reconciliation by Lee Saunders, From Scratch by Fred Lipsett, Shaking Ray Levis by Trichy Sankaran, Tom Nunn, Tim Perkis, Pauline Oliveros, Rita McKeough, Christina Smith, Jean Derome, Charles De Mestral, Don Ritter, Mike Zagorski, Whale & Sea Bird Tour
- King of the Castle (Jul 28-Aug 28) Rhonda Buckley (Installation outdoors)
- Dreams (Aug 4) Performers: Leigh Dodge, Rachel Stevenson, Stephen Lush, Kira Sheppard, Jamie Goodyear, Catherine McCausland, Eugene Leger
- Home (Aug 7-Sept 7)
- Doona James, Jennifer Ryder Jones, Germane Koh, Penny McCann, Ramona Ramlochand, Robert Thompson, David Tierney, Harold Sotomayer
- B- 312 Emergence Gallery (Sept 11-Oct 9) Johanne Gagnon, Francois Lacasse
- Marthe Carrie, Josee Bernard, Christiane Desjardins, Michel Boulanger, Kevin Sdeforest
- Two Sculptors (Oct 16-Nov 12)
- Carc Cyr, Karin Scarth
- Pieces of Labrador (November 20, 1994)Group exhibition ofLabrador Inuit Artists
Board of Directors
Bonnie Leyton, Jack Eastwood, Di Dabinett, Jennifer Pohl, Helen Gregory, Joan Thistle, Grant Boland
Dionne Snow (Coordinator), Gabrielle Kemp (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Body. Member’s Show (Jan 8-Feb 14) Bill Rose, Peter Drysdale, Tara Bryan
- Brenda McClellen, Joan Thistle, Ruby Beaumont, Kathleen Knowling, Bonnie Leyton, Catherine Wright, Di Dabinett, Janet Peter, John Keogh, Joyce Blundon, Ilse Hughes, Susan Jamison, Sylvia Bendzsa, June Walls, Bobe Pope, Maria Holland, Ned Pratt, Dionne Snow, Heather Reeves, Jennifer Pohl, Julia Pickard
- Women & The Fishery: Annual Women’s Day Show (Feb 19-Mar 28) Audrey Feltham, Kathleen Knowling, MM Russell
- Spring Fever (Apr 5 + Apr 12)
- Performers (April 5): Ruth Lawrence, Stephen Lush, Catherine McCausland, Wayne Butler, Fred Williams, Performers (April 12): David L. Benson, Anita Best, Alison Carter, Ellen Reid, Agnes M. Walsh, Clem Curtis, Lisa Porter
- The Road; The Spaces between (Apr 18-May 28) Janet Cardiff
- Breathing Tricks and Other Feats, Jane Williams
- Signal (May 15–28) Janet Cardiff (installation), Jane Williams (installation)
- The Quick and Dirty Bookmaking Workshop + Fundraiser (June), Kathleen Knowling (Instructor)
- Painted T-shirt and Mussel Sale (June)
- Talking Walls (Jun 4-Jul 11) Ingrid Bachmann (installation)
- Between A Rock and a Heart Space (July 16-Aug 22) Helen Gregory (Instructor), Barbara Hunt, Debbie Matthew
- T-shirt Painting Workshop (Aug) Bonnie Leyton (Instructor), Helen Gregory (Instructor)
- Splash ‘95 (Aug 3) Louise Moyes, Wayne Butler, Stephen Lush, Tristen Rehner, Rachel Stevenson, Alvin Whittle, Catherine McCausland
- Sublime Landscape (Aug 27-Oct 3), Tara Shukla, Janice Wong, Ruby Beaumont
- Renegade Recycled Art Show & Auction (Oct 1-29) Peter Drysdale (Curator)
- The Clothing Show (Oct 8-Nov 14), Marc Siegner, Laura Vickerson, Barbara McGill Blfour, Alison Kendall, Kelly Jane Bruton (In attendance), Shawn Steffler (In attendance)
- The Quick and Dirty Bookmaking Workshop vol 2.Fundraiser (Oct 15), Kathleen Knowling (Instructor)
- A Clockwork Orange, film fundraiser
- (Oct 28) Location: Empire Theatres, Avalon Cinemas
- Ahh Men, kNots for the Congregation (Nov19-Dec 19) Jim Hansen (in attendance), Peter Walker
- The Wet and Wild Watercolour Workshop (Nov 25) Kathleen Knowling (Instructor)
- Ornaments from Edge (Dec 10), Christmas Ornaments made by EE artist members
Board of Directors
Bonnie Leyton (Chairperson), Joan Blackmore - Thistle, Grant Boland, Tara Bryan, Di Dabinett, Helen Gregory, Beth Oberholtzer, Jack Eastwood, Jennifer Pohl, Marlene Creates
Tara Bryan (Coordinator), Joanna Strong (Gallery Assistant), Janet Peter (Project Assistant), Dionne Snow (Coordinator), Gabrielle Kemp (Assistant Coordinator)
Exhibitions and Events
- Small, Medium & Large (Jan 14- Feb 13)
- John Hartman, Daniel Erban, Mary Ann Kokoska (All artists in attendance)
- Signatures; Annual International Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 25-Mar 26) Helen Porter, Rae Perlin, Anne Hart, Kathleen Knowling, Geraldine Rubia, Isabel Brown, Liliane Bouzane, Bonnie Leyton, Lisa Moore, Deb Kuzyk, Mary Dalton, Sharon Puddester, Carmelita McGrath, Marlene Creates, Bernice Morgan, Jennifer Morgan, Joan Clark, Shawn Steffler, Agnes Walsh, Jennifer Pohl
- Fairy Tales and Other Letters from my Boyfriend (March 1–2, 1996*) Ruth Lawrence
- Dazed & Confused. Film fundraiser (Mar 30) (Location: Empire Theatres, Avalon Cinemas)
- Silk Painting Workshop (Mar 30) Di Dabinett (Instructor) (Location: Di’s Shoe Cove Studio)
- Annual Members’ Show: The work you’ve always wanted to make but haven’t (Mar 31-Apr 30) Angela Baker, Ruby Beaumont, Bernice Hofstetter, Gina Jamieson, Susan Jamieson, John Keogh, Austin King, Kathleen Knowling, Christine Koch, Bonnie Leyton, Brenda McClellan, Elayne Noble, Jennifer Pohl, Heather Reeves, E.B. Reid, Russel, Joan Thistle, Catherine Wright
- Clay/Hand-Building Workshop (Apr 27), Bonnie Leyton (Instructor) Location: Bonnie’s Portugal Cove Studio
- American Things (May 5-Jun 11) Bernard Bloom (Photographs)
- One is More than a Multitude Janet Anderson (Photographs)
- T-shirt Painting Workshop for Kids (Jun 8) Bonnie Leyton (Instructor), Helen Gregory (Instructor)
- The Post Modern Sublime (Jun 12), Gerard Curtis (A lecture in Art History & Theory)
- Of Lilith and Lidwina (Jun 16-Jul 23), Beth Oberholtzer (in attendance), Susie Acheson
- T-shirt Painting Sessions (Jul 12-14), Location: NLCDA Craft Fair, Fringe Festival, Memorial Stadium
- Motel (July 28-Sept 3) Toni Hafkenscheid (colour photographs), Steve Payne (colour photographs)
- The Postmodern Salon (Aug 26) Edythe Goodridge, Marlene Creates, Gerard Curtis, Shane O’Dea, Gordon Pike
- Diary: Five Artists (Sept 8-Oct 15)
- Laura Clarke (In attendance), Trevor Mahovsky, Lise Melhorn-Boe, Sima, Elizabeth Shefrin, Bruno Simard
- The Renegade Recycled Art Show & Auction II (Oct 3-Nov 3rd (1996) Peter Drysdale (curator)
- Trainspotting, film fundraiser (Nov 9), Location: Empire Theatres, Avalon Cinemas
- The Wet, Wild & Drippy Watercolour Workshop (Nov 16) Kathleen Knowling (Instructor)
- Container 96-Art Across Oceans, Copenhagen, Denmark, Slide Presentation by Marlene Creates
- Map (Oct 20-Nov 26) Margaret Doell, Mark Dixon
- Westviking College Alumni Show (Dec 1- 20) Ray Mackie (curator), Jeff Ash, Rhonda Buckley, Dik Campbell, Leigh Dodge
- Shelley mcCoy, Bruce Maclean, Mike Massie, Lisa Moore, Nadine Osmond, Kris Peddle
- Map of the World. Eastern Edge Gallery T-shirts Design by Marilyn Koop, Location: Sold at EEG, Bennington Gate & Prescott Inn
Board of Directors
Joan Blackmore - Thistle, Grant Boland, Jeff Boone, Tara Bryan, Di Dabinett, Ilse Hughes, Grant Boland
Dionne Snow (Coordinator), Gabrielle Kemp (Gallery Assistant), Beth Stewart (Gallery Assistant)
Exhibitions and Events
- Which came fist, the word or the image? (Jan 12-Feb 18) Cliff Eyland (Ink and Watercolour)
- Listen Here (Jan 12-Feb 18) Mark Marsters
- Party of Freaks (Jan 19 + 20*)
- Petrina Bromley Robertson Druery, Neil Butler, Aiden Flynn, Jennifer Adams
- Domestic Dispersion. Eastern Edge’s Annual International Women’s Day Exhibition. (Feb 23-Apr 1) Randa Tukan (Curator), Laurie Whitley, Heather Reeves, Shawn O’Hagan, Connie Burnett, Beaty Popescu, Janice Rahn, Diana Dabinett
- Chris Stones and Jerry Evans (Apr 6-May 11) Chris Stones (Assemblages) (attended reception) Jerry Evans (Lithographs and Paintings)
- Casually Dramatic (May 1–3) Written and Directed by Jim Davis
- The War Show (May 18-Jun 24) Frances Dorcey (in attendance)
- Le Dernier Morceau (May 18-Jun 24) Paul Walty (in attendance)
- Poverty; Annual Members’ Exhibition (Jun 29-Aug 10) Angela Baker, Ruby Beaumont, Tara Bryan, Peter Drysdale, Helly Greenacre, Barbara Hunt, Audrey Hurley, Gabrielle Kemp, Austin King, Catherine McCausland, Janet Peter, Julia Pickard, Toby Rabinowitz, Heather Revees, E.B. Reid, Eamon Rosato, Russell, Louise Sutton
- Canadian Copyright Office Specialist (July 10) workshop with Tom Boyd
- Pause (Aug 17-Sept 28) Beth Oberholtzer, Shawn O’Hagan, Beaty Popescu
- Angela Baker and Colleen Schindler (Oct 5-Nov 9) Angela Baker (portraiture), Colleen Schindler
- You Can’t Judge a Book By Its Cover (Nov 16-Dec 21) Tara Bryan (handmade books), Kathleen Knowling (handmade books)
Board of Directors
Tara Bryan (Chair Person), Di Dabinett Janet Peter, Joan Fitzgerald, Gabrielle Kemp, Beth Stewart, Glen Bartlett, Jennifer Pohl, Kelly Bruton, Jack Eastwood, Joan Blackmore - Thistle, Grant Boland, Ilse Hughes
Dionne Snow (Coordinator), Gabrielle Kemp (Assistant Coordinator), Andrea Cooper (Assistant Coordinator)
Exhibitions and Events
- Natural History (Jan 11-Feb 15) Renee Duval (pictographs over photographs), Gerald Vaandering
- Cover Me in Usual Protection (Feb 22-Mar 29) Elayne Noble (Curator), Doreen Chisolm, Susan Furneaux, Cameron Hayden, Ilse Huges, Bonnie Leyton, Elayne Noble, Faro Sullivan, Reed Weir
- Newfoundlandia! (Apr 5th-May 10), Sally Ayre (photo transfer installation), Grant Boland (drawings), Don Simmons
- Jack Was Ev’ry Inch a Sailor (May 17-Jun 28) Duncan Campbell, Dennis Day, Glenn Gear & Jamie Goodyear, Gabrielle Kemp (Curator)
- La Fin De La Terre (Neuve)(Jul 9-Aug 2), Marie - France Giraudon (audiovisual installation)
- Face on the Barroom Floor (Aug 11), a night of recitations, balladry and story-telling: Vonnie Barron, Ford Elms, Helen Porter, Fred Williams, Hosted by: Fergus O’Byrne
- Root. Annual Membership Exhibition (Aug 9-Sept 27)
- Bearing Witness (Oct 4-Nov 4) Greg Locke (Photography), Bonnie Leyton (Mixed Media)
- Dwelling (Nov 21-Dec 20) Tanya Morand (3D Paintings), Elena Popova (Painting)
Board of Directors
Tara Bryan (Chairperson), Greg Bennett, Kelly Bruton, Joan Fitzgerald, Will Gill, Gabrielle Kemp, Kelly Bruton
Gabrielle Kemp (Coordinator), Dionne Snow (Departing Coordinator), Elena Garcia (Summer Staff), Glenn Nuotio (Festival Staff), Anne Downtown (Co-op Student)
Exhibitions and Events
- Everyday Eroticism (Jan 10-Feb 14) Jennifer Pohl (Painting), Grant Boland (Painting)
- International Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 21-Mar 24) Death without Bodies by Leslie Thompson (Photography & Installation)
- Progresso Tonia Di Risio (Video Installation)
- The Joey Show (Mar 31-Apr 30)
- Peter Drysdale, Tara Bryan, Bonnie Leyton, Andrea Cooper, Ruby Beaumont, Joyce Cho, Bill Rose, Eammonn Rosato, Greg Bennett, Will Gill (Member’s Exhibition to mark the fiftieth Anniversary of Newfoundland’s Confederation with Canada)
- Annual Members Exhibition (April 16- May 17)
- C.W. Gill & Toby Rabinowitz (May 9-Jun 6) Will Gill (Sculpture), Toby Rabinowitz (Painting)
- Knit (Jun 13-Jul 11) Sara Maloney (textiles), Kevin Whitfield (textiles), Kenneth Dale Roberts (textiles)
- Inside Out (Jul 18-Aug 22), Jim Hansen (Digital Photographs), Beaty Popescu (Sculpture/Assemblage)
- Music Benefit for the Contemporary Visual Festival (Jul 29t), At the Ship Inn on Soloman’s Lane
- The Contemporary Visual Festival (Aug 4-29) Ada Chisolm, Sym Corrigan & Kristiina Lahde, Maximiliana Henze, Naomi Potter, Renee Pilgrim, Greg Bennett, Daniel Dugas & Valerie Le Blanc, Ian Beaty & Rebecca Watt, Lois Brown, Rhonda Buckley, Liz Pickard & Anne Troake, Shoshana Freedman, Mara Verna, Shellagh O’Leary, Barbara Prokop, Shelley Miller, Biliana Velkova, Allison Hrabluik, LOCATION: 15 Art Installations placed around Downtown St. John’s
- Launch of Eastern Edge Recipe Cards Fundraiser (Aug 24)
- Questions about Place and Local Histories (Aug 29-Oct 3) Richard Holden (Photography), Marlene Creates (Photography) -Gave Artists Talk
- Hand Painted Recipe Boxes (Sept 15), Greg Bennett, Grant Boland, Luben Boykov, Kelly Bruton, Will Gill, Helen Gregory, Thomas Hutchings, Kathleen Knowling, Bonnie Leyton, Elayne Noble, Undrea Norris, Beth Oberholtzer, Elena Popova, Bill Rose, Gerald Squires
- Last Night film screening fundraiser (Sept 25) At the Empire Cinemas, Avalon Mall
- Elemental (Oct 31-Dec 15), Don Foulds (Sculpture), Shawn O’ Hagen (Mixed Media)
Board of Directors
Debbie Collingwood, Ilse Hughes, Joan Blackmore - Thistle, Grant Boland
Chris Batten (Coordinator), Gabrielle Kemp (Coordinator)
Exhibitions and Events
- The Hole Project (Jan 9-Feb 13), Har PraKash Khalsa (Photography)
- Goddess Assembly Lines: Annual International Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 27-Apr 5) Elayne Noble (Painting), Undrea Norris (Sculpture)
- Four on the Floor (Apr 16-May 17), Tara Bryan (Curator), Shawn O’Hagan
- Elayne Noble, Isabella St. John, Omar Badrin, Sandra Cowan, Marlene Creates, Jack Eastwood, Tania Lewis, Bonnie Leyton, Barbara Nye, Nora Pyne, Barb Webb
- Beneath Surfaces (May 28-Jun 28), Andrew Van Schie (paintings), Pippa Cherniavsky
- Transduction (Jul 9-Aug 15), Kristen Roos (Sound-sculpture/Installation), Dorion Berg
- Resting Place (Aug 27-Sept 27), Laura Sheppard (Sculptures), Paul Freeman (Printed Images)
- Year 01: Annual Eastern Edge Members’ Exhibition (Oct 8-Nov 8), George Adamcik, Angela Antle, Natalie Beausoleil, Greg Bennett, Tara Bryan, Connie Burnett, Debbie Collingwood, Marlene Creates, Peter Drysdale, Cathia Finkel, Will Gill, Joan Harris, Terrence Hounsell, Audrey Hurley, Thomas Hutchings, Curtis Kilfoy, Kathleen Knowling, Bonnie Leyton, Annette Manning, Undrea Norris, Cherie Pyne, Nora Pyne, Eamonn Rosato,Bill Rose,Frank Shea,LouiseSutton
- Cold War/ Hot Flashes (Nov 19-Dec 20), Adrian Gollner (Multimedia), Simon Dragland (Multimedia)
Board of Directors
Elayne Noble, Laura Sheppard, Judy Taylor
Anne Gamberg (Coordinator), Andrea Cooper (Assistant Coordinator)
Exhibitions and Events
- Veracity (Jan 7-Feb 10), Susan Goodyear (installation), Brandon Vickerd (sculptures)
- Beneath Her Covers. Annual Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 28-Mar 31) Tara Cooper, Lise Melhorne-Boe
- I confess (Apr 8-May 19) Jason Jenkins, Bonnie Leyton, Elizabeth Mackenzie, Mikiki, Undrea Norris, Lori Clarke, Jerry Ropson, Anne Troake, Andrea Cooper (Curator)
- Untitled (May 28-Jun 30) Heather Reeves, Lorelei Horne
- New Work (Jul 7- Aug 11), Miyuki Shinkai
- Trace/in order to know them better I invite them into my world (Aug 19-Sept 2), Leah Decter, Lisa Deanne Smith, Clint Griffin
- TBA, Curated Book works group (Sept 30-Nov 3) Tara Bryan (curator), Gail Tuttle (curator)
- Retrograde Motion & TBA (Nov 11-Dec 20) Benjamin Evans, Peter Drysdale
Corey Gorman (coordinator)
Exhibitions and Events
- Escape from Photography (Jan 6-Feb 9) Mark Crofton Bell
- No Peeking, Erika Kierulf
- The Female Vulgar (Feb 19-Mar 23), Barb Webb (curator)
- Open City (Mar 31-Apr 27) Sara Graham
- Is to Word as Wave is to, Leah Garnett
- Private Constructs (May 5-Jun 8) Starring: Part 2 by Andrea Cooper, A day in the Life and Balancing Act by Cheryl Pagurek
- 1001 Push Up Man (Jun 16-Jul 13) James Johnstone
- Pink Undrea Norris, Elizabeth MacKenzie
- L’Hotel Sophie Calle (Jul 21-Aug 24), Vera Greenwood
- Graffiti (Sept 1-Oct 5), Monique Tobin (curator), J. Barry, Stephanie Barry, Greg Bennett, Tara Bryan, Will Gill, Jim Maunder, Mikiki, Elayne Noble, Undrea Norris, Jerry Ropson, Isabella St. John, Allyson Stuckless, Anonymous
- Lost Margaret (Oct 13-Nov 16) Michelle Karch-Ackerman
- The Body of My Geography (Nov 23-Dec 20) Cathia Finkel
- Some Facts Remain Elayne Greeley
Board of Directors
Susie Taylor, Pheilm Martin, Mike Flaherty, Gabrielle Kemp, Karen Channing, Jennifer Dyer, Andria Hickey, Monique Tobin, Kate Wolforth
Corey Gorman (coordinator), Anna Swanson (Special Project Coordinator), Claire Bourgeouis (Special Project Coordinator)
EE Exhibitions and Events
- Carnevale Sublime (Jan 7-Feb 7), Alison Norlen, Float Seven, Kevin Yates, Small Dead Woman
- Valentine’s Day Fund-raiser (Feb 14)
- Ménage à trois. International Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 19-Mar 23)
- Belle de Jour by Marisa Portolese
- Hieronymous 1504_10 It Keeps Exploding in my Face, Don Simmons
- The Company of Men, Ho Tam
- This City Light. Eastern Edge Gallery Annual Members’ Exhibition (Mar 22- Apr 12) Marlene Creates, Kathleen Knowling, Louise Sutton, Bonnie Leyton, Greg Bennett
- Cubed 3, Mark Clintberg, Shinobu Akimoto, David Poolman
- St. Michael’s Printshop’s sponsored Iceland/Newfoundland Exchange Exhibition (Apr 26-May 16)
- Centrifugally Forced (May 24-Jun 13), Kevin Kelly
- Cerve (Jun 21-Jul 18) Rhonda Weppler, Michael Flaherty
- Sex Sells Fundraiser (Jul 19)
- I will eat your heart out (Jul 26-Aug 20), Tania Sures (curator), Glynis Humphrey, Mikiki/Mike Hickey, Leah Mullins, Ray Peterson
- Bread Bed, Karen Spencer
- 24 Hour Art Marathon (Aug 23-24)
- Missing Children (Aug 30-Sept 19) Sadko Hadzihasanovic
- Identity Issues in Transracial Adoptees (Sept 27-Oct) Omar Badrin
- She Ought to Have Wondered, Carole Hanson
- Raw, Stacey Lawrence
- Under Everything Walked Over (Nov 1-28) Jerry Ropson, Jo Cook, David Diviney
- Members Only. Annual Members Exhibition (Dec 6-20)
- Royal Renegade Recycled Art Show (Dec 20)
Board of Directors
Kate Wolforth, Gabrielle Kemp, Andria Hickey, Michelle Bush, Jennifer Dyer, Pheilm Martin, Peter Wilkins, Kym Greeley, Monique Tobin
Michelle Bush (Director), Candi Brushett (Special Project Coordinator), Dan Murray (Special Project Coordinator)
Exhibitions and Events
- Seafarers and Fishwives (Jan 24) Jennifer Crane
- 12 Kinetic Portraits, Peter Wilkins
- (Like) A Virgin. International Women’s Day Exhibition (Mar 6-Apr 9) Goody-B Wiseman, Undrea Norris, Michelle Kasprzak, Alex McQuilkin
- Moth (Apr 17-May 21) Taras Polataiko
- The Role of Art in Contemporary Culture (April 19) Panel Discussion
- Sealed (May 29) Ray Roddick
- Construction (Work Title) Carl Trahan
- St. John’s Day Drawing Tour (Jun 24) Jennifer Barrett, Ray Roddick
- Artist Statement (Jul 10) Stephan Kurr
- Bad Ideas for Paradise, Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby
- Fine Art Print Fundraiser (Jul 17) John Graham, Charlotte Jones, Jason Hussey, Scott Goudy, Kent Jones, Anita Singh
- Express 04 (Aug 21-22) 5th Annual Art Marathon
- Me and Billy Bob (Aug 31- Sept 4), Jillian McDonald (artist talk)
- Water Flowing to the Sea Captured at the Speed of Light, Blast Hole Pond River, 2002–03) Marlene Creates
- Drinking Games (Oct 7*) Performance by Charmaine Wheatley
- Annual Juried Members Exhibition (Oct 23- Nov 19) Bill Allderdice, Kathy Browning, June Walker Wilson, Nikki Hart, Will Gill, Debbie Collingwood, Fasihur Rahman, Peter Drysdale, Audrey Hurley, Ivan Coffin, Maura Hanrah, Patrick Canning, Margaret Ryall, Jennifer Barrett, Carol Bajen-Gahm, Di Dabinett, J.C. Bear, Dave Sheppard
- Opening Potluck and Closing Royal Renegade Recycled Art Show Auction (Oct 23)
- Scenes from a House Dream (Nov 27-Dec 31) David Hoffos (Artist talk)
- Dead Soldiers (Dec 4-31), Craig Francis Power (artist talk)
- A Series of Fortunate Events: Stencil workshop (Dec 7) Coral Short
- A Series of Fortunate Events: Drop-off video Screening (Dec 16) Monty Hall, Kevin Hehir, Coral Short, Peter Wilkins
- A Series of Fortunate Events: New Year’s Wig-out (Dec 31)
Board of Directors
Kate Wolforth, Gabrielle Kemp, Jennifer Dyer, Pheilm Martin, Kym Greeley, Peter Wilkins
Michelle Bush (Director)
Exhibitions and Events
- C0C0S0L1DC1T1 (Jan 8-Feb 19) Toby Heys, Berengere Marin Dubuard, Thomas Couzinier
- Rounding Error, International group exhibition of emerging artists
- Tensile, narratives of escape technologies
- Broken Channel, Interpretations of the contemporary experience of surveillance
- 40, propaganda footage from the decade of the 1940s
- It Figures (Feb 8-12) fundraiser, Ivan Coffin, Andrea Cooper, Clement Curtis, Cathy Driedzic, Andre Dumont, Scott Goudy, Helen Gregory, Cara Winsor Hehir, Ya-Ling Huang, Kathleen Knowling, Sheilagh O’Leary, Craig Francis Power, Eamonn Rosato, Bill Rose, Anita Trnka, Kym Greeley, Elayne Greeley, Ruby Le Riche Beaumont, Donna Ramsay, Bonnie Leyton, Undrea Norris, Thaddeus Holownia
- Outspoken. International Women’s Day Exhibition (Feb 26-Apr 9)
- Multiple Whites Mara Verna
- (Being) One Thing at a Time, Victoria Stanton, Margaret Dragu
- The Power of Place. Print Symposium (Mar 18-19)
- Victoria Stanton (Mar 29) Artist talk at The Grapevine
- Rising (Mar 26) Margaret Dragu,Yael Brotman, Libby Hague
- Cover Series: Belfast Portraits (Apr 16-28) Brian Flynn
- Rocks On Sarah Joy Stoker
- 1 2 3 Sense (May 28-Jul 9), David Yonge, Jean Klimack, Tania Lewis
- Susie Major, Robyn Moody (Jul 16-Aug 20)
- All the Rivers I’ve Crossed Susie Major (performative drawing)
- Still, Robyn Moody (Installation)
- Les Fermières Obsédées (Aug 27), Annie Baillargeon, Mélissa Charest, Eugénie Chiche, Catherine Plaisance, (Performance on Duckworth Street)
- My Life as a Feminist Porn Activist (Aug 13) Annie Sprinkle at the Rock House
- Express 05 (Sept 7-8), Art Marathon 24
- Temporal Transmissions (Sept 9) Video Compilation, Randy Grskovic, Portia Priegert, Patrick Connelly, Karen Tam, Christian Nicolay, Jayce Salloum, Dana Claxton
- I am a Boyband Live to Tell (Oct 29-Nov 12)Edge InterMedia, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay
- The Loose Confederacy Animations, Geoff Younghusband
- The Death of the Party Part Two: The Counter Ironic-Contrarian Hipster Remix, Les Newman
- Taking Care of Business, Mira Lyn Lu & Immony Men
- Members One. Annual Member’s Exhibition (Nov 19-Dec 20)
- Guest Speakers: Angela Antle + Craig Francis Power
- The Mopey Mumble-mass (Dec 15*), The Ship Inn Night music
- Rummage Sale (Dec 11)
- Cake Walk #2 (Dec 18)
- Clothing for your Hair (Dec 31-Jan 1)
Board of Directors
Candance Fulford, Anne Fagan, Craig Francis Power, Pheilm Martin, Jennifer Dyer, Sarah Joy Stoker, Cyril Butler, Corey Gorman, Monty Hall, Scott Keating
Michelle Bush (Director), Gillian Strong (Summer Student), Andrew Bennett (Summer Student)
Exhibitions and Events
- Practical Associations (Jan 14-Feb 25), Daryl Vocat
- Fingering and Footing Catherine Ross
- International Women’s Day (Mar 8), Discussions: narrative structures in art, Yael Brotman, Libby Hague
- Open Images: Open Narrative (Mar 11-Apr 22) Kay Anonsen, Robert Chafe, Brad Hodder, Sara Tilley
- Connecting Rooms, Florence Button, Sara Tilley (Dramaturgy), Family or 63 steps by Agnes Walsh featuring: Robert Chafe, Amy House, Ruth Lawrence, The (In)complete Herstory of Women in Newfoundland (and Labrador!) by Sara Tilley, featuring: Kay Anonsen, Mary Lynn Bernard, Robert Chafe, Sandy Gow, Ruth Lawrence
- No Limit Texas Hold’Em (Mar 18)
- Discussions in Subversions (Mar 29), Mathieu Beauséjour
- Click (Mar 30) Allan Hawco, Andrea Cooper, Andrew Younghusband, Andy Jones, Angela Antle, Damnhait Doyle, David Morrish, Des Walsh, Elena Popova, Gordon Laurin, Grant Boland, Ian Nightingale, Jack Harris, Jack Leyton, Jenny Gear, Jian Ghomeshi, Jim Maunder, Joel Hynes, Karen Kain, Karl Wells, Kevin Kelly, Lisa Moore, Luben Boykov, Marlene MacCallum, Michael Crummey, Murray Foster, Olivia Chow, Peter Halley, Peter Mansbridge, Rick Mercer, Robert Chafe, Ruth Lawerence, Sandy Morris, Scott Brophy, Seamus O’Reagan, Shawn Silver, Sheilagh Rogers, Susan Kent, Tammy Forsythe, Toni Marie Wiseman, Tonja Livingston, Vernita N’Cognita, Wendy Mesley, Will Gill, Danny Williams
- Assassin meets Pinky Panther (Mar 23) Collection 2006 by Heidi Wagner
- Internationale Virologie April 2006
- Intervention (March 29) Mathieu Beauséjour
- Eat your Words! The Seventh International Edible Books High Tea (Apr 2)
- Rummage & Bake Sale (Apr 30)
- Strange Events in the Invisible Strata (May 6-Jun 17) Stephen Fisher
- Seeking Scapes Nicolas Fleming
- We First Savage (July 9–20*) performance by Tammy Forsythe
- Me(n)tal Perspectives (Jul 1- Aug 12), Jinny Yu
- Flexible Spaces Francine Lalonde
- Express 06 (Aug 26), 24 Hour Art Festival
- Eastern Edge Annual Member’s Exhibition
- J. C. Bear, Greg Bennett, Patrick Thomas Canning, Reg Cantwell, Corrine Coleman, Michael Connolly, Diana Dabinett, Cathy Driedzic, Candance Fulford, John Haney, Audrey Hurley, Bonnie Leyton, Annette Manning, John McDonald, Evelyn Peyton Murphy, Jason Penney, Heather Read, Anita Singh, Mitzi Pappas Smyth, Ginok Song, J Walker Wilson, Danny Woodro, Pia Pehtla
- The True Confessions of Craig Francis Power (performance) (Aug 5) Craig Francis Power
- Art Marathon and Auction (Aug 25-27)
- Stationary (Sept 16-Oct 28) Coral Short
- Welcome to Gayside, The Third Leg
- Edge InterMedia presents Michael Alsted (Nov 4-18)
- MELT (Nov 9-18) Michael Alsted
- WAYZGOOSE. What Writers Need to Know About Book Design (Nov 25)
- Members Speak (Nov 25-Dec 16)
Board of Directors
Candace Fulford, Anne Fagan, Robbie Thomas, Christina Steele, John Haney, John MacDonald, David Keating
Michelle Bush (Director)
Exhibitions and Events
- The Dead of the Party (Jan 16-Feb 24), Les Newman
- Taking care of business, Mira Lyn Lu & Immony Men
- Eastern Edge Valentine’s Gift Shop (Feb 10)
- Women’s Work Festival (Mar 5-7), New Play Readings: Sex, the War Of By: Louis Brown, Sherry White (Dramaturgy), Louis Brown (Dramaturgy), Drinking Song, By: Amanda Jernigan, With: Kemo Schedlosky, Mary Lynn Bernard, Philip Goodridge, Jody Richardson, Berni Stapleton (Dramaturgy)
- Containers By: Dawna Wightman, With:Amy House, Berni Stapleton, Sheilagh Guy-Murphy, Lois Brown, Kay Anonsen, Mary Lynn Bernard, Ruth Lawrence, Nicole Rousseau, Anne Chislett (Dramaturgy), Aphasia, By: Michelle Butler Hallett, With: Willow Kean, Phil Churchill, Dave Sullivan, Jody Richardson, Robert Chafe (Dramaturgy)
- The Dad Tapes / Mom Photographs (Mar 10-Apr 21) Kim Waldron
- Did You Hear About...? Michael Young
- I will be Alright You Will be OK (May 5- Jun 16) Kathryn Ruppert-Dazai
- Pathological truther Elaine Davis
- 17th Annual Festival of New Dance (May 22–27) Kate Story
- Art Walk (Jun 22-25)
- Celebrating St. John’s Day. Children's Art Exhibition (Jun 23)
- pARTicipACTION in Your Environment (Jun 24-Jul 7)
- Act 1, 4, 6 (Jul 21-28) Action Series, Steve Topping, Steve Loft, Mike Hickey
- A Protective Dôme for Humankind, Jocelyn Fiset
- 24 Hour Art Marathon (Aug 18-19)
- The Gorilla Mongrelization (Sept 8-Oct 20) Dan Brault
- Six of One Rachel Beach
- Dusk of the Dead a Halloween Primer (Oct 27)
- 23rd Annual General Meeting (Oct 27)
- Residency (Nov 3-24) St. Michael’s Printshop Visiting Artists in Review
- Eastern Edge Members Exhibition (Dec 1-22)
- A Day Without Art (Dec 1) in Memory of All Artists who Died of AIDS
Board of Directors
John Haney, Candace Fulford, Anne Fagan, Robbie Thomas, Christina Steele, David Keating
Michelle Bush (Director), Mary MacDonald (Assistant Director)
Exhibitions and Events
- The Devil’s Chord (Jan 12- Feb 23), Chris Flanagan
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Jan 26), in collaboration with The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery: Posers: Performing a Fictional Self for Video, Curated by: Sandee Moore// Seven (Wendy Geller), Interrupted Attempt (Grant Poier), Object/Subject of Desire, (Shawna Dempsey, Lorri Millan), Looking for Love in the Hall of Mirrors (Daniel Barrow), The Hunter’s Guide to Bereavement (Erica Eyres), Tragic Video (Nicole Shimonek), Fack (Divya Mehra), Taxi Driver (Divya Mehra)
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Feb 29), Personal Culture: Postmodern fear and fantasy: Curated by: Mireille Bourgeois
- White Night (Will Robinson and Tanya Busse), Invasion: The Battle for Earth (Apocalypse) (Luckas Cardona), I’m Gross (Anna Lovely), The New Gay (Sue Johnson), Song and Praise for the Heart Beyond Cure (Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby), Come on and the Eldritch Waltz (Lisa Lipton)
- Women’s Work Festival (March 2–4)
- Split Ends By: Megan Coles, With: Melanie Caines, Monica Walsh, Nicole Rousseau
- Philip Goodridge, Phil Churchill, Jody Richardson
- High on a Hill (Mar 8-Apr 19) Lisa Lipton and Newseason.ca Kristy O’ Leary
- Eastern Edge Video Series (March 27)
- Wild and Wooly-Films from Yukon’s Northern Edge, Curated by Lulu Keating
- Boar Attack (Jay White), Contained Chaos: The Kinetic Art of Philippe LeBlond (Rod Jacob), Two Winters: Tales from Above the Earth (Carol Geddes), Stone Bruise (Dan Sokolowski), Last Stop for Miles (Celia MacBride)
- Heaven = Art+Beer (Mar 16) Silent auction
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Apr 24), If There’s a Camera Up in Here then I better Not Catch this Flick on YouTube, Curated by: Brittany Traverse, Yes With and If (Errand Boy), Birch Mouth (Errand Boy), Landing (Kym Greeley) PUNXERCIZING WITH XNASTY BEEX: EXXTREME PUNK LIFESTYLEZZ!! (Brittany Traverse), Genetic Angry House Show (Steve Renouf), Fluid Study (Justin Oakey) Otto (Justin Oakey) I am a wild Party (Dan Galway and Dave Whitten)
- Remember we are all here (May 3-Jun 14) John Dummett and Histoires Mario Doucette
- Eastern Edge Video Series (May 22), Being Human, Curated by Mille Clarkes/ The Bath (JoDee Samuelson), Roadside Assistance (Jeremy Larter), Dissonance (Judith Scherer), According to John Acorn (Jason Arsenault), Grace (Jun 10) By: Megan Coles, Featuring: Geraldine Hollett, Sue Kent, Ruth Lawrence, Monica Walsh, Neil Butler, Bryan Power, Luke Major
- Sky Vessels (Jun 28-Aug 2) Jennifer Dorner and The Micro Radio Project by Kristen Roos
- Eastern Edge Video Series (June 29)/ Déplacements/Displacements, Curated by Marie-Josée Coulombe, Presque Fixe (Pierre Blanche), See You Later/ Au Revoir: 17:00 En temps Réel (Sophie Bélair Clément), Interstice:sixième projet (Marie Claire Forté), Continuous Condition (Philip Rose)
- Sound Symposium XIV (Jul 3-13)
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Jul 26) / Sugar Cube: shorting out on the west coast, Curated by Leigh Fisher, Apartment (Eric Deis), SuPPornatural (Sacha Fink), Usagi (Asa Mori), The Tea Party (Asa Mori), Sleeper (Marina Roy), The Storm (The Storm), The Merry Sea Gentlemen and the Codfisher’s Voyage Below (Sam Scott), Lovely Corruption (After Edison) (Oliver Hockenhull)
- 24 Hour Art Marathon Festival 2008 (Aug 14)
- Miniature Sears Towers Scott Rogers and TCH Kym Greeley (Sept 6-Oct 18)
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Sept 20), Out of the Woods: a selection of New Brunswick video Art. Curated by Paul Henderson: Sackville, I’m Yours (Colin Campbell), L’Acadie L’Acadie?!? (Directed by Michel Brault. Pierre Perrault), I want You to Need Me/ J’veux qu’ tu m’veux (Stefan St-Laurent/Minnie St-Laurent)
- Please Remember Me (Stefan St-Laurent/Minnie St-Laurent), All Together Now (Jyelle Vogel), Thinking in English /Japanese, Parts 1 & 2 (Yamane, Mio)
- The Life & Death of Howard Good (Jon Claytor), Colourful Language (Tara Wells)
- 4th Annual Rock Can Roll Independent Music & Media Festival & Conference (Oct 23-26)
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Oct 25) Persistence of Vision and Other Lies, Curated by: Joel Higham: Acre Loss (aAron Munson, Mark Templeton) Kisses & Tears
- Appul (Jfry Craig), Johnny’s Dream Darkens (Dave Morgan), Storms (Tim Folkmann)
- Eastern Edge Video Series (Dec 13) / Strange Terrain, Curated by Craig Francis Power, Fuck You Rooms (Craig Francis Power) Sorry (Mark Prier) Calling Crows (Mark Prier) Arborvitae (Mark Prier) Bare (Colette Urban) Ode To Newfoundland (Colette Urban) Aguathuna (Kent Jones) Strange Things (Scott Keating)
Board of Directors
Anne Fagan, Rachel Harding, Sarah Hillock, David Kaarsmaker, John McDonald, Norah Pendergast, Christina Steele, Roberta Thomas, Darren Whalen
Michelle Bush (Director), Mary MacDonald (Assistant Director), Lisa Wakeham (24 HAM coordinator), Jason Penney (24 HAM coordinator)
EE Exhibitions and Events
- Werebears and Only Children Jennifer Barrett and Personal Appearance Cindy Baker (Jan 10-Feb 21)
- Art’s Birthday Celebration and Launch of Destination LIBRARY (Jan 17) in collaboration with VANL-CARFAC.
- Gallery Tour with artist Jennifer Barrett (Jan 24)
- Annual General Meeting (Feb 7)
- In the name of Love, cakewalk fundraiser (Feb 14)
- Equalitus Festival (Feb 26-28)
- 100 Stories about My Grandmother (Mar 7-Apr 18) Peter Kingstone
- - Slippery Terrain (Mar 7-Apr 18), Juliana España Keller (curator), Thóra Gunnarsdóttir, Elin Anna Thórisdóttir, Nina Lassila
- Identity a CYN St. John’s/EE Workshop (Mar 8) with visiting artists Peter Kingstone, Juliana España Keller, Thóra Gunnarsdóttir, Elin Anna Thórisdóttir, Nina Lassila
- Heaven=Art+Beer 2, fundraiser (Mar 15)
- Goodbye Katimavik Volunteer Party (Mar 19)
- Anything Arts Collective, fundraiser, (Apr 1) RN Wagner, spoken word and art auction
- Eat your Words! International Edible Books High Tea (Apr 5)
- The Burning Hell (Apr 16) music from Peterborough, ON.
- The Animals (May 2-Jun 13) David Carey, The WonderBread Project (May 2-Jun 13), Mathieu Léger, Inevitable Heartbreak (May 2-Jun 13) Craig Francis Power
- Animation a CYN St. John’s/EE Workshop (May 3) with visiting artist Mathieu Leger.
- Kick off Party for Cow Ride 2009 (May 7) Sarah Hillock’s bike/cow/EE awareness adventure across Europe.
- CARFAC National AGM, BBQ and Trading Card fun at EE (May 30)
- Art Walk 09 (Jun 20-21) Darren Whalen (organizer)
- What’s up there anyhow? (Jun 27-Aug 8) Marcia Huyer
- Skype artist talk with Marcia Huyer (Jul 16)
- Soft a CYN St. John’s/EE Workshop (Jul 29) with Elayne Greeley.
- Spring Break Up (Aug 8) Mathias Kom and Kim Barlow music
- 24 Hour Art Marathon Festival (Aug 14-23) 1984 Kick Off Party (Aug 14) Open DJ/Graffiti (Aug 15) Elke Suhr performance (Aug 17) Art School 101 (Aug 17) BBQ with FEASt (Aug 18) Zine Workshop with FEASt (Aug 18) Francophone Satellite Artist Talks, Louise Moyes, David Kaarsemaker, Marie Claude Thibodeau (Aug 18), Living Lore, shadow play workshop with Jason Sellars (Aug 19) BBQ with Planned Parenthood (Aug 19) Escape video screening, JJ Keagan McFadden (curator), VideoPool, Winnipeg (Aug 19), Morning Meditation with Lynn MacCannell (Aug 20) BBQ with Aids committee of NL and Lab. (Aug 20), What does the Canada Council want to see in those grants? workshop with Melinda Mollineaux (Aug 20), Fancy Artist Talks, with Helen Gregory, Mary MacDonald, Alexis O’Hara, Steve Topping, Liz Solo, Iakov Afanassiev (Aug 20), Kiddie Video Dance Party, Kevin Heir (Aug 21), BBQ with VANL-CARFAC (Aug 21), 24 Hour Art Marathon (Aug 22-23), Music and performances by: Clown Picnic, Deb jackman, Neighbourhood Strays, Michelle Butler Hallett, Liz Solo, Mike Heffernan, Weiner Shaman, Wayne Butler, Megan Morrison, Neil COnway, The Natural State, The Black Auks, The Domestics, Sherry Ryan + Joe Belly, Japan Batteries, Overlay, am/fm dreams, The Mudflowers, Diamond Minds, Anna Felaxus, ye Yeti, Kujo, Worker, Felicia Cox, Glenn Nuotio, Anna Templeton Fashion, St. John’s International Women’s Film FestMiniature MovieTheatre, Dental Dam + Condom Races with Planned Parenthood, Mobile Clubbing, Lantern Festival Parade.
- Cape Spear (Sept 5-Oct 17) Will Gill and Open Tuning (Wave Up) (Sept 5-Oct 17) Stephen Kelly
- Doors Open St. John’s, Drawing Sound workshop and Cookie Decorating (Sept 12-13)
- Instant Places, artist presentation (Sept 24) Ian Burse and Laura Kavanaugh
- Time After Timeline 25th Anniversary Members Exhibition (Oct 31-Dec 12) Iakov Afanassiev, Jennifer Barrett, Natalie Beausoleil, Greg Bennett, Mark Bennett, Mark Benson, Margaret Best, Tara Bryan, Michelle Bush, Debbie Collingwood, Marlene Creates, Chrissy Dicks, Donnalee Downe, Cathy Driedzic, Peter Drysdale, Cathia Finkel, Michael Flaherty, Will Gill, Michael Gough, Pam Hall, Jim Hansen, Sarah Hillock, Terrance Hounsell, David Kaarsemaker, Monica Kidd, Patrick Kennedy, Kathleen Knowling, Marilyn Koop, Deb Kuzyk, Josh Lepawsky, Bonnie Leyton, Mary MacDonald, Ray Mackie, Annette Manning, Erin McArthur, John McDonald, Carolyn Morgan, Evelyn Peyton, Julia Pickard, Craig Francis Power, Undrea Norris Norris, Toby Rabinowitz, Heather Reeves Jacob Rolfe, Jerry Ropson, Bela Simo, Anita Singh, Mitzi Pappas Smyth, Ginok Song, Louise Sutton, David Tuck, Lisa Wakeham, Snowden Walters, Jessica Waterman, Peter Wilkins, Elizabeth Williams, June Walker-Wilson, Krissy Worthman, Sarah Hillock, Terrance Hounsell, David Kaarsemaker, Monica Kidd, Patrick Kennedy, Kathleen Knowling, Marilyn Koop, Deb Kuzyk, Josh Lepawsky, Bonnie Leyton, Mary MacDonald, Ray Mackie, Annette Manning, Erin McArthur, John McDonald, Carolyn Morgan, Evelyn Peyton, Julia Pickard, Craig Francis Power, Undrea Norris, Toby Rabinowitz, Heather Reeves Jacob Rolfe, Jerry Ropson, Bela Simo, Anita Singh, Mitzi Pappas Smyth, Ginok Song, Louise Sutton, David Tuck, Lisa Wakeham, Snowden Walters, Jessica Waterman, Peter Wilkins, Elizabeth Williams, June Walker-Wilson, Krissy Worthman
- Silver Soiree Art Auction Fundraiser at the GEO Centre (Nov 7)
- Mike Flaherty Artist Talk (Nov 10) sponsored by VANL-CARFAC
- Mike Duguay (Nov 19) music
- Bookmaking a CYN St.John’s/EE workshop with artist Tara Bryan
- Holiday Warming + Closing Reception (Dec 12)
- ↑ https://artmarathonfestival.com/eastern-edge-gallery/
- ↑ Gabriella Estrada and Mary MacDonald. "Eastern Edge Gallery 1984 - 2009: Time After Timeline Project" (Prepared on the occasion of the gallery’s twenty-fifth anniversary January 2010)
- ↑ http://easternedge.ca/hold-fast/about-the-festival/
- ↑ Gabriella Estrada and Mary MacDonald. "Eastern Edge Gallery 1984 - 2009: Time After Timeline Project" (Prepared on the occasion of the gallery’s twenty-fifth anniversary January 2010)