Dutch exonyms

Below is list of Dutch language exonyms for places in non-Dutch-speaking areas of Europe

Belgium (België)

France (Frankrijk)

Germany (Duitsland)

List of Dutch exonyms for places in Europe and the Middle East

Armenia (Armenië)

Austria (Oostenrijk)

Azerbaijan (Azerbeidzjan)

Czech Republic (Tsjechië or Tsjechische Republiek)

Denmark (Denemarken)

Egypt (Egypte)


France (Frankrijk)

Germany (Duitsland)

Greece (Griekenland)

Hungary (Hongarije)

Israel (Israël)

Italy (Italië)

Lebanon (Libanon)

Lithuania (Litouwen)

Norway (Noorwegen)

Poland (Polen)


Romania (Roemenië)

Russia (Rusland)

The large number of Dutch exonyms for Russian places is a result of transliteration of the Cyrilic alphabet.

Serbia (Servië)

Spain (Spanje)

Sweden (Zweden)

Switzerland (Zwitserland)

Turkey (Turkije)

Note that most of these exonyms for Turkish towns and cities, as in nearly every other European language, are no longer used, except historically, following the Turkish Postal Law of 1930.

Ukraine (Oekraïne)

Like in Russia, most Dutch exonyms for Ukrainian places are a result of transliteration of the Cyrillic alphabet.

United Kingdom (Verenigd Koninkrijk)

Note that these exonyms of the UK, except for Engeland, Schotland, Het Kanaal, Kanaaleilanden, Nauw van Calais, Hebriden, Londen, Theems and Noord-Ierland, are very rare.

List of Dutch exonyms for places in South America

Argentina (Argentinië)/Chile (Chili)

List of Dutch exonyms for places in North America

Toponymy of New Netherland


Delaware (Zwaanendael/Swanendael)

(note: the small colony of Zwaanendael was completely destroyed by a Unami reprisal attack in 1631 or 1632. Lewes, Delaware is found on this site today, though it was refounded by the English only in the 1680's. A Dutch map from 1639 appears to use term "Swanendael" for the entire unsettled western coast of the lower Delaware Bay, roughly the modern state of Delaware.)

New York State (Nieuw-Nederland/Nieuw België)

(Note: Dutch maps tended to use both Nieuw-Nederland and Nova Belgica for the area north of New Amsterdam, but generally only the former term for what is now northern New Jersey)

Boroughs and Neighborhoods

See also

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