Duke of Schleswig

The following list is a list of jarls and dukes, who ruled over Schleswig respectively Southern Jutland (Sønderjylland).

First jarls/dukes

Houses of Estridsen and Schauenburg (1080-1460)

Olaf I Hunger
c.10501080-109518 August 1095Estridsen Ingegerd of Norway
one child
Jarl (earl) of Jutland, since 1086 king of Denmark.
Eric I of Denmark
c.10501095-110310 July 1103Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Boedil Thurgotsdatter
before 1086
one child
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Nicholas I of Denmark
c.10651103-112025 June 1134Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Margaret Fredkulla
two children

Ulvhild Håkansdotter
no children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Canute I Lavard
12 March 10961120-11317 June 1131Estridsen Ingeborg of Kiev
four children
Titled dux Daciae[1] (i.e. Duke of Denmark)
Magnus I c.11061131-11344 June 1134Estridsen Richeza of Poland
two children
Also King of Sweden
Eric II of Denmark
c.10901103-112018 September 1137Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Malmfred of Kiev
no children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Eric III of Denmark
c.11201120-114627 August 1146Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Lutgard of Salzwedel
no children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Sweyn III of Denmark
c.1125 1146-115223 October 1157 Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Adela of Meissen
two children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Canute V of Denmark
c.11299 August 1157 Helena of Sweden
no children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Valdemar I of Denmark
14 January 113112 May 1182 Sophia of Minsk
Viborg Cathedral
eight children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Valdemar I
14 January 11311152-115412 May 1182Estridsen Sophia of Minsk
Viborg Cathedral
eight children
Between 1152-1154, titled dux Daciae[2] (i.e. Duke of Denmark), also king of Denmark.
Sweyn III of Denmark
c.1125 1154-115723 October 1157 Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Adela of Meissen
two children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Canute V of Denmark
c.11299 August 1157 Helena of Sweden
no children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Valdemar I of Denmark
14 January 11311154-117012 May 1182 Sophia of Minsk
Viborg Cathedral
eight children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Christopher I 11501170-11731173Estridsen Sophia of Minsk
Viborg Cathedral
eight children
Between 1152-1154, titled dux Iuciae[3] (i.e. Duke of Jutland).
Valdemar I of Denmark
14 January 11311173-118212 May 1182Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Sophia of Minsk
Viborg Cathedral
eight children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Canute VI of Denmark
c.11631182-118312 November 1202Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Gertrude of Bavaria
February 1177
Lund Cathedral
no children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Valdemar II the Victorius
9 May or 28 June 11701183-121628 March 1241Estridsen Dagmar of Bohemia
one son

Berengaria of Portugal
four children
titled dux slesvicensis[4] (i.e. Sleswickian duke), represented by the regent Bishop Valdemar Knudsen (1182–1193), Valdemar II became Danish king in 1202.
Valdemar (III) the Young
c.12091209-121628 November 1231Estridsen Eleanor of Portugal
24 June 1229
Ribe Cathedral
one child
Minor duke as co-duke of Valdemar II.
Eric (I) Ploughpenny
c.12161216-12329 August 1250Estridsen Jutta of Saxony
17 November 1239
six children
Minor duke as co-duke of Valdemar II.
c.12181232-125229 June 1252Estridsen Matilda of Holstein
25 April 1237
Schleswig Cathedral
four children
Also king of Denmark from 1250.
Christopher I of Denmark
c.12191252-125429 May 1259Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Margaret Sambiria
five children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Valdemar III c.12381254-1257c.1257Estridsen Unmarried
Eric I
c.12421257-127227 May 1272Estridsen Margaret of Rugia
1259 or 1260
three children
Margaret Sambiria (regent)
c.12191272-128229 May 1259Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Christopher I of Denmark
five children
Regent of Schleswig-Denmark.
Eric V of Denmark
c.12491282-128322 November 1286Estridsen
Part of Denmark
Agnes of Brandenburg
11 November 1273
Schleswig Cathedral
seven children
Duke-King of Schleswig-Denmark.
Valdemar IV c.12651283-131226 March or 7 July 1312Estridsen Elisabeth of Saxe-Lauenburg
one child
Eric II c.12901312-132512 March 1325Estridsen Adelaide of Holstein-Rendsburg
two children
Gerhard III, Count of Holstein-Rendsburg (regent)
1292 1325-13261 April 1340In the name of the House of Estridsen Sophia of Werle
four children
Regent in name of his nephew, Valdemar V, placed him on Denmark in 1326 and ruled Schleswig himself.
Valdemar V
c.1314c.1364Estridsen Richardis of Schwerin
two children
Under regency of his uncle, in 1326 became king of Denmark.
Gerhard I the Great
12921325-13301 April 1340Schauenburg Sophia of Werle
four children
Regent in name of his nephew, Valdemar V, placed him on Denmark in 1326 and ruled Schleswig himself.
Valdemar V
c.13141330-1364c.1364Estridsen Richardis of Schwerin
two children
Henry I c.13421364-1375August 1375Estridsen Kunigunde
no children
Nicholas I
13211375-13868 May 1397Schauenburg Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg
one child
Joint rule with his brother. In 1386 abicated for his nephew Gerhard. Also count of Holstein-Rendsburg.
Henry II of Iron
13171375-13841384Schauenburg Matilda of Lippe
one child

Ingeborg of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
before 1374
four children
Joint rule with his brother. Also count of Holstein-Rendsburg.
Gerhard II
13671384-14045 August 1404Schauenburg Catherine Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg
six children
Also count of Holstein-Rendsburg.
Catherine Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg (regent)
1385 1404-1413After 1423 Schauenburg Gerhard II
six children
Respectively mother and uncle, took the regency in name of Henry III.
Henry III, Count of Schauenburg-Holstein (regent)
c.1372February 1421 Unmarried
Henry III 13971413-142728 May 1427Schauenburg Unmarried Died without descendants. Passed the land to his brothers.
Adolphus I
14011427-14594 December 1459Schauenburg Matilda
before 1433
no children

Margareta of Mansfeld
no children
He was the mightiest vassal of Danish crown at his time. Gained royal Danish recognition in 1440. After his death his patrimony is annexed by Denmark.
Gerhard III
14041427-143324 July 1433Schauenburg Agnes of Baden
2 June 1432
ten children
Co-ruler, also Count of Holstein-Rendsburg as Gerhard VII, younger brother of Adolf VIII, during his lifetime, the claim to dukedom remained disputed by the Danish crown

House of Oldenburg (1460–1544)

Portrait Reign Name
1460–1481 Christian I (Christian 1.)
1481–1513 John (Hans), with Frederick I since 1482
1513–1523 Christian II (Christian 2.), deposed, died 1559; with Frederick I
1490–1533 Frederick I (Frederik 1.), as administrator 1482–1490, thereafter co-ruling
1523–1544 Christian III (Christian 3.), with his father till 1533

Co-ruling dukes of the Houses of Oldenburg, Gottorp and Haderslev

House of Oldenburg (1544–1580)

Portrait Reign Name
1523–1559 Christian III – with his brothers Adolf and John II
1559–1588 Frederick II (Frederik 2.)

House of Schleswig-Holstein-Haderslev

Portrait Reign Name
1544–1580 John II the Elder – with his brothers Adolf and Christian, and then the latter's son Frederick.

In 1580 Frederick II and Adolf divided John's share among each other.

House of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp (1544–1580)

Portrait Reign Name
1544–1586 Adolf – with his brothers John II and Christian and then the latter's son Danish Frederick II

Co-ruling dukes of the Houses of Oldenburg and of Holstein-Gottorp

House of Oldenburg (1580–1713)

Portrait Reign Name


Frederick II (Frederik 2.)


Christian IV (Christian 4.)

1648–1670 Frederick III (Frederik 3.)
1670–1699 Christian V (Christian 5.)


Frederick IV (Frederik 4.)

In 1713 Frederick IV united all of Schleswig/Sønderjylland in one hand.

House of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp (after 1580)

Portrait Reign Name
1544–1586 Adolf
1586–1587 Frederick II
1587–1590 Philip
1590–1616 John Adolf
1616–1659 Frederick III
1659–1694 Christian Albert
1694–1702 Frederick IV
1702–1713 Charles Frederick
In 1713 Frederick IV, being as King of Denmark also the liege lord of Schleswig, deposed Charles Frederick as co-ruling Duke of Schleswig. Frederick IV of Denmark and Norway continued as the sole Duke of Schleswig.

House of Oldenburg (1713–1863)

Portrait Reign Name
1699–1730 Frederick IV (Frederik 4.)
1730–1746 Christian VI (Christian 6.)
1746–1766 Frederick V (Frederik 5.)
1766–1808 Christian VII (Christian 7.)
1808–1839 Frederick VI (Frederik 6.)
1839–1848 Christian VIII (Christian 8.)
1848–1863 Frederick VII (Frederik 7.)

House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg (1863–1865)

Portrait Reign Name
1863–1864/65 Christian IX of Denmark
rivalled by duke Frederick VIII, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein
In 1864, following the Second Schleswig War, the Duchy of Schleswig became an occupied territory of the German Confederation and two years later, following the Austro-Prussian War, part of the new Prussian Province of Schleswig-Holstein.

See also


  1. Esben Albrectsen, "Das Abel-Geschlecht und die Schauenburger als Herzöge von Schleswig", Marion Hartwig and Frauke Witte (trls.), in: Die Fürsten des Landes: Herzöge und Grafen von Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg [De slevigske hertuger; German], Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen (ed.) on behalf of the Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte, Neumünster: Wachholtz, 2008, pp. 52–71, here p. 52. ISBN 978-3-529-02606-5
  2. "Albrectsen 2008 p. 52"
  3. "Albrectsen 2008 p. 52"
  4. "Albrectsen 2008 p. 52"
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